What does the tattoo of a stoker mean

Who are the stooges and are they labeled?

"Downers" are either homosexuals or those who have been lowered into their ranks for a misdeed (failure to pay debts, stealing from fellow inmates).

This is done mainly to distinguish people, because the "downcast" cannot be touched (they are even beaten with additional objects, not with their fists) or share objects of use with them.

Read more about who the opushchennye are and how not to become a "cock" in the zone, read here, in more detail about the types of opushchennye learn in this material.

The meaning of the tattoo bee

Tattoo with a bee means a love of labor, organizing abilities, thriftiness, communication skills, neatness. In addition, such a tattoo can symbolize a sense of proportion, courage, wisdom and eloquence. Sometimes a worn image with a bee means self-sacrifice.

A tattoo of a bee means:

  • wisdom
  • self-sacrifice
  • communication
  • frugality
  • neatness

Tattoos of the down-trodden in prison

More often than not The most common tattoos of the "downcast" are of a derogatory nature and are located on the back, face, lower back, and buttocks.

They are severely punished for removing tattoos on their own and helping others "cock".

  • Camp and prison "mashkas", "roosters", and "daisies" walk around with with crowns and card suits tattooed on their bodies.They're called "kings of all stripes."
  • The five-pointed crown with a heart (white inside) and the signature "daisy" on the back indicates a homosexual, if the heart is painted black - a person capable of all forms of sexual intercourse, the crown with the signature T.A.V.D.A. between the five ends of the crown and the "Orpheus" on the place of the heart from below determines the authority in the circle of the "downcast" (he may be called the "chief rooster").
  • There may also be a small o - dot or "fly" in the corner of the mouth or in the eye area.
  • So The "opushchennye" who do not observe personal hygiene are tattooed on a pig, the most common are tattooed on roosters and rodents (the so-called "rats").
  • Passive homosexuals The tattoo of a naked woman with a snake wrapped around her is a must. Such a mark can be given to any "lowlife". Sometimes they themselves agree to have it tattooed on them (although otherwise no one would ask them about it). Such a tattoo must be placed on the back.

To be more informative, such drawings are often accompanied by short comments indicating the suit of the tattoo's owner or adding to it the article of the Criminal Code under which the person was convicted (for example, for rape).

So-called "rings" are common in prisons. They can be used to indicate a person's religion, place of imprisonment, prison status, etc.

There are several "rings" designed for the "lowered".

  1. A ring divided into two parts horizontally (left to right). The upper part is black and the lower one is white. In the 90s, such a tattoo was applied by force to card debtors who had no time to pay off. After release, a person painted over the white part and the value of the tattoo changed to "time served" (served his time without parole).
  2. Inside the black ring, a diagonal white stripe with three black dots inside. This is the so-called "rooster" ring of the homosexual. Such a tattoo refers to the caste of the downcast and offended in prison.

Several variants of the tattoo of the downcast:

Other types of tattoos of roosters

Let's break down a few other types of tattoo:

  • Tattoos can also be on the buttocks, mostly hearts and roses (symbols of femininity). A heart means that a person has already had sexual intercourse with a man in the zone, and a rose signifies the expression "good in bed". It occurs that the lower back depicts eyes or a Soviet toy (two bears on different buttocks, which when walking "play" in the plates).
  • Another tattoo - the devil undressing a woman, on the back, can serve as a brand of "down", this is due to the fact that the devil has always been associated with lust.
  • A tattoo on the back, depicting a handshake and a flower clasped between the hands, indicates that its owner is a passive homosexual.
  • There are cases where a single tattoo can contain many different elements indicating the "downcast". The zone does not like criminals sitting under Article 131 of the Criminal Code, so sometimes when they appear they get a tattoo of the following nature: in the foreground - a penis between the devil and the girl, in the background - four card aces, the lower frame is represented by a humiliating signature.
  • A girl clinging to her dress with a fishing rod, a tattoo on her left forearm, which is usually given to rapists.
  • The dark male stoker was a common tattoo. It was applied to the buttocks and meant that the man was convicted of sodomy.
  • In some places there is a sort of tradition to put an ace on the buttocks of a passive homosexual, an "opushcheniye", after each sexual intercourse with fellow inmates. There are some "opushchennye" with their buttocks full of aces. Of the smaller tattoos located in the same place, bees, little devils and stokers can be distinguished.
  • The boar in profile, which has the characteristic inscription "Art. 131 ч. 3 of the Criminal Code," stuffed on the backs of pedophile rapists.

What do the eyes on the buttocks mean?

Eyes on the buttocks

This drawing belongs to the category of drawings that are applied to the downcast, that is, outcasts among prisoners. Such people are survivors of violence in colonies or detention centers. This can happen for two reasons. The first is that the inmate has committed an impermissible act in terms of thieves' laws. It could be the fact of stealing from one's own people, a past job with the police, or snitching. Of course, there are also those who willingly engage in sexual relations with men, and they, too, are considered to be put down. In any case, they can get tattoos from this category.

Eyes on the buttocks is one of those tattoos that can be applied forcibly or under threat of physical reprisal to the downcast. It denotes a passive homosexual who prefers anal contact. Often such a drawing is completed with details in the form of mouths, ears and noses. There may be variations with knobs on the buttocks.

There are tattoos that may have a similar meaning, but smaller. Their owners try to hide the design and try to finish drawing new details, sometimes even making attempts to remove part of the skin along with the tattoo. Prisoners can also punish the owner for such things.

The downed are very often called roosters, and this is the worst insult. It is forbidden to use, as well as the swear word "goat".

Tattoos in women's prisons

In Russian prisons for women, the hierarchy of prisoners and life is significantly different from the male zones and prisons - there, as a rule, no concepts and do not rule thieves in the law, but the class division does not cancel it. The outcasts here have the same qualities as elsewhere. The hierarchical ladder here has its own ranks. In women's prisons, it is the convict's personality, not her record, that matters first and foremost.

In women's prisons, unlike in men's prisons, lesbians who occupy the "activist" position have a lot of influence. It is women of non-traditional sexual orientation who often put up fights. Such a woman, who has taken on the role of a man, in the zone is called a kobel (formally performing the role of a husband).

Convicts, as a rule, live in groups, "families". Active camp lesbians take male names, cut their hair short, try to speak in a bass voice, their facial features become coarse, and their gait changes.
The stud plays the role of the breadwinner and the "passive" plays the role of the housewife (cooks and sets the table). Read more about how the lowered in the zones live here.
Passive lesbians often get tattoos depicting a mermaid either wearing a crown and with musical instruments in her hands (a violin, for example) or saving a drowning in a stormy sea.

Such couples are rarely separated, because in addition to their sexual needs, they are bound together by the desire for moral protection (for example). No one rapes anyone - everything is consensual.

Women of non-traditional sexual orientation have no special "marks" in the zone. However, a couple of controversial tattoos are presented below:

  1. A lily on the shoulder can be on lesbians as well as girls with "easy" behavior.
  2. A single rose on the thigh of a woman without thorns is an indicator of a representative of non-traditional orientation, but if the rose is spiked and wrapped with barbed wire - it is used by other women in the colony.
  3. The symbol of impurity among lesbians is the image of a pig, which, unlike the tattoos of the "omitted" in the male colony, is given female facial features, a "hut" headscarf and sometimes long hair.
  4. "Actives" can stuff their new male name, which is used to address the colony.
  5. The boar symbolizes the kobla, the authoritative lesbian in prison, and is applied to the back.

Styles for a tattoo bee

There are many different variations of bee tattoo designs. In the top of the most popular images in the technique of watercolor. Such tattoos resemble drawings with watercolor paints. They are distinguished by the colorfulness and blurriness of the image.

Tattoo Bee

Tattoo of a bee

Tattoo bee on collarbone

Tattoo bee on collarbone

Tattoo bee on wrist - photo

Tattoo bee on the wrist - photo

Tattoo bee on wrist

Tattoo bee on wrist

Tattoo of a bee

Tattoo bee

Performed in the technique of trayble tattoo is also very original and looks effective on both the male and female body. There are many beautiful patterns in such images.

Tattoo of a bee on his arm

Tattoo with bees on his arm

Tattoo of a bee

Tattoo bees

Tattoo of a bee

Tattoo with a bee

Tattoo with bees

Tattoo with bees

Tattoo in the style of realism is characterized by colorfulness and naturalness. Similar tattoos are often chosen by both men and women.

Tattoo bee

Tattoo bee

Tattoo a bee on your wrist

Tattoo bee on the wrist

Tattoo a bee on your arm

Tattoo a bee on your arm

Tattoo bee and honeycomb

Tattoo a bee and honeycomb

It is possible to make a beautiful tattoo on any part of the body - on the arm, leg, back, chest, sides. Everything will depend on whether you want to make your body drawing accessible to others or prefer to leave it hidden.

Tattoo bee - photo

Tattoo with a bee - photo

Tattoo with a bee

Tattoo with a bee

Tattoo with bees and a beehive

Tattoo with bees and a beehive

Tattoo of a bee and flower

Tattoo of a bee and flower

Tattoo of a bee on his arm

Tattoo of a bee on your arm

If you decide to hide the tattoo from everyone and make it open only for a select few, give preference to such places of application as the back, chest and other closed parts of the body. And if you want to open the design to everyone, ask the master to do a tattoo on the arms or legs.

Tattoo of a bee

Tattoo of a bee

Tattoo of a bee on his leg

Tattoo a bee on your leg

Tattoo of a bee on his shoulder

Tattoo a bee on your shoulder

Tattoo of a bee on your arm

Tattoo bee on arm

Tattoo a bee on forearm

Tattoo bee on forearm

Interesting about the meaning of the tattoo stoker, the meaning, interpretation and history of the image

It is a generally accepted fact that the convicts in the camps live by their own laws of the criminal hierarchy, dividing themselves into certain castes. So that the differences between them were more evident, so that even visually it was possible to distinguish a representative of one "caste" from another, it is customary to decorate the body with tattoos.

The tattoo in this case serves as a kind of identity card, an indelible mark indicating the prisoner's belonging to a particular rank in prison society (thief, six-man, cockerel, etc.).

Among the tattoos that stigmatize homosexuals (passive) are common: a devil on his knees undressing a woman, a violin with a bow, and, of course, the stoker (or oven stoker). Its direct purpose is the buttocks of those convicted of sodomy. Since this article of the Criminal Code has now been abolished, there are no "real stokers" today. Accordingly, this tattoo has migrated to the bodies of those convicts whose actions are similar in essence to this atrocity.

The distinctive sign of the prisoners

Such a distinctive sign awarded offended or omitted, it is called any kind of camp outcasts who live in special sections separately from the rest of the convicts. Among them are individuals who have been raped in colonies or pre-trial detention facilities. They are raped in these institutions for three reasons: because of the article (convicts for rape), because of a puncture (inmates who have committed a serious offense, former employees of organs and snitches) and indefinitely (at the direction of the colony administration). All of them have a tattoo of a stoker on their buttocks in the form of a devil, who is throwing coal into the furnace with a shovel. Those who have such a tattoo on their body are also called roosters, which is considered a very scary insult to a "normal" inmate.

If an inmate changes his place of permanent disposition (is transferred to another colony), and in the new prison tries to hide the fact that he has such a tattoo or hides the fact that he is offended - he may be beaten to death.

In most cases, the tattoo of the stoker's devil is applied in the case of a forced "straight" descent (homosexuals, who have become on this path of their own free will, have different tattoos). However, it is difficult to call this undistinguished image a tattoo; rather, it is an indistinct, hastily made sloppy body drawing.

Virtually all of the tattoos that branded "wafflers" and "roosters" outside places of incarceration have no special meaning. More precisely, for the average person they are harmless at all, as the true meaning of such drawings lies in their sacred meaning, which only the "sitters" know and understand. It is this fact that preserves the danger for people wishing to get a tattoo without knowing anything about it.

Tattoo on the buttocks. The meaning of a tattoo on the buttocks. Photo of a tattoo on the buttocks

Tattooed on the arm, left on the buttocks. Pamela Anderson got rid of the barbed wire tattoo on her right forearm.

At the same time, the celebrity leaves mysterious symbols on her buttocks. The only thing known about the signs is that they are Indian.

The exact meaning of the pictures remains a mystery. Pamela is in no hurry to reveal it.

Therefore, let's limit ourselves to a list of standard meanings of tattoos on the buttocks. Anderson is not the only star wearing them. Let's continue the list, accompanying it with comments.

The meaning of tattoos on the buttocks

The meaning of her tattoo does not hide Melanie Griffith. The American actress has decorated her butt with a small pear.

It is colored in a rich yellow. Christians, which includes Melanie, consider it a sign of divine power.

The fruit itself is a symbol of longevity. The interpretation is related to the vitality of pear trees. Some of them easily reach the 150-year mark.

The American actress, like most people, aspires to the same. In doing so, Melanie wants to stay blooming and attractive, as does the juicy fruit on her buttocks.

The buttocks themselves, by the way, are also a symbol. Psychologists see the butt as a personification of strength, and its flabbiness, respectively, as powerlessness.

This is the opinion of the Englishwoman Louise Hay, the Canadian Liz Bourbeau, and the Russian Vladimir Zhakrentsev. Liz Bourbeau is not only a psychologist, but also a physician.

She noted that pain in the buttocks is not always the cause of ailments, or muscle strain.

Approximately 30% of patients' complaints are related to the emotional and mental blockage of their desire to control events.

A number of people yearn to be "puppeteers." If the role of Karabas Barabas fails, buttock pain comes.

So far, psychologists and doctors cannot explain why. But statistics is statistics.

It turns out, choosing tattoo designs for the buttocks, people unconsciously seek to emphasize their strength, youth, and authoritative nature.

That's what the singer considers himself Nyusha. The exuberant energy of the lovely artist is seen in her dancing, the manner of communication behind the scene.


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