What does the dragon tattoo symbolize for a girl: types, meaning

  • The origin of the dragon tattoo sketch
  • The influence of the location of the tattoo animal on the essence
  • The meaning of a dragon tattoo for men
  • Dragon tattoo video for men
  • Meaning of the dragon tattoo for girls
  • Dragon tattoo video for girls

The symbolism of the dragon in tattoos has ambiguous, double meaning. Various civilizations endowed this mythical creature with powerful abilities that were used both for the global good and as a destructive force in its path. Dragon is infinitely wise and prudent, many peoples worshipped him as the keeper of centuries of knowledge and sacred secrets of the universe. However, the power of the elements and the magical spirit hidden within him draws his enemies to flight. The tattoo of this legendary lizard indicates firmness, determination, and principled action, but the dragon's power and magical spirit draw him to flight.

A tattoo depicting this legendary lizard indicates the strength, determination, and integrity of the wearer's character. A person with a similar body image strong in spirit, poised and reasonable. It is difficult to bring him out of himself, but if it can be done, the anger of the patient dragon will be terrible and destructive. This tattoo is not suitable impulsive, changeable in desire and overly emotional nature. Inappropriate it will be in the case of a man with a mild temperament and a malleable, "fluffy" character, because then the nail will be meaningless and contradictory.

Origin of the dragon tattoo sketch

The image of the dragon appears in the legends and legends of various peoples, but each nation presents it differently. This is why there is a duality of interpretations of body painting depicting the mythical reptile. Japanese dragons from the beginning of the formation of the State of the Rising Sun were considered sacred creatures, patrons of the country and the people, as well as a symbol of immutable power. For this reason, the tattoo of the dragon on the arms, chest, abdomen, waist and back of the Japanese mafia Yakuza became one of the mandatory elements of the traditional distinctive sign of strength and superiority. In China, the drawing of this lizard has similarly national significance. It has long been considered the sacred patron saint of the ruling imperial family and a symbol of prosperity for the country. In these countries, the fire-breathing mighty creature is still revered on a divine level.

If you ask a European about what a dragon tattoo means, he would attribute a negative meaning to this creature. Western nations saw the image of the lizard as less benign than Asian nations. For them it was more of a ravager who willingly burned villages, destroyed castles, and stole their jewels and beauties. For Europeans, the dragon was associated with immense power and fury, so they put his face on the neck, forearms, shoulder blades and calves to show their enemies that their strength is comparable to the dragon.

A dragon as a subject for a tattoo

The powerful winged lizard has at all times been popular as a motif for a tattoo. Often aggressive and menacing, the dragon on a warrior's body was meant to intimidate the enemy. In today's world, tattoos are done more for aesthetic reasons than the real need to convey a hostile message, but dragons are still respected.
After the release of the movie "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" new surge of interest in the dragon tattoo does not subside to this day.It is noteworthy that the film is actually two: the Swedish version of 2009 with Noomi Rapace and the Hollywood film in 2011 with actress Rooney Mara in the title role.Dragons that adorn the backs of two girls, made in different techniques and very different from each other.

In the Swedish picture, the dragon tattoo is made in the style of realism. The monster shows an aggressive snout and eyes burning with hatred, "scratches" from the inside of his mistress, leaving tears in the skin.

In Fincher's film, the tattoo is much more modest, and that makes it look even more sinister. A flat black winged dragon "hides," placed not in the center of the back, but partially going sideways. The long tail curls in rings, ready to attack.

If we talk about dragons from the world of cinema, we can't help but think of Mother of Dragons Daenerys and her flying pupils from the acclaimed series "Game of Thrones" (2011 - 2021). The Stormborn in the company of Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion is a popular tattoo motif among fans of the series around the world.

Intriguingly, the tattoo of the main character in Hollywood's Red Dragon is not a dragon at all, as one might expect. The entire back of the famous maniac is adorned with black articulations and twisted tribal-style horns, exposing the wearer's diabolical gut.

The effect of the location of the animal tattoo on the essence

Depending on how the action of the predator is depicted on the body art, the meaning of the drawing fundamentally changes. If the creature is shown in combat readiness with spread wings and a gritted mouth, it signals aggressiveness, hostility and power. At the same time, a reptile with its wings folded in a calm pose signifies inner balance, friendliness and measuredness of the wearer's spirit.

If the dragon is depicted flying, then attention should be paid to its direction. If the flight moves upwards on the body, it serves as a sign of the positive mood of the bearer and his good intentions. However, in the case of a flight pointing downward, it will not be superfluous to think about ulterior motives, as this is a warning signal.

Tattoo dragon in the cabin of Tatu-77

What colors are used for the tattoo?

The Chinese dragon tattoo is applied to the body in a wide variety of colors. Masters with trepidation approach to the choice of tattoo colors, because each of them is inherent in a certain kind of dragon, and accordingly carries a different message. From the most common colors (black and white) to more specific (red, azure and gold).

Meaning of the dragon tattoo for men

The image of this legendary reptile on the male body symbolizes strict loyalty to their own principles and prone to judgment, but infantile members of the stronger sex is not suitable tattoo. Guys with dragon tattoos for men show imperiousness, love to be a winner on all fronts of life and a firm belief in his rightness. They value prosperity and try to keep control over every aspect of personal activities.

What matters is how much the meaning changes according to its color on the skin.

  • Red: boundless love, which forces you to use aggression in defense of loved ones;
  • Gold: comprehensive knowledge, wisdom.
  • Black: respect, tranquility, equilibrium;
  • Blue: immortality, wandering between worlds;

There is a perception that the high price for the dragon tattoo is ready to give guys with a keen sense of ownership and zealous attitude towards personal space. At least, the predatory nature of the lizard corresponds to these character traits. Tattoo of the Chinese or Japanese dragon without wings indicates the desire of men to order and patronage over loved ones, and is also a symbol of good luck coming. It is well suited for a leader, the head of something and other powerful individuals.


The Sagittarius tattoo carries the image of the legendary centaur Chiron. He was immortal and during his long life mastered a variety of arts - from poetry to archery. He was therefore revered as a great teacher. Among his pupils were the warriors Achilles and Jason, the physician Aesculapius, and the musician Orpheus. Among other things, Chiron was a visionary and knew exactly which of the arts would make his pupil famous.

Tattoo of the sagittarius on the shoulder blade

Sagittarius tattoo on the shoulder blade

The teacher's death was accidental and tragic. Hercules' arrow, smeared with the hydra's poison, struck Chiron's body, though it was not fired at him at all. The immortal centaur was in terrible pain, but no healer could help him. Then Chiron, with the consent of Zeus, gave his immortality to Prometheus. And Chiron himself went to heaven as a constellation. That's the story behind tattoo of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. The constellation Sagittarius is often called the constellation of the centaur. It symbolizes the importance of a wise and understanding mentor in the life of each person.

Meaning of the dragon tattoo for girls

Ladies show no less interest in such a thing. "Masculine" meaning of what a dragon tattoo means is partially extended to the female one. Loyalty and patronage are considered within their own family. No matter what it will be: a dragon sleeve tattoo or a small drawing on the wrist - these signs indicate that the girl is a true keeper of the home. She is intelligent and caring, but worth someone encroaching on the most sacred, her anger will be terrible and destructive to the offenders.

In women, the formidable creature often transforms into a magical animal that descended from the pages of fairy tales. Tattoo stylistics for ladies makes the picture more feminine, soft and positive. To create a beautiful colored picture, which would look great in the photo as well as in person, girls complement the central figure in the composition with decorating elements: lush flowers, sprigs of cherry blossoms and blue waves. Also in Moscow tattoo-saloons widespread tattoo variation of the dragon with the addition of watercolor on the border of the main image, then the sketch turns bright and unusual.

Working with a master

In the case of the dragon tattoo, the master recommends that you start from the localization on the body and the allotted area. Then it will be clear in what style it is best to choose a sketch. In your preliminary work, look at photos to compare which tattoo location seems most effective to you.

Popular locations:

  • On the arm: forearm, shoulder, hand, wrist
  • Leg: hip, calves, back of the foot
  • On back;
  • On chest;
  • On the neck and collarbone area.

The most interesting look tattoos, in which there is dynamics and volume: for example, the tail curls in rings, wrapping around a limb or a narrow wrist, or powerful leathery wings spread over the entire area of the shoulder blades.

Tattoo, filled with energy, gives inspiration and inner strength to its owner.

The second version of the dragon

  1. Draw a circle, which will be the head of the dragon. Draw a small rectangle - a future muzzle. Also draw the area of eyes, ears, nostrils.
  2. Under the small circle at a distance we draw another one, but larger in size. This will be the torso. Ovals outline the legs, finish drawing the tail.
  3. Next, connect two circles to each other - this will be the neck and the beginning of the body of our dragon. Draw paws, they are pointed, like a triangle. Inside, erase all unnecessary.
  4. Finally, we finish drawing the wings, teeth, claws on the front and back legs. If desired, you can add spikes.

Places to draw the Chinese dragon

Since the dragon is a powerful creature, it is destined to be large in size and located on large parts of the body. The most common places of application are the back and chest. Often the drawing is transitional, that is, several parts of the body (neck, collarbone and shoulder or back and hip) may be involved at once.

The application of the tattoo of the Chinese dragon is not recommended to carry out on the parts of the body narrow and small size (wrists and feet), this is due to the difficulty of the image. However, the same tattoo of the Chinese dragon, made thin and expressive lines, will look organic to the skin.

In men

Men like large images, so the area or place of application of the tattoo choose the chest, back, shoulder or forearm. The back is a profitable option for the image, which allows you to reflect the power of this mythical creature with incredible detail.

In women.

Among girls, the most popular areas for the application of such a tattoo are the back, arms or hips. Miniature versions of the dragon can also be performed on the wrist, forearm, collarbones or shin, less popular places of application are the ribs, calves.

Drawing details

To create the most realistic dragon, it is a good idea to observe the environment. The dragon is a kind of animal, albeit mythical, which means that it is inherent in the same moments as the world around us.

For the base, basic traits of drawing will be useful to observe reptiles: lizards, snakes, crocodiles. Make different sketches of these animals, and then, choosing the best one, transfer it to your paper.

You can think of dragon features common to other types of animals - insects, mammals, birds, beetles. The combination of different traits will help you create a unique creature.


For women

For men