Tattoo of the All-Seeing Eye: meaning, techniques, sketches with photos

The All-Seeing Eye tattoo consists of two symbols: a pyramid and one eye inside it. This abstract composition is a mystical and ambiguous sign. Tattoo of an eye in a triangle fascinates and attracts the attention of others.

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This symbol can be seen on ancient Egyptian papyrus, Christian icons, in architecture and even on modern money bills.

The meaning of the all-seeing eye

In modern society, as noted, the all-seeing eye tattoo, the photo of which you can see below, has more of a philosophical meaning to a person. It is usually made by people with a delicate frame of mind and character, able to get to the heart of any feelings and knowledge, to see the lightest halftones in all the details of life.

Tattoo eye on hand

Tattoo eye on the arm

Eye on wrist tattoo

Tattoo eye on the wrist

Tattoo eye eye - photo

Tattoo eye eye-gazing - photo

Tattoo eye, whose sketch usually consists of an eye placed in a triangle with some elements, more is done by men, especially handsome and having a philosophical mind and emphasized the aristocracy of personality. And not without reason, because, as we know from history - the drawing of the eye in a triangle is considered a symbol of the Freemasons.

Where to put it?

If you want to create a unique drawing with lots of details, the inner side of the forearm is recommended. The Eye drawn on the arm will carry the meaning of protecting the heart line.

Other parts of the body vary in terms of the style of the tattoo. In the thrash polka recommended places are the heart area, the back.

Tattooed on the wrist in girls will attract attention, create a flirty and mysterious image.

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Important when applying a tattoo of the all-seeing eye

Keep in mind that tattoos that have significance not only in the art world, but also in the zone, it is better not to do as a joke, without careful thought about where it will be located and why. For a tattoo of an all-seeing eye it is necessary to pick up a place carefully to avoid in the future not pleasant situations.

Tattoo eye eye

Tattoo omniscient eye

Tattoo of the all-seeing eye

Tattoo of the all-seeing eye

Eye pinhole tattoo

Tattoo eye that sees everything

Tattoo of an eye in a triangle

Tattoo of the all-seeing eye in a triangle

Tattoo of the all-seeing eye in a triangle - photo

Tattoo eye in a triangle - photo

It is possible to complement the omniscient eye tattoo with different elements, and you can do it on the palm or two at once, as they say, the Turkish way. Turks believe that the eye on the palm of the hand brings great luck in business and in life in general.

What does it mean?

The meaning of the tattoo varies depending on geographic location, culture and religion. Detailed descriptions are presented in the table:

Country/religionWhat it means.
Ancient Egypt.Called the Atshet, the All-Seeing and All-Knowing Eye of the god Horus
Symbol of unshakeable power and strength.
Ancient GreeceThe divine Eye of Jupiter, the sign of Apollo.
BuddhismSymbolizes light and wisdom
Orthodox ChristianitySymbol of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which imbues its wearer with wisdom and alertness.
MassonsThe Great Architect of the Universe
Native AmericanThe Eye of the Heart is a symbol of the All-Seeing Eye of the Great Supreme Spirit
Symbolizes courage and spiritual strength
HinduismThe embodiment of the third eye of the god Shiva
Bodes well for the wearer of it
Bestows wisdom
Protects from all evil
IslamProtection from evil eye and negativity
Good Luck Talisman
CeltsSymbol of hatred, envy, spite, irritability.
Symbolizes the evil eye.
Ancient ChinaSymbol of destruction and celestial retribution.
The embodiment of the sizzling eye, causing pain and terror.

In a deeper sense, the drawing represents the connection between the universe and man.
Based on the above, despite religious and cultural differences, the meaning of the Eye in a Triangle tattoo is very similar in all corners of the globe, with the exception of some where it is considered negative symbolism. It is intelligence, wisdom, intuition and purity of thought. The All-seeing Eye tattoo has a deep meaning, indicating the connection between all life cycles, represents the desire for new knowledge and mental development, wisdom, foresight, strong-willed qualities, openness to the Supreme and the connection of man with the Universe. Depending on the emotions that the eye transmits, you can make conclusions about the owner of the tattoo, because it is known that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

The meaning of additional symbols

In addition, depict not only the human eye, but also such animals as owl, tiger, wolf, left or right, as well as the Egyptian eye. In such cases, the interpretation of the tattoo will carry additional meaning. More details are presented in the table:

Whose/what eye is depictedWhat does it mean?
Owlembodies vividness and creativity of mind, strength of mind and will, wisdom, wisdom of life experience and zeal for new knowledge
Egyptian EyeA protection against the evil eye and everything evil on Earth.
The embodiment of wisdom, power, and the omnipotence of God
WolfWolf is a talisman for strong and ambitious people.
Symbolizes fearlessness, courage, willpower, fortitude, inner strength, honesty and devotion to one's beliefs and fellow creatures.
TigerMeans pride, business acumen, striving for power, ambition, ambition, truthfulness, and strength of body and mind.
RightRepresents the future, the day, and the Sun.
LeftSymbol of the Past, Night and Moon.

Combining drawing with the image of an owl, a person is protected from entities from the other world.
Often depicted together with owls, where the bird is a symbol of communication with the otherworld, and the all-seeing eye - the door to him. Such a body drawing is a talisman against evil spirits and reveals the gift of clairvoyance to its owner. The soaring bird inside the All-Seeing Eye represents purposefulness, perseverance, determination and ease of flight, while the eye with its emanating rays represents self-organization.

Tattoo "Illuminati" will become a wonderful amulet and protector from all evil, will betray confidence in yourself and your strength, will give a boost of energy and peace of mind.

What does it mean for girls?

For women, the "All-Seeing Eye" tattoo represents an interest in the esoteric and all unexplored, intuitive and psychic abilities. Owners inclined to romanticism choose this image, thus confirming the expectation of his fate and lover. Many prefer this drawing, in order to emphasize their individuality, creativity, mystique and originality. Sometimes girls, choosing such a body drawing, apply the eye of a child or a beloved man. In this case, the interpretation of the tattoo does not carry a mystical meaning and a protective force, but a symbol of affection.

Meaning in men

A man can express his desperation by placing the symbol on his wrist area.
For guys, the tattoo is a symbol of the personification of prudence, mental and physical beauty, masculinity, toughness and strength of character. Figure gives wisdom, purposefulness, removes the fear of committing important acts. As a talisman, used to protect against evil forces and enemies. If the tattoo is printed on a man's wrist, it is a symbol of fear of the real world and alienation, despair and a great great great loss.

What does it mean with prisoners?

In the language of places not so distant, such a tattoo indicates a woman's belonging to a non-traditional orientation. It is tattooed on the buttock or wrist of active lesbians. On a woman's belly it speaks of a free relationship, on the breast of love for carnal pleasures, and on the foot of selfishness and indulgence in whims. The back signifies dominance, the hip signifies a lack of support from loved ones. For members of the male zone, the triangle on the chest with an eye placed inside speaks of seeking a partner, and on the buttocks of an individual providing intimate services to members of his gender group.

Tattoo of the eye in a triangle: photo

Before a visit to the tattoo salon, the first thing to do is to decide on the place of the drawing. Suitable places for a colored or monochrome sketch can be seen in the photos below.

The meaning of the tattoo "pyramid"

There are many options for deciphering this symbol. Usually the meaning depends on the color and style of the image. Still, the most popular interpretations state that a tattoo with such a drawing denotes:

  • Self-development
  • Self-improvement
  • Possession of a huge baggage of knowledge.

Such an image also symbolizes financial well-being. Often the clients of the tattoo master desire such a drawing, precisely to increase prosperity.

The pyramid standing in the middle of the sea, surrounded by winds, is a symbol of strength and resilience. It fears neither enemies nor trouble.

Often there is also a snake crawling to the top of the pyramid. Such an image means wisdom, good aspirations of the owner, who is not afraid of obstacles on the way.

The meaning of the pyramid for men

Man, who made on his body the tattoo of the pyramid, prioritizes self-development and self-improvement. If the representative of the stronger sex lacks perseverance and diligence, there is a high probability that this image will help them to find.

If guys have enough strength and confidence, they choose the pyramid, exclusively for the sake of a stylish image. Such owners tend to look after themselves.

The Masonic trend in Russia

The Masonic movement came to the Russian Empire somewhat later than it originated in France - in the mid-18th century. According to some legends, one of the founders of this movement in our country was Emperor Peter I, but there is no actual confirmation of such theories. Initially, the influence of the Masons in the Russian land was carried out mainly by foreign members of society: diplomats, politicians who served in Russia. But already in the fifties of the 18th century the first "Russian" lodge appeared under the leadership of Count Roman Vorontsov.

Initially a secret society for members of the upper classes, it quickly spread its influence even to members of the ruling family. It is known that Emperors Peter III and Alexander I were in close contact with the Masons, and were among the members of the movement. Although initially the motives of Freemasonry seem peaceful enough (they preached morality, the principles of fraternal friendship and love), later many members of the society used their position to influence state processes.

Alexander I forbade activity of the "secret society" in the Russian Empire, which was not accidental, since all his entourage (advisers and people, who made decisions about the destiny of the state) were Freemasons. In 1822, 11 years after construction of the Kazan Cathedral, the emperor issued his decree, prohibiting work of secret societies in the country.

In girls.

Tattoo with the image of the all-seeing eye, popular among representatives of the weaker sex. The meaning of such a tattoo is ambiguous. Many girls seek in such a way to emphasize their originality, mystique. Also, the all-seeing eye is a symbol of beautiful intuition for women. If a woman puts an eye in a triangle on her wrist, it indicates her non-traditional orientation. Women tattoo the eye in a triangle on:

  • Breasts;
  • Abdomen;
  • Scapula;
  • Leg;
  • Lower back;
  • Side;
  • Shoulder;
  • Thigh;
  • Wrist (in rare cases).

Many women prefer such tattoos to emphasize their creative nature.

Where to apply and who is suitable?

Image "Illuminati" can be depicted on any part of the body, depending on the wishes of the future owner of the tattoo. Due to the small size of the tattoo, it is often applied to the fingers, palms and the back of the head. Guys prefer to wear the body art on the arm, chest, shoulders or back. The weaker sex tends to apply to the thigh, side, lower back, shoulder blade, abdomen or leg. Suitable for any person, regardless of religion and gender, seeking to find wisdom, to develop a sixth sense, to emphasize their individuality and courage, to open the soul before the Lord, as well as to protect themselves from the negative and evil influence from the outside.

Pyramid with a clock. Its meaning

Clock - a sign of the transience of time and the material component of this world, forever only all the spiritual. Such a sign in the tattoo indicates that the precious minutes need to dispose of wisely.

The relationship between the earthly and spiritual is another interpretation of the figure, where the clock and the pyramid stand side by side.

Usually such a tattoo is chosen by those who believe in fate, and the higher mind controlling people's lives, so one should try to achieve all their goals while there is time.

Who is recommended to wear the tattoo?

The drawing of the all-seeing eye should be taken seriously and respectfully, otherwise it can even harm the person.

Such an ancient symbol has an unusually strong energy, so before you choose it, you need to think carefully. Not every person is given to get along harmoniously with such a body drawing.

Specialists in esoterics recommend to use such a strong talisman only to those people who are endowed with a strong inner energy and have a tendency to commit bold actions and develop quickly.

It is to such people that the sign will help to acquire wisdom and add strength for new achievements.


For women

For men