The meaning of the symbol of the lizard in the Slavs and other peoples

Lunar creature. Shares symbolism snake, crocodile, dragon.

Give rise to the sympathy of the people with love for the sun: be able to stay for hours in the sun.

Like a bee, can embody the soul and in this form slip out of the mouth of sleepers who receive evidence of it after the return of the beast. Does not have wings, but like birds, waiting for the arrival of the sunny day, which will bring it warmth and life - can represent the soul, waiting for the light of faith and truth, the truth.

Especially as an emblem of rebirth. The notion of the lizard's extraordinary resilience arose from the fact that it re-grows a tail abandoned in a moment of danger. She is also green, able to lurk among the greenery and similar to the vegetation on the property of rebirth.

Basic meanings:

  • Logos (Word), divine inspiration, wisdom;
  • piety;
  • witchcraft;
  • immortality, resurrection from the dead, rebirth;
  • the pursuit of light;
  • spring; heat, heat;
  • fecundity; health; vitality, patronage, security;
  • logic;
  • martial art;
  • laziness, idleness.


In Egypt and Greece meant divine wisdom and good fortune. Attribute of Athena (sometimes depicted sitting on her breast), Serapis and Hermes (pulling his chariot); Sabazia - depicted with a lizard in his hands.

Dedicated to the Syrian-Roman Hercules, Helios, Apollo "the Radiant".

The statue of Apollo Saurocton "Lizardman" was made by Praxiteles (perished, copy in the Vatican Museum. Rome). Means, according to some sources, her thirst to die at the hand of Apollo and be among the "privileged" in the other world. The connection with the sun of the luminaries explains her frequent appearance on luminaries.

Her images on tombstones and urns with ashes, often together with a sleeping Eros, as if to hint - not all is not yet lost for the deceased.

The ancient Greeks used to make fortune by the lizard's movements on the wall.

In Rome, as an animal "hibernating in winter," a symbol of death followed by resurrection.

On Roman coins, accompanied by the goddess of health Salus.

Pendant with the tail of a lizard.

The lizard symbol is of great significance among the peoples of central Africa. The image with a dodgy and unusual beast is commonly embodied in amulets and talismans. They are made of various natural materials: bronze, steel, colored glass, precious metals. The most precious amulet of Africans prefer to make from the dried tail of the animal, which in its natural form is worn as a pendant, pendant and bracelet.

The meaning of the lizard symbol is considered a talisman against all kinds of dangers and troubles, attracting good luck and prosperity.

pendant tail

Slavs .

The animal referred to in the folk tradition of "Gadas", the closest to the snake. Like the snake, J. is considered an unclean creature. According to some beliefs, J. comes into the world from the eggs devil and can bewitch and bewitch people. It is believed that J. can gnaw through human skin and reach into the heart, and its poisonous bite is deadly. According to the beliefs of the Southern Slavs, a man will not be cured of a Ya. bite until he hears the roar of a donkey, until he counts a whole measure of millet, until he finds nine white mares and nine sisters, or until he drinks milk from nine sisters. The Ukrainian stories of Ya. poisoning food to a peasant who killed her cubs in the field are similar to the stories of already and weasel. At the same time, I. In the same time, Ya. saves a man from a snake that happens to be nearby: it climbs into the sleeping man's sinuses and tickles him until he wakes up. According to Ukrainian and Polish beliefs, the Ya. takes the tail of a viper, and if her tail breaks off, then he or she turns into a snake. As with the mythical hydra, the pieces of a severed Ya. are reunited. A similar ability is attributed to the snake. If you beat or dissect Ven. in pieces with a whip, and then whip the cattle, the cattle from this will thin out and dry out. I. is often used to send spoilage. So, the Poles believe that if put in the food pieces of I., then they will come out of them small I., which will strangle a person when the balls come out through the throat. In the Ukraine they believe that witches dry and grind poison in powder, put it in someone's vodka, and the person dies. In the Ukraine, witches believe that witches dry the powder and put it in someone's vodka. Ukrainian girls bewitch a guy, but if the decoction stands for at least a day, it turns into a poison, from which the person goes mad and dies. In Ya. see the souls of the dead, so Poles at the sight of Ya. wish the soul an eternal rest. To kill a Ven. is considered a sin. If to kill I am a male, the father will die, and if to kill a female - the mother (for Serbs) or in the other world you will be punished with I am in the mouth (for Ukrainians). The Ukrainians say that the sun cries, seeing the killed Ya. Therefore the killed Y., as well as a snake, must be buried in the ground. In some places in Ukraine, the ritual killing of I., as well as other chto-nic animals, perform during drought to cause rain. It is also believed that a stick, which dispersed two Ya, can disperse clouds. To drive out of the house bugs and cockroaches P. in a bag suspended from the matitsa (in the Russian). P. do not live near human dwellings. The Ukrainians believe that the P. will die if he looks through the window of a house. A Jan, lying upside down near a house, foretells a fire in it (in Poles). In Belarus and Bosnia, the first Jas, seen in the spring, is driven over a spread out belt and belted with it, so that the loins do not hurt. To get rid of a headache, the Ukrainians put Ya. behind their sinuses, the Lusatians - in a hat, which, together with the Ya. is put on the head. In Belarus, a fever patient is fumed with the skin of Ya. or hang a dead Ya. around his neck, which is then thrown away, and when the Ya. dries out, then the disease will pass. In Bulgaria, sick and rickety children are given to drink water with ashes from burnt I. In Poland, live I. and snakes are roasted on the fire and baked fat grease the hives to lure foreign or wild bees.

What does the amulet mean?

Agility of a reptile has long been associated with a person with a keen intuition, extrasensory abilities.

The ability to discard the tail interpreted as a wonderful giftthat helped to easily get rid of everything unnecessary. In mystical teachings, the lizard always accompanies someone with great witchcraft power.

As a companion of shamans, witches and sorcerers, the creature brought a certain benefit. Patterned "collar" on the neck of the lizard was seen as the ability to connect the "higher" with the "lower", to throw a bridge between dream and reality, subconscious and sleep.

Some species of reptile have spines or scallops - they were seen as a sign of heightened sensitivity.

Australia and Oceania

The introduction of initiation rites, which play an important role in the lives of Australian tribes, and the associated ceremonial body operations are attributed to totem ancestors - wild cats and flycatcher lizards. (from Art. Australian Mythology)

In Australian mythology, piles of helpless creatures with glued fingers and teeth and closed ears and eyes. Other similar human "maggots" lived in water and were like raw meat. Already after the earth dried up, a mythical hero - the totemic ancestor of the "lizards" - came from the north and separated the human embryos from each other, slit their eyes, ears, mouth, etc.

Patron monster in New Zealand Maori mythology.

In Australian Aboriginal folklore, the lizard Tarrotarro is considered a cultural hero.

In the tales of the peoples of Melanesia and Africa, - one of the popular characters or ancestor.

How to properly make an amulet with my own hands?

  • pendants;
  • bracelets;
  • rings.

Amulet in the form of a lizard, its image or body part is an effective object. It is possible to create an amulet yourself if you buy a thing in the form of a lizard or apply its image on the surface of a medallion or pendant. An amulet made from the real tail of an animal found by chance is made by means of a long drying process.

  1. The discarded tail is placed in a well-ventilated warm place, where no direct sunlight falls, waiting for complete drying.
  2. It is then attached to a shoelace for ease of wear.


Its positive appreciation (rebirth, rejuvenation through shedding, passionate pursuit of the spiritual - light) has been perceived; it is depicted on lanterns, incense holders, etc.

"Physiologist" reports that when lizards grow old and their eyes fade, they crawl into the crevices of the walls facing east. And when the Sun rises, "their eyes open and they recover. And you, man, when ... the eyes of your heart are clouded, in the same way seek the rising sun of justice, our Lord Jesus Christ, and He will open the eyes of your heart."

In connection with this representation, the lizard became an emblem of enlightenment in the reading of the Gospels and an amulet against diseases of the eyes.

It also signifies evil and the devil. In medieval depictions of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil often featured a snake with paws.

The legends of the Slavic peoples

Few people know what the lizard was a symbol of the Slavs. The ancient ancestors respected the image of the salamander on the human body, because they believed that this fact would help to protect people from danger. The image of the lizard on the possessions warded off sad events and worries. In Slavic fairy tales the lizard is considered a respected animal, which interprets dreams, predicts the future, warns of impending troubles. In the lands of the Urals lizard was considered the true mistress of the Copper Mountain, as described in a famous fairy tale story by P.P. Bazhov.

The ancient Slavs worshipped the deity Givoytis. He had the form of a lizard. The Slavs brought him milk daily and considered him the protector of livestock. Reptiles were treated with respect and awe. It was a good sign to have a lizard or a snake in the house.

To kill these animals was considered blasphemy and a great sin, which would certainly be punished from above. Dead lizards and vipers were buried and buried with all honors. Many believed that after death, the souls of relatives moved into the bodies of lizards and snakes.

green lizard

Lizard was also considered a symbol of rebirth, the beginning of a new life. The Slavs attributed several associations to the meaning of the reptile:

  • rebirth, the desire for the bright side;
  • fertility;
  • excellent health;
  • safety, survivability;
  • immortality, resurrection;
  • piety;
  • dexterity, military skill.

There are many meanings of the symbol of the lizard, and everyone is free to choose what to believe in.


The element of moisture. Believed that the lizard has no tongue and eats dew.

Emblem of silence, attribute of personified Logic (free arts).

Impres Federico II Gonzaga[1] (1500-1540), first Duke of Mantua with Quod huic deest me torquet - I am oppressed, what she lacks - an allusion to the woman who was the object of his all-consuming passion (Ducal Castle. Mantua).

The lizard is also the emblem of the state of Alabama in the United States.

Symbolism of the lizard

Most sources state that the lizard is a lunar creature, representing the element of Humidity. Other sources state that it is a symbol of the planet Mercury. In ancient times, it was thought that the reptile had no language, so it symbolized the silence and wisdom of many nations. The lizard's ability to regenerate was given special attention. It was this fact that was reflected in primitive culture. Because of the reptile's propensity for self-renewal and resurrection it was associated with the gods, in particular with the world of the dead. The image of the lizard has also always been given great symbolic value. In general, the lizard symbolized the good and evil, life and death, the upper world and the lower world.

Different nations gave different meanings to the lizard. The Irish thought that if a lick the whole reptile, the tongue will acquire healing power and be able to heal wounds, relieve pain, and heal sores. The North American Indians attached importance to the dexterity and nimbleness of the animal. They had a symbol of fertility. In ancient Greece, the reptile was considered a symbol of Logic, in ancient Egypt a symbol of divine wisdom, and in early Christianity a symbol of the human soul. In ancient Rome, great attention was paid to the fact that the reptile sleeps through the winter, so they had it as a symbol of death and resurrection. The Romans also considered the lizard as belonging to the world of the dead.

In ancient times, lizards were treated very respectfully and were not killed for nothing. Our ancestors believed that the reptile was the soul of the deceased, so it was a sin to kill a lizard.

The exception was Christians, who had a blasphemous view of the lizard. Amphibians in the Christian religion represented Satan and evil, so kill reptiles with them considered to expel evil from the area where she lived.

When is it used?

This symbol must be present in the interior, if one seeks to develop the ability to clairvoyance.
The symbolism of the lizard is recommended to decorate apartments and amulets people who want to develop intuition, clairvoyance, and learn conscious dreaming. The reptile is especially favorable to women and helps them sense the slightest emotional changes in other people. Usually, the lizard gives answers in a dream, warning and showing the future dangers in the case even before the person starts to put the idea into practice. It is important to listen to intuition, even if it contradicts the arguments of reason.

In magic, it is considered that the lizard is a lover, because the amulet with the image of the reptile can be presented to the partner to strengthen relationships and smooth the negative after quarrels.

Live animal or talisman is recommended to buy to cut off unsuitable people and cross out of life unnecessary as easily as painless lizard dropping its tail. An amulet made of bronze or silver will help start life with a clean slate. Practitioners recommend choosing talismans in the form of a beautiful pendant or pendant around the neck. Use amulet with a totem animal also for protective purposes - reptile will protect in a dangerous trip, unfamiliar company and will be a guide in a foreign country. The detached protection of the animal will scare away aggressive people and force them to compromise. At the same time, the owner receives no kickbacks and feels awake and calm.

The image of the lizard is a talisman. The lizard mascot belongs to the totem symbols of the peoples of central Africa. Traditionally, the talisman is a dried lizard's tail. In the modern version, the natural tail is replaced by a stylized image of a lizard made of various natural materials. Most African people believe that the lizard brings good luck and prosperity. In mythology, it often acts as a symbol of cunning, helping to avoid all sorts of problems. This talisman with the image of a lizard can be made of silver, bronze or colored glass. It can be worn as a pendant or pendant. The talisman with the image of a lizard endows its owner with the ability to avoid trouble, as well as good luck and prosperity.

Fig. 31. Talisman "Lizard

This text is an introductory fragment.

Continued on LitRes


If you will have a dream and you will have a dream that you can give as a talisman to yourself, use a talisman for yourself and your beloved. Do not take only those that are lying on crossroads. When you pick up a coin, each time you must say: "For good luck, for fortune! Throw the found coins in a clay pot, originally

What is a talisman?

What is a talisman? According to the definition of the explanatory dictionary, a talisman is:? a stone, ring or other object with engraved symbols, supposedly possessing mysterious powers and worn as an amulet or amulet;? any amulet, pendant or amulet;? something whose

Money Charm

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Talisman for one year

This talisman for one year I want to teach you to put a talisman in gold and silver for one year. Put in the palm of your hand a piece of jewelry and, without squeezing it in a fist, whisper over it the following incantation: "Preserve, Lord, and have mercy on your sick servant (-s) (name) from a black evil eye".

Money Charm

Money talisman To have no money in the new year, make a money talisman. It's easy. Before Christmas, buy a new clay pot, fill it with earth and light around it three new green candles. Wiggle your finger clockwise around the pot,

Choose a talisman

Many people intuitively determine their talisman. For example, if during some important business, you automatically clutched in your hand, stroked or


Number-talisman number-lucky charm helps to know when an important event happens, tells how to act, be sure to win the lottery. Calculate this number by adding the dates of birth of your mother, father and yours, and then divide the sum by

Seller's talisman

You can make a talisman for good luck in trade or business. Take three small coins (no matter what denomination) and ask someone to drill holes in them. Put a red ribbon or a shoelace through these holes. Wear this talisman always

Talisman of happiness

With the help of a talisman of happiness you can win the lottery, get a gift, realize your dreams or fulfill a deep desire.This talisman came to us from the ancient practices of witchcraft teachings of the Druids - the Scandinavian Celts. The inscriptions originally

Lizard Man

Lizard Man In 1988, in Bishopsville, South Carolina, many people claimed to have seen a strange creature that looked like Bigfoot. All are not at all alarmed, not because the description of this creature was more than two meters tall, but because instead of wool, as in

Talisman 1 - step one

Talisman 1 - step one Choose for yourself one of the symbols of good luck. It can be a talisman that you have already experienced for a long time, or one of the traditional talismans (see Figs. 8 and 9). In some cases, you can buy in a souvenir shop some product

Talisman 1 - step three

Talisman 1 - step three Now it's time to work with your auditory sensations. Play your favorite or pleasant music. No prescription for the choice of musical style.lean back comfortably again, close your eyes and hold the talisman in your hand without squeezing it

Talisman 1 - step four

Talisman 1 - step four Now it's turn to taste sensations. If your favorite treat is eaten hot, you can cook it in the break.While tasting the dish, hold the talisman in your hand, even if it is sometimes difficult, for example, if you need to use tableware

Talisman 2

Talisman 2 With the second talisman, you do the same as you did with the first. Besides, it will be better, if you concentrate on work with only one talisman a day and

Talisman 3

Mascot 3 You do the same work with it as with the previous ones.

Charm 4

Mascot 4 With it, you do the same work as with the previous ones


Iguanas are listed on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES). Therefore, when buying them (which not everyone can afford - green iguanas aren't cheap), you should be sure to ask for a copy of the CITES permit.

The iguana is a large American lizard. Because of the structure of its head, the characteristic crest on its back and its large size, it reminds us more than anyone else of the Green Dragon, which, according to Feng Shui theory, "lives" in the East and represents one of the main animal protectors. The dragon is considered to be the highest heavenly animal, bringing man good luck in realization of his plans, high position, authority and material success. In the compass school, the trigram "thunder" is located in the East. It symbolizes the Tree, the eldest son, upward aspiration, the family as a family, is a symbol of fertility, the connection of male and female, Yin

If there are sons in the family, it will support the eldest son, who will receive more support in his endeavors.

Therefore, it is ideal if the iguana will live in the eastern part of the house, or in a room located to the left of the front door (if looking towards the front direction). The presence here of an exotic nook of wildlife, with lots of plants, will work as a powerful Feng Shui artifact. However, if the Dragon will be too dominant (suddenly it turns out that the western sector is missing in the house) - this can lead to an excessive strengthening of the role of men in the family.

Keeping iguanas is not easy. This rare animal must be truly loved and be ready to make some sacrifices for its sake. To keep iguanas at home, you need a large enclosed terrarium with a special lamp (to provide the necessary duration of the light day and heating), thermostat, humidifier, UV-lamp and ventilation. In the terrarium, near the lamp it is necessary to reinforce a big massive branched snags, install a water reservoir. In addition, the iguana must be bathed regularly and the terrarium cleaned daily.

Iguanas are vegetarians, eating - very small plant foods. Another peculiarity is that iguanas grow fast and can reach impressive sizes - 1.5-2 meters in length. With such a large size, they certainly need a large terrarium to live comfortably. Personally it would be painful for me to see an iguana "squeezed" in a terrarium as if in a punishment cell... This animal is for those who can and are ready to sacrifice their living space for its comfortable existence and give it a big space where it could feel "like home".

Iguanas live up to 15-20 years. Their daily routine is almost like that of humans - they sleep at night, "get up" in the morning and remain active throughout the day - the more interesting it is to observe them and communicate with them. While iguanas are sleeping, you should not turn on the TV or music - this can lead to illness. Iguana is quite a peaceful animal, but you need to tame it gradually, avoiding harsh sounds and movements. Over time, it will get used to it, allow itself to be stroked, sit on the owner's shoulder and eat from the owner's hands. If the iguana is frightened or displeased, it may bite. The green iguana is the most common species.

Terrarium in the interior

The iguana lives in Central and South America. Keep this in mind when landscaping the terrarium and choosing the design of the room in which it will live. For example, South American vegetation is characterized by humid rainforests, palm trees, ferns and vines. Photo wallpaper depicting beautiful rainforests and mountains, will help connect the iguana's dwelling with the surrounding interior. If you choose a view of Mount Auyantepui, from which the Angel, the highest waterfall in the world, descends, or another landscape with a waterfall, it can be an excuse to place an iguana in the location of the Water 8 (the main Star of the Period), which brings financial prosperity to your home. Another option is in the southeast (not in the bedroom!). In Feng Shui, this direction is associated with material prosperity and abundance. The trigram southeast symbolizes the energy yang

and the eldest daughter, who, in this case, will have great support to do what she wants to do. By the way, it was the Tepuis (which means "home of the gods" in Indian), mountains located in the Guiana Highlands in South America, that inspired the writer Arthur Conan Doyle to write his novel "The Lost World".

Adult iguanas are usually built large terrariums of wood with a glass front wall. Combining the "home" of the iguanas with the surrounding environment using palms, lianas and ferns, picking up a CD with the corresponding sounds of nature, you can create a full feeling of being in the tropics...


For women

For men