How to create a working mandala for the fulfillment of desires and goals

Working with mandalas is one of the easiest and most effective ways to communicate with your subconscious mind. In the previous article, we detailed what a mandala is and what types of mandalotherapy exist. And right now we will learn how to make a mandala with your own hands.

If you do not like drawing or doubt your abilities to transform your life with mandalas, then use another proven way to change reality >>>.

And for those who want to try their hand at creation, this article.

All you need to create your own mandala is a piece of paper, a set of pencils or felt-tip pens and a desire to change something in your life.

Prepare yourself for the fact that the effect of mandalotherapy can be overwhelming. Sometimes one such drawing replaces several full-fledged sessions with a psychologist. In the process of creating a mandala you will be able to see what is hidden in your psyche, to realize and let go of the problem, looking at your troubling situation from a different angle.

Remember: working with mandalas is one of the ways to manage reality. After all, by creating a mandala, you draw your new reality - the one you want to see. All you need to do is to remain calm and meditative. And leave the rest of the work to the divine principle underlying the mandala's construction.


Two ways to create a mandala

Way 1: Painting the mandala from a ready-made template

This is the easiest way to create a mandala. You can download a ready-made template from the internet, or buy a mandala book in a store.

When you choose a ready-made mandala, listen carefully to your inner feelings. Does this pattern fit your request? If your heart says "Yes!", then feel free to take the mandala and start coloring it.

You can learn how to do it here >>>.

Method 2. Drawing a mandala from scratch

This way is more complicated. It requires exact measuring, because all the geometry of the mandala has to be strictly verified. But if you once thoroughly understand and realize the mechanism of creation of such pattern, then later on it will not be too difficult for you to draw your own mandalas for processing of various life situations in mandalotherapy or for fulfillment of wishes.

If you want to learn how to draw mandalas yourself, you may try this very easy technique.

Useful hints

There are several recommendations that will help the owner of the tattoo not regret her decision:

  • Choose the sketch carefully;
  • choose a tattoo parlor with a reliable reputation;
  • find a qualified master, especially in the case of a complex drawing - the beauty of the mandala depends largely on the accuracy of the image;
  • Choose a tattooing technique, using the advice of a professional;
  • Properly care for the skin after tattooing.

Today the mandala is a popular variant of the tattoo, the owners of which do not always attach importance to its sacred meaning. But for people interested in the Eastern religious teachings, this type of art remains a way to feel a connection with the Cosmos, to achieve inner harmony, to protect themselves from external negativity.

Successfully selected and professionally performed mandala tattoo will adorn and protect its owner for many years.

Article design: Mila Friedan

Mandala drawing technique from scratch

1. Draw a circle with a diameter of 15-17 cm and mark its center.

2. Divide the circle into 12 equal parts - sectors. You can do this with a protractor. Draw a line through the center of the circle, place the protractor along it, and mark points on the circle every 30 degrees.

3. Connect the points on the circle to the center of the circle - you have an axis on which you can superimpose the mandala drawing.

4. Inside the circle draw several more circles of smaller diameter with a common center. The base for the mandala is ready.

5. Start filling in the smallest circle with patterns. Draw repeating patterns - squares, circles, petals. Take into account the guiding lines with which you marked the mandala. If you wish, divide the sectors within the circle with additional lines, observing symmetry. Focus on the present moment and depict what you want. You will feel yourself entering a kind of meditative state.

6. Gradually, moving from the center to the edges of the mandala, fill the entire circle with symmetrical elements and draw the rest of the mandala.

7. Now take colored pencils, gel pens, felt-tip pens, or paints and color your mandala. Tune in to each color you use. Focus on your goal.


Where to get a tattoo

A mandala tattoo is a special kind of tattoo that has a sacred meaning. Its effect depends on where it is applied. In addition, aesthetic considerations, as well as the size of the tattoo, must be taken into account when choosing a location. Mandala requires careful tracing of all components, so for complex compositions, it is necessary to choose wide areas.

So, where the mandala tattoos are applied:

  • On the wrist or hand It is possible to place only a small tattoo, but necessarily a thoughtful content. It is believed that through the left wrist a person receives information from the world around him, through the right wrist - gives it away. A properly formed mandala can affect the flow of information.

    Mandala tattoo: what it is, features, meaning, how it affects life, where to do

  • Tattoo sleevecovering the forearm, makes it possible to place complex multi-component amulets. It looks such a tattoo is very effective. Can be placed on the arm and a small elegant tattoo. According to the Buddhist beliefs, the mandala on the hand takes signals from the Cosmos, as well as protects the bearer of the tattoo from rash actions.
  • Tattoo mandalas on the legs Also serves as a talisman. The tattoo on the lower leg is infrequently applied because of the painfulness of the site, but the little mandala on the ankle will add mystery to its owner. Interesting looks mandala on the elegant maiden foot.

    Mandala tattoo: what it is, features, meaning, how it affects life, where to do

  • Thigh allows you to apply a complex mandala with a large number of elements, its shape is optimal for a round drawing. But also a small geometric mandala will be appropriate here.
  • Tattoos on the stomach Not popular because of the vulnerability of the skin. A small mandala can be placed on the lower abdomen, but you must carefully consider its sacred symbolism - experts warn of the need to consider the energy centers (chakras) located in this area.
  • Tattoo on the lower back is located in the area of the svadhisthana chakra. A small mandala is quite appropriate and aesthetic.
  • Neck The neck is considered as a transition zone between the spiritual and the physical. Therefore, the decision to place a small mandala amulet here is considered optimal.
  • To put a tattoo on the chest do not advise neither medics, nor masters-tattooists. But a small mandala under the chest, in the manipura chakra area, is common.
  • The back is a special place. Esoteric teachings call it the most vulnerable part of a person, through which the negative energy penetrates. Therefore the mandala tattoo, located on the back, is an excellent protection against spoilage and surrounding negativity. In addition, the back is very convenient for placing large tattoos.

    Mandala tattoo: what it is, features, meaning, how it affects life, where to do
    The paired mandala tattoo can be applied to the forearm and wrist

  • For mandala tattoos, the paired application effect is often used. Symmetrical drawing vertically divided strictly in half and applied halves on the hands, ankles, feet. A miniature mandala can even be divided into two fingers.

The meaning of color in mandalotherapy

When choosing colors for the mandala, listen to how you feel. What do you like and what don't you like? In which hues will you express your joy, love and elation, and in which hues will you express your resentment or irritation?

The colors which you choose, play a very important role in mandalotherapy: they can tell a lot about the problems of the author of the mandala.

For example, the predominance of red colors in the mandala can mean that subconsciously you have included in your picture of reality such qualities as endurance, courage and energy. This is how you can "decipher" each color you have used.

Take a close look at your drawing. It reflects everything your subconscious mind wants to tell you. What colors are there more of? Which ones aren't there at all?

Check out this cheat sheet to see what the colors in the mandala mean.


Gives strength, endurance, courage and warmth. Excellent for burning negative or outdated programs of consciousness.

Red symbolizes the energy of survival and transformation. The absence of red in a mandala, on the other hand, can signal a person's passivity and weakness of will.

In mandalotherapy, the color red is also used to solve health problems. Drawing in red helps with diseases of the circulatory system and heart pain.


Gives a feeling of love and trust, carrying a note of tenderness and warmth. It is a universal color that is used in mandalotherapy when one has a request for love and tenderness.


Responsible for vitality and creation. Gives confidence in yourself and your abilities. Helps to cope with laziness and negative emotional states - depression, apathy, sadness. Harmonizes sexual energy.

The predominance of red and orange colors in the mandala can indicate too harsh and impetuous nature of its author. If this is about you - try to balance your picture of life in other colors.

Green color

Symbolizes health, harmony and tranquility, development and self-knowledge. This color gives an opportunity of a calm but powerful energy. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and metabolism, helps with colds and eye diseases, and therefore is actively used in Mandalotherapy.


This is one of the most positive colors: it gives a feeling of joy, warmth and happiness. Yellow is associated with solar energy, the beginning of a new life or a new stage of life. Sunny shades attract good luck and promote personal development.

In Mandalotherapy, yellow is an excellent color for dealing with discouragement, depression and fatigue. It is good for stimulating the brain and helps with stomach and digestive problems.


Color of Gold

Gold colors give a feeling of omnipotence, helping those who are defeated at the moment to cope with difficulties. The glow of gold is associated with a sense of victory and allows you to achieve what you want in a short time. The gold color works especially well in money mandalas.


It is the color of tranquility and the ability to see the essence. Meditating on blue shades allows you to understand your primal essence and arrive at your true self. Light blue tones are used in mandalotherapy to distract from worries and relaxation. And the dark blue color will give you stamina and help you cope with problems easily.


In all religious systems, the color of the sky is associated with the world of the Gods, unconditional love and compassion. In mandalotherapy, blue is used in all situations related to pregnancy and motherhood. Mixing the color blue with gray in the mandala can signal maternal issues.


It is the color of wisdom and knowledge. Using purple in the mandala triggers transformation processes, breaking old habits and helping to bring in the new. On the level of the physical body, purple helps to reduce high fever during illness.

Purple is good for relaxing and toning, but should be used with caution. In large quantities, this color can cause discomfort, especially if a person is not ready for a deep transformation.


It is the color of healing and renewal, of purity and innocence. It gives an opportunity for something new to enter your life. White works well in mandalas for conceiving a child, for new beginnings and planning for the future.

If a person draws a mandala with a predominance of white, it indicates renewal, but can also signal an inflated self-esteem and an inability to adequately perceive reality.


Symbolizes the dark side of the human personality. The predominance of black in the mandala can indicate depression, loss of faith and loss of support in life.


Good to "ground" and reconnect with their roots. Gives a sense of security. The color brown is chosen by those to whom it is important to feel safe, to have a home and family, to be near their relatives or in the company of their own kind.

Now that we have learned about the meaning of colors in mandalotherapy, let's try to create a mandala for a specific purpose.


Color Palette.

A mandala tattoo is a clear ornament that benefits from a monochromatic black or gray design. But there are also colored options. In this case, a division along the sides of the world is applied, painting the northern segments in green shades, the southern ones in yellow, the west one in red, and the east one in white. The center is painted blue, emerald, terracotta colors.

Mandala tattoo: what it is, features, meaning, how it affects life, where to do

Other coloring options are also possible, in which the owner can reflect her vision of the world. But it is advisable to take into account the meaning of colors.

Mandala tattoo: what it is, features, meaning, how it affects life, where to do

The most commonly used:

  • red - a symbol of passion and energy;
  • Yellow - optimism, sunshine;
  • Green - safety, fertility, purity;
  • Blue symbolizes strength and kindness.

    Mandala tattoo: what it is, features, meaning, how it affects life, where to do it

A single-colored mandala looks beautiful on a colored background, for which the most often chosen colors are emerald, terra-cotta and bright red.

The mandala is ready. What's next?

So, we've talked to you about how to draw and color mandalas. Now you know how to understand yourself better and you can decipher the meanings of colors in mandala therapy. Now it's time to use the skills you've learned in your everyday life.

For maximum effect, ready mandalas are best carried with you or hung in a prominent place at home. Pay attention to your mandalas during the day. With their help, you will be able to solve a particular problem, to achieve the fulfillment of a wish, to put in order your inner world and to find harmony.

I also recommend to read the mini-book by Elizabeth Volkova on how to create life according to your script, get rid of problems and make your dreams come true >>>.

Share your opinion about mandalas and manadalotherapy in the comments and ask questions if any point remains unclear. Attach screenshots of your mandalas and tell us about your progress.

How to choose a sketch and a master?

The mandala sketch is not that difficult to choose, unless you need a unique individual drawing or have chosen a rare type of symbol. There are many mandala tattoo ideas on the Internet, photos of which you can save and show the master. Having looked at the photo, the good master will always advise how and where the tattoo will look best, determine the appropriate color style, the size of the image.

Before choosing a master, be sure to analyze and make a choice in favor of the mandala that is suitable for you. After all, this drawing will stay with you forever, being something more than just a tattoo.

The average cost of a tattoo

Different tattoo parlors usually charge different prices for the work. This is because the price depends on the complexity of the design and the skill of the artist performing the procedure. The cost in popular VIP tattoo parlors can be two to three times more than a regular tattoo parlor in your area. They may even charge by the hour, making it more expensive. Nevertheless, you can expect better service, and your tattoo will certainly look like the one that was drawn on the sketch.

The average cost of a Mandala tattoo is about 2,000 rubles per hour for the master, depending on its size. Since Mandala tattoos are usually colored, it will cost you more money than regular tattoos with black ink. In addition, a complex Mandala design will require more time to finish compared to simple tattoos.

So, the price of a session for a small work can make - from 2000 rub. to 5000 rub.

Price of the first session for a big job - 6000 rub - 8000 rub

Origin of symbol

Tattoo Mandala became popular thanks to the development of dance and tantric movement. American Tribal Style Belly Dance or ATS. In tribal culture were intertwined modern trends and oriental direction. Feature of the tribal dancers is an abundance of tattoos.

Since the main ideological content of Trible Bellydance is taken from the Buddhists and Hindus, tattoos are performed to include symbols of the East. At the top of the list is the Mandala.

TRUE: The Mandala is a sacred image of a disc in which the elements of the plot and lines are cyclically intersected. The schematic structure is subject to the clear laws of geometry. All details are balanced, there are no unclosed lines.

The Mandala encapsulates the idea of movement. The use of angle and direction creates the visual effect of movement, thus conveying dynamic action through statics.

In essence, the Mandala is part of an ornament. It can easily be complemented by additional elements, or be an independent part. All details are built from the center, which can be placed in the middle or be displaced.

The first pictures which have come in tattoo culture have been copied from temple images of Nepal, India and Pakistan. The modern trend has a lot of independent laws of mandala building.


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