Tattoo Fire. Meaning of fire tattoo. Sketches and photos fire tattoo

What do crossed fingers mean?

Each of us wants to be a constant companion of good luck. There is an opinion that crossed fingers is one of the techniques to attract it in your life.

Symbol of good luck

The question about the nature of this gesture, its origin is quite interesting. Most people cannot logically explain why two crossed fingers are a guarantee of achieving goals. However, this does not prevent them from actively using this gesture and even feel some moral satisfaction and peace of mind from the ritual performed.

A precise observation is that in this way, luck certainly will not slip from hands. After all, a small obstacle is created for it. Crossed fingers will hold it. But I wonder where this peculiar tradition came from, and what causes it.

Many rituals have long ago become a habit and are used unconsciously. Curiously enough, many people start crossing their fingers when they are very young.


When you catch yourself using this gesture, you can't help but wonder, "Why and why am I doing this?" There is plenty of information in this topic that can provide a comprehensive answer.

The history of such a tradition is quite ancient. Of course, a direct connection here is traced to the symbol of the cross. Especially the one on which Jesus was crucified. Because the sign of the cross was used as a protective symbol from ancient times, it was also believed that the crossed fingers of the hands could be equated to a wooden or metal crucifix, which was used to ward off demons, devils, all sorts of illnesses and bad thoughts. First of all, it is a security symbol.


This was especially true when Christianity was still developing and the wearing of special signs around the neck was not as widespread. Also, because the adherents of this belief had to hide from the Romans who persecuted them, crossed middle, ring fingers were some password and a sign that there is a like-minded person.

They did not forget about this technique in the Middle Ages, when it was also believed that with its help one could drive away demons and wicked spirits. In our time, when in principle many areas of human life are becoming less and less connected with religious aspects, and this phenomenon, among others, no longer bears the background of faith. If any supernatural forces are implied, they are not directly identified with the biblical god. Today, crossed fingers are believed to be a magnet for good luck and an antidote to the evil eye.


It is known that customs can vary greatly from state to state. The same applies to this gesture. For example, even living in Russia, not many people know that until very recently, crossed fingers meant the truthfulness of a person's words.

Having been to Vietnam, we can learn that in this way the inhabitants of this country can get into serious trouble, because the symbol is considered obscene and offensive. It is associated with elements of the female genital system. Once in Turkey or Greece, on the other hand, one learns that it is a sign of the end of a friendly conversation. With the Icelanders it is a way of remembering something forgotten. The people of Denmark use this combination when they swear on something. Herein lies the metaphor of a promise being tied with a knot.

Of course, when looking at what crossed fingers mean in the realities of the Western world, most often one encounters meanings associated with attracting good luck. It is believed that in this case, all plans should go well. Who knows, maybe it's just the placebo effect, allowing people to believe not so much in the magical power of the gesture as in their own powers, backed by some higher-order guarantees.

The right combination

So what should you do to make sure your luck doesn't get away from you, and that your dreams will surely turn into reality? Crossing your fingers for good luck also needs to know how to do it right. Attracting positive energies is not such an easy thing to do. Many people, penetrating this question, become interested in which of the fingers should lie on top, and other such details to which they attribute a truly sacred meaning.

Again, going back to the original source, which is Christianity, it is worth looking at the work of an artist named Francisco Ribalt, who was born in Spain. Of all his works, the most famous is "The Last Supper," which he created in 1606. It depicts the Savior himself and his immediate surroundings.

His palm forms just the combination in question. Christ has his index finger above the middle finger. It is believed that this is the correct position.

A purely Western version of this gesture is its interpretation behind the back of the person who uses such a maneuver. Here we are talking about those situations in which a person is lying. Thus he tries to protect himself from evil spirits, which supposedly should bring punishment for lying.

Healing properties

You can also find interesting information about what crossed fingers mean in medicine. Insidious entities are images that are quite distant from human perceptions. Much closer for people are their own physical bodies, the pain in which they feel as realistically as possible.

Scientists in England have found that this combination is extremely useful in the fight against painful sensations. P. Haggard, says that a person can control his own nerve endings. It is important to learn this skill. To this end, moving impulses must be initiated.

Т. Thunberg, who has devoted quite a lot of time to studying phantom pain, somewhat different from what we feel when we are hit or similar situations, has also studied this issue in detail. Fundamental work has been done in which it has been proven that when negative physical sensations are felt, one can cross one's fingers and greatly improve one's well-being. Thus, it is clear that this gesture is given a much more serious meaning than just a good luck magnet.

It is used as a symbol of the national lottery in Great Britain, as well as in Ireland, in Oregon, in Virginia (this sign is also very common in other states of the United States).

As the saying goes, our lives are in our hands, so all goals are real and attainable.

Through the eyes of a child

Parents or those who have frequent contact with children may have noticed that toddlers often unconsciously use this symbol. Immediately one wonders why and why a child crosses his or her fingers.

Mothers and fathers, of course, wonder if it is not pathological, if it does not mean something bad. Child psychologists often answer that such a phenomenon is not considered a cause for concern. You should rather rejoice for your child, because he or she is already practicing mudra number 20 from the very youngest nails, practically engaged in yoga on the fingers. One may even conclude that children, due to their purity and sensitivity to the world around them, subconsciously feel what position their fingers should take in order to establish peace of mind.

In the process of growing up, such connections are severed, and a person's ability to feel the world so subtly is erased.

Children's wisdom

So in the situation described above, adults should rather learn from their children than wean them from a habit that many people mistakenly consider harmful, looking for a negative background in it. Sometimes there is more natural wisdom in children than in us adults.

A child is a concentration of spiritual warmth and bright energy. It is worthwhile to follow him or her in the way of contact with nature, while he or she follows you, learning all the features of this cruel world.

Thanks to the mudra number 20 you can get rid of a mass of harmful diseases. It is also useful for preventive purposes for colds. It is used at a time when you feel complications in the functioning of the nasopharynx, lungs, airways (in the upper part). Children cross their fingers quite often when they get sick with a cold.

Worldwide distribution

This sign simultaneously combines protection from demons and evil spirits, a symbol of health and mental well-being, and, of course, so much desired by everyone success, luck, tossing the right cards in the deck. After all, it is known that although much depends on us, various factors, unknown to us, also have a significant impact on the course of things.

It is important to come to the right place at the right time, but to begin with it is necessary that such a point even exists. So you can use this gesture to turn the situation to your advantage. In any case, even if it has no real power to influence circumstances, it is very much worth the confidence a person feels when he realizes that he has already made some contribution to his own cause, has in a certain way insured himself, having put an end to all empty doubts and self-doubts. It can hardly be a coincidence that the sign has been given great importance both in Christian circles and in the East since antiquity.

Such similarities tend to concern only those things and facts that have a real and tangible basis under them.


When you catch yourself using this gesture, you can't help but wonder, "Why and why am I doing this?" There is ample information in this topic that can provide a comprehensive answer.

The history of this tradition is quite ancient. Of course, the direct connection here is with the symbol of the cross. Moreover, the very one on which Jesus was crucified. Since the sign of the cross has always been used as a protective symbol, it was also believed that the crossed fingers of the hand could be equated with a wooden or metal crucifix, which was used to ward off demons, devils, all sorts of illnesses and evil thoughts. Above all, it was a protective symbol.

Will crossed fingers bring good luck?

Surprisingly, superstitions and omens come true. Especially those that one believes in or wants to believe in.

So everyone wants to attract the changeable luck in his life and keep it around as long as possible. Luck is attracted by a horseshoe, a coin, a clover and other amulets.

Crossed fingers of the hands will also help to fulfill the desired

Crossed fingers of the hands is a strong amulet. The history of the origin of this gesture goes back to early Christianity. Even then it had protective properties.

Celtic, Greek, solar, inverted, Orthodox, Lithuanian, St. Andrew's, red... The list could be long, but do you immediately realize that these are all varieties of the cross? It is he who is symbolized by crossed fingers.

The cross existed long before our era. Its images were found as early as the excavations of the Stone Age. And almost immediately it became a sacred sign. Already the ancient Egyptians used the mysterious and mystical sign in religion. Interesting: the Egyptian sun god was often depicted with rays of hands, each with a cross.

The meanings of the sign are many. The cross as a symbol of a man with outstretched arms, as a symbol of the four sides of the world, the center of the universe. Today it is a symbol of Christianity and God's protection. The sign of the cross sanctifies, protects from evil spirits.

Luck slips out of your hands every now and then? You can hold on to it by crossing your index and middle fingers. What do crossed fingers mean? - you might ask.

Fingers crossed - a symbol of the cross?

Since ancient times, crossed fingers have symbolized the cross on which Christ was crucified. In the early days of Christianity, this gesture was used as protection from evil. During Roman persecution, the cross of the fingers was a kind of password for Christians. In the Middle Ages, the gesture served as a talisman against evil spirits. Nowadays, the meaning of the gesture is not related to religion. Crossed fingers are used when they want to attract good luck and protect themselves from the evil eye.

Different meanings.

But not everywhere. The gesture is interpreted differently in different countries. "I do not lie" - said this sign in Russia until quite recently. In Vietnam, if you show crossed fingers to another person, you can not avoid trouble. Here, the gesture is offensive because it symbolizes the female genitalia. In Turkey and Greece, if the interlocutor shows crossed fingers, he wants to end a friendly communication with him. Icelanders use this gesture when they have forgotten something and want to remember. In Denmark - when they make an oath. By crossing their fingers, it is as if they are tying a promise in a knot.

The most common meaning of this gesture in the West is to attract good luck. Cross your fingers, and everything will work out.

How to attract luck

How to be sure not to let luck out of your hands? After all, fingers can be crossed in different ways. The middle finger can be placed either above or below the index finger. As mentioned above, the history of the gesture goes back to the origins of Christianity. For example, the Spanish artist Francisco Ribalt's painting The Last Supper (1606) depicts Jesus Christ. He raised his hand with crossed fingers upward, his index finger above the middle finger. This is the position of the fingers that will attract good luck.

Crossed fingers behind the back

Another variation of the gesture, which also came to us from the west, is the crossed fingers behind the back. It is used when telling an untruth. By deceiving someone, a person protects himself with it from evil spirits. The cross saves from punishment for lying.

Fingers crossed against pain

British scientists proved that the gesture can protect not only from evil spirits, but also relieve severe pain. Research leader Patrick Haggard argues that pain sensations can be controlled by moving one part in relation to the other. Thorsten Thunberg's work, which explores phantom pain rather than real pain, became the basis for the research. Scientists have proven that it is the crossing of fingers that relieves acute pain.

Symbol of good luck

Over time, the gesture of crossed fingers of the hand became not just a symbol of good luck, but a symbol of attracting it. So this gesture is used for the emblem of the National Lottery of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as for the Oregon Lottery and the Virginia Lottery in the United States of America.So crossed fingers for good luck will help to make the desired. After all, everything is in our hands.

Death tattoos in different cultures

In different cultures, the meaning of such an image is either universally recognized, or has an individual semantic load. In civilized cultures, death was associated with darkness, otherworldly forces, the night and the earth. That is why it was most often portrayed in black. Having studied the sketches in various salons you can be convinced that this tendency has survived to this day.

In Celestial Empire, on the contrary, black was one of the colors that symbolized strength, water element and career growth. Black in China has a positive interpretation, unlike white, here it is the color of mourning. But the bride's wedding dress should be black.

The ancient Egyptians decorated the festive premises with images of skeletons. It was a reminder to living people of the possibility of dying at any time.

Such a custom had a definite purpose - people had to learn to appreciate every moment of life and accept each day joyfully. Hence the universal symbolism of the death tattoo - it is always around.

What do the crossed index and middle fingers mean?

If you want to have a good result, it is necessary to keep luck near you, even if only for a short time. To do this, it is necessary to cross your middle and index fingers. It was considered that with this gesture you can catch luck "by the tail".

Where did this gesture come from and why does it have such meaning - to get luck?

It turns out that it was with this gesture of two crossed fingers that believers greeted one another during persecution. The fingers in this format demonstrated that there was no need to be afraid.Also, the gesture signified the cross, faith in God and his protection from trouble.

In pagan times, people believed that where there is a cross, the spirit awakens to help the one who put the cross .

By the way, crossed fingers are also actively used by children behind their backs when lying.

By the way, what is the purpose of this gesture of protection hiding behind the back?

It is believed that in this way the image of a person is inverted, that is, you can do things that you would not normally do. The spirit would not recognize the "inverted" person anyway, so it would not punish him for lying. So it turned out a kind of permission to itself to the possible wrong behavior.

Female tattoos

Girls tend to choose such a somber image in order to emphasize their cynicism and indifference regarding death. Usually they are quite daring natures, who are not afraid to make a terrible encounter with the protagonist on the tattoo. The symbol demonstrates their fearless strong character.

Young and cheerful girls, not deprived of a sense of humor, prefer drawings with decorative elements, or images in cartoon style.

For ladies who are fond of the occult, such symbolism is a reflection of the dark devilish forces, the interaction with which can end sadly. Mostly lovers of witchcraft stuffed themselves with bony creatures.

What does the tattoo of crossed fingers mean. What do crossed fingers mean?

Luck always slips away from your hands? You can keep it by crossing your index and middle fingers. What do crossed fingers mean? - you ask.

Crossed fingers - a symbol of the cross?

Since ancient times, crossed fingers have symbolized the cross on which Christ was crucified. In the early days of Christianity, this gesture was used as protection from evil. During Roman persecution, the cross of the fingers was a kind of password for Christians. In the Middle Ages the gesture was a talisman against evil spirits. Nowadays, the meaning of the gesture is not related to religion. Crossed fingers are used when one wants to attract good luck or protect oneself from the evil eye.

Different meanings.

But not everywhere. The gesture is interpreted differently in different countries. "I do not lie" - said this sign in Russia until quite recently. In Vietnam, if you show crossed fingers to another person, you cannot avoid trouble. Here the gesture is offensive because it symbolizes the female genitals. In Turkey and Greece, if the person you are talking to shows crossed fingers, you want to end a friendly conversation with them. Icelanders use this gesture when they have forgotten something and want to remember. In Denmark - when they make an oath. By crossing their fingers, it is as if they are tying a promise in a knot. The most common meaning of this gesture in the West is to attract good luck. Cross your fingers, and everything will work out.

How to attract luck

How to be sure not to let luck out of your hands? After all, fingers can be crossed in different ways. The middle finger can be placed both above the index finger and below it. As mentioned above, the history of the gesture goes back to the origins of Christianity. For example, the Spanish artist Francisco Ribalt's "Last Supper" (1606) depicts Jesus Christ. He raised his hand with his fingers crossed upward, his index finger positioned over his middle finger. It is the position of the fingers that will attract good luck.

Fingers crossed behind the back

Another variation of the gesture, which also came to us from the west, is the crossed fingers behind the back. It is used when telling an untruth. By deceiving someone, a person protects himself with it from evil spirits. The cross saves from punishment for lying.

Fingers crossed against pain

British scientists proved that the gesture can protect not only from evil spirits, but also relieve severe pain. Research leader Patrick Haggard argues that pain can be controlled by moving one part in relation to the other. Thorsten Thunberg's work, which explores not real but phantom pain, was the basis for the research. Scientists have proven that it is the crossing of fingers that relieves acute pain.

Symbol of good luck

Over time, the gesture of crossed fingers became not just a symbol of luck, but a symbol of attracting it. This gesture is used for the emblem of the National Lottery of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as for the Oregon Lottery and the Virginia Lottery in the United States.

So, crossed fingers for good luck will help make the wish come true. After all, everything is in our hands.

- I'm going to a job interview, so cross your fingers for me," my acquaintance, whom I met on my way home, told me.

I nodded. Okay, and then I asked:

- So cross your fingers or keep your fists?

She looked at me incomprehensively, and then her gaze brightened:

- You know what, ... let's do both for a better chance that luck will be with me.

We've all called on luck at least once in our lives. And each of us has done it in his own proven method.

But since childhood we know that for good results it is necessary to keep luck near you for some time. And how to do it?

Again, from somewhere in my childhood memories comes the knowledge that I must cross my fingers. Just cross your two fingers: middle and index.

It seemed to be a gesture that held our luck by the tail.

So where did this gesture come from? And why does it symbolize a message of good luck and good fortune?

It turns out that it was the same gesture - two crossed fingers - that believers used to greet each other during the persecutions. It was these crossed fingers that showed that here was one's own, there was nothing to fear.

This gesture symbolizes the cross, faith in God and his protection. Here we come to the most important thing ... protection.

Remember when your mother saw you off, she would always try to cross you. That is, she would put you mentally, but sincerely, with a mother's concern under HIS protection. She would be glad to protect you herself, but what if she is not there.

So with this simple gesture, crossed fingers, we mentally put ourselves under protection. Protection from misfortune and trouble. And it's already good luck.

And in pagan times, people believed that where the cross appears, a spirit awakens. Whether it was good or evil was not so important, this spirit was called to help the one who put up the cross.

Now let us remember how children cross two fingers behind their backs when they lie.

This is already an influence from watching American movies, but there is such a thing in our lives as well.

Why is the defense gesture carried behind the back?

It is believed that in this way the human image is inverted, that is, you can do things that you normally would not do. Anyway, the spirit will not recognize you. Therefore, it will not punish you for lying. I.e., it is permission to yourself to misbehave.

Remember how sometimes people try to cross where they have passed ? With their backs to the front. The crossed fingers behind the back have the same meaning.

An acquaintance of mine once told me that her little son crossed his fingers on his hands. She was very surprised by this skill of his at the time. And the doctor, a woman in her 50s, said that babies are very wise creatures. They heal themselves, protect themselves, keep them safe. They just do it the way their subconscious mind tells them to - they do mudras with their fingers. Remember, it's yoga for the fingers. But in mudras every gesture is speaking, every gesture carries a certain protection. Some of them even have a healing effect.

So no matter what's going on in this world, it all makes sense. And very often that meaning is a little bit different than we used to think.

And if crossed fingers help you keep luck - do not be lost, everything is in your hands.

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Each of us wants his constant companion was good luck. There is an opinion that crossed fingers is one of the techniques to attract it in your life.

Symbol of good luck

The question about the nature of this gesture, its origin is quite interesting. Most people cannot logically explain why two crossed fingers are a guarantee of achieving your goals. However, it does not prevent them from actively using this technique and even feeling some moral satisfaction and calmness from the performed ritual.

A precise observation is that in this way, luck certainly will not slip from hands. After all, a small obstacle is created for it. Crossed fingers will hold it. But I wonder where this peculiar tradition came from, and what is the reason for it.

Many rituals have long ago become a habit and are used unconsciously. Curiously enough, many people start crossing their fingers from childhood.


When you catch yourself using this gesture, you can't help but wonder, "Why and why am I doing this?" There is ample information in this topic that can provide a comprehensive answer.

The history of this tradition is quite ancient. Of course, there is a direct link here with the symbol of the cross. And it is the same one on which Jesus was crucified. Because it has been used as a protective symbol since ancient times, it was also believed that crossed fingers could be equated with a wooden or metal crucifix, which was used to ward off demons, devils, all sorts of illnesses and evil thoughts. Above all, it is a symbol of protection.

Protection .

It was especially relevant when Christianity was still developing, and the wearing of special signs on the neck was not so widespread. Also, because the adherents of this belief had to hide from the Romans who persecuted them, crossed middle, ring fingers were some password and a sign that there is a like-minded person.

They did not forget about this method in the Middle Ages, when it was also believed that with its help it was possible to drive away demons and evil spirits. Nowadays, when in principle many areas of human life are becoming less and less connected with religious aspects, and this phenomenon, among others, no longer carries an underlying faith. If any supernatural forces are implied, they are not directly identified with the biblical god. Today, crossed fingers are believed to be a magnet for good luck and an antidote to the evil eye.


It is known that customs can vary greatly from state to state. The same applies to this gesture. For example, even living in Russia, not many people know that until very recently, crossed fingers meant the truthfulness of a person's words.

Having been to Vietnam, we can learn that in this way the inhabitants of this country can get into serious trouble, because the symbol is considered obscene and offensive. It is associated with elements of the female genital system. Having been to Turkey or Greece, we can learn that it is a sign of the end of a friendly conversation. In Icelanders it is a way of remembering something forgotten. The people of Denmark use this combination when they swear on something. Here lies the metaphor of a promise being tied with a knot.

Of course, when looking at what crossed fingers mean in the realities of the Western world, most often one encounters meanings associated with attracting good luck. It is believed that in such a case, all schemes should go well. Who knows, maybe it's just the placebo effect, allowing people to believe not so much in the magical power of the gesture, but in their own strength, backed by some guarantees of a higher order.

The right combination

So what should you do to make sure your luck doesn't get away from you, and that your dreams will surely turn into reality? Crossing your fingers for good luck also needs to know how to do it right. Attracting positive energies is not such an easy thing to do. Many people, when they get into this question, begin to wonder which finger should lie on top, and other such details to which a truly sacred significance is attributed.

Again, going back to the source, that is Christianity, it is worth looking at the work of an artist named Francisco Ribalt, who hails from Spain. Of all his works, the most famous is "The Last Supper," which he created in 1606. It depicts the Savior himself and his immediate surroundings.

His palm forms just the combination in question. Christ's lies above the average. It is believed that this is the correct arrangement.

A purely Western version of this gesture is its interpretation behind the back of the one who uses such a maneuver. Here we are talking about those situations in which a person is lying. Thus he tries to protect himself from evil spirits, which supposedly should bring punishment for lying.

Healing properties

You can also find interesting information about what crossed fingers mean in medicine. Insidious entities are images that are quite distant from human perceptions. Much closer for people are their own physical bodies, in which they feel pain as realistically as possible.

Scientists in England have found that this combination is extremely useful in the fight against painful sensations. P. Haggard, says that a person can control his own nerve endings. It is important to learn this skill. To this end, the movement of impulses must be initiated.

Т. Thunberg, who has devoted quite a lot of time to studying the somewhat different sensations that we feel when we are struck or in similar situations, has also investigated this issue in detail. Fundamental work has been done, in which it has been proven that when negative physical sensations are felt, one can cross one's fingers and greatly improve one's well-being. Thus, it is clear that this gesture is given a much more serious meaning than just a good luck magnet.

It is used as a symbol of the national lottery in Great Britain, as well as in Ireland, in Oregon, in Virginia (this sign is also very common in other states of the United States).

As the saying goes, our lives are in our hands, so all goals are real and attainable.

Through the eyes of a child

Parents or those who have frequent contact with children may have noticed that toddlers often unconsciously use this symbol. Immediately one wonders why and why the child is crossing his or her fingers.

Mothers and fathers, of course, wonder if it is not pathological, if it does not mean something bad. Child psychologists often answer that such a phenomenon is not considered a cause for concern. You should rather be happy for your child, because he or she is already practicing mudra number 20 from his or her youth, practicing practically yoga on his or her fingers. One can even conclude that children, because of their purity and sensitivity to the world around them, subconsciously feel what position their fingers should take in order to establish peace of mind.

In the process of growing up, such connections are severed, and a person's ability to feel the world so subtly is erased.

Childhood wisdom

So in the situation described above, adults should rather learn from their children, rather than wean them from a habit that many people mistakenly begin to consider harmful, looking for a negative background in it. Sometimes there is more natural wisdom in children than in us adults.

A child is a concentration of spiritual warmth and bright energy. It is worthwhile to follow him or her in the way of contact with nature, while he or she follows you, learning all the features of this cruel world.

Thanks to the mudra number 20 you can get rid of a mass of harmful diseases. It is also useful for preventive purposes for colds. It is used at a time when there are complications in the functioning of the nasopharynx, lungs, airways (in the upper part). Children cross their fingers quite often when they get sick with a cold.

World spread.

In this one sign simultaneously combine protection from demons and evil spirits, a symbol of health and mental well-being, and, of course, much desired by everyone success, luck, tossing the right cards in the deck. After all, it is known that although much depends on us, various factors, unknown to us, also have a significant impact on the course of things.

It is important to come to the right place at the right time, but to begin with it is necessary that such a point even exists. So you can use this gesture to turn the situation to your advantage. In any case, even if it has no real power of influence on circumstances, it is very much worth the confidence that one feels, realizing that he has already made some contribution to his own cause, in a certain way insured, putting an end to all the empty doubts and self-doubt. The more so cannot be a coincidence that the sign has been given great importance both in Christian circles and in the East since antiquity.

Such similarities usually concern only those things and facts that have a real and tangible basis under them.

Surprisingly, superstitions and omens do come true. Especially those that a person believes or wants to believe in.

So everyone wants to attract the changeable luck and keep it around as long as possible. Luck is attracted by a horseshoe, a coin, a clover and other amulets.

Crossed fingers of hands will also help to make the wish come true

Crossed fingers of hands is a strong amulet. The history of this gesture goes back to early Christianity. Even then it had protective properties.

Celtic, Greek, solar, inverted, Orthodox, Lithuanian, St. Andrew's, red... The list goes on and on, but do you immediately realize that these are all variations of the cross? It is he who is symbolized by crossed fingers.

The cross existed long before our era. Its images were found as early as the excavations of the Stone Age. And almost immediately it became a sacred sign. Already the ancient Egyptians used the mysterious and mystical sign in religion. Interesting: the Egyptian sun god was often depicted with rays of hands, each with a cross.

The meanings of the sign are many. The cross as a symbol of a man with outstretched arms, as a symbol of the four sides of the world, the center of the universe. Today it is a symbol of Christianity and God's protection. The sign of the cross sanctifies, protects from evil spirits.

Does good fortune slip from your hands every now and then? You can hold it by crossing your index and middle fingers. What do crossed fingers mean? - you ask.

Fingers crossed - a symbol of the cross?

From ancient times, crossed fingers symbolized the cross on which Christ was crucified. In the early days of Christianity, this gesture was used as protection from evil. During Roman persecution, the cross of the fingers was a kind of password for Christians. In the Middle Ages the gesture was a talisman against evil spirits. Nowadays, the meaning of the gesture is not related to religion. Crossed fingers are used when one wants to attract good luck or protect oneself from the evil eye.

Different meanings.

But not everywhere. The gesture is interpreted differently in different countries. "I do not lie" - said this sign in Russia until quite recently. In Vietnam, if you show crossed fingers to another person, you can not avoid trouble. Here, the gesture is offensive because it symbolizes the female genitalia. In Turkey and Greece, if the interlocutor shows crossed fingers of his hands, he wants to end a friendly conversation with him. Icelanders use this gesture when they have forgotten something and want to remember. In Denmark - when they make an oath. By crossing their fingers, it is as if they are tying a promise in a knot.

The most common meaning of this gesture in the West is to attract good luck. Cross your fingers, and everything will work out.

How to attract luck

How to be sure not to let luck out of your hands? After all, fingers can be crossed in different ways. The middle finger can be placed both above the index finger and below it. As mentioned above, the history of the gesture goes back to the origins of Christianity. For example, the Spanish artist Francisco Ribalt's painting The Last Supper (1606) depicts Jesus Christ. He raised his hand with crossed fingers upward, his index finger above the middle finger. This is the position of the fingers that will attract good luck.

Fingers crossed behind his back

Another variation of the gesture, which also came to us from the West, is the crossed fingers behind the back. It is used when telling an untruth. By deceiving someone, one protects oneself with it from evil spirits. The cross saves from punishment for lying.

Fingers crossed against pain

British scientists proved that the gesture can protect not only from evil spirits, but also relieve severe pain. Research leader Patrick Haggard claims that pain sensations can be controlled by moving one part in relation to the other. Thorsten Thunberg's work, which explores not real but phantom pain, was the basis for the research. Scientists have proven that it is the crossing of fingers that relieves acute pain.

Symbol of good luck

Over time, the gesture of crossed fingers of the hand became not just a symbol of good luck, but a symbol of attracting it. So this gesture is used for the emblem of the National Lottery of Great Britain and Ireland, as well as for the Oregon Lottery and the Virginia Lottery in the United States.

So, crossed fingers for good luck will help make the wish come true. After all, everything is in our hands.


This was especially relevant when Christianity was still developing, and the wearing of special signs on the neck was not so common. Also, since the adherents of this belief had to hide from the Romans who persecuted them, crossed middle and ring fingers were some kind of a password and a sign that there is a like-minded person nearby.

They didn't forget about this trick during the Middle Ages, when it was also believed that with its help one could drive away demons and evil spirits. Nowadays, when in principle many areas of human life are becoming less and less connected with religious aspects, and this phenomenon, among others, no longer bears the underlying faith. If any supernatural powers are implied, they are not directly identified with the biblical god. Today it is believed that crossed fingers are a magnet for good luck and an antidote to the evil eye.

Through the eyes of a child

Parents or those who have frequent contact with children may have noticed that toddlers often unconsciously use this symbol. Immediately one wonders why and why a child crosses his or her fingers.

Mothers and fathers, of course, wonder if it is not pathological, if it does not mean something bad. Child psychologists often answer that such a phenomenon is not considered a cause for concern. You should rather rejoice for your child, because he or she is already practicing mudra number 20 from the very youngest nails, practically engaged in yoga on the fingers. One may even conclude that children, due to their purity and sensitivity to the world around them, subconsciously feel what position their fingers should take in order to establish peace of mind.

In the process of growing up, such ties are severed, and a person's ability to feel the world so subtly is erased.

What is the best place for a tattoo

Under the chicano style tattoo, it is better to choose a location covered with clothing. It is a good idea to place the plot on the shoulder. It is possible that the owner of the tattoo will want to further develop the theme, and then it will be easier to find a place for a "continuation" by placing an additional picture on the chest or back.

Quite in demand these days is such a variant of chikano tattoo, as "sleeve". A thick, saturated image covers the entire surface of the arm from shoulder to wrist. It looks very beautiful and convincing, as you can see in numerous photos.

Tips for choosing sketches

The artistic composition should look harmoniously and interestingly on the body, reflecting

  • The emotional state of its wearer;
  • his religious beliefs;
  • character traits;
  • temperament;
  • experienced events.

If the tattoo is applied solely for artistic purposes, choose a sketch in accordance with their own tastes. The finished image can be modified by adding new details, elements and symbols.

Santa Muerte is a tattoo that has hundreds of variations and artistic embodiments. The finished sketch can be taken as a basis and make any changes in it. The result and the realism of the drawing depend on the talent of the master.

Different images are intended for men and girls. When choosing a suitable sketch, it is important not to mix up. It is advisable to consult with a specialist beforehand or together with the master of the salon to decide on the image to be applied and the technique of its performance.

Historical reference

It is generally believed that the birthplace of any kind of tattoo - Hawaii. But it is difficult to say unequivocally where they first began to decorate the body with tattoos. In any case, before tattoos were not just a decoration. Each image carried a certain meaning and the totality of all tattoos could tell about a person absolutely everything. The most striking example of a traditional tattoo is the Maori Indians. For these people tattoos are a true record of human life. Tattoos on the face, and in particular the tattoo under the eyes, spoke about the occupation and marital status of the person. For example, two wavy lines meant that the man is a fisherman in the second generation. And by the number of circles in the eye area, you could tell how many wives a man had.

For Native Americans were characterized by miniature tattoos, the silhouette resembling the totem animals of each particular person. For Scandinavian warriors, tattoos on the face and under the eyes were an appeal to the gods and a magical protection on the battlefield. Here they inscribed runic inscriptions designed to protect them from ignominious death and attract the eyes of the Valkyries.

Worldwide distribution

This sign simultaneously combines protection from demons and evil spirits, a symbol of health and mental well-being, and, of course, so much desired by everyone success, luck, tossing the right cards in the deck. After all, it is known that although much depends on us, various factors, unknown to us, also have a significant impact on the course of things.

It is important to come to the right place at the right time, but to begin with it is necessary that such a point even exists. So you can use this gesture to turn the situation to your advantage. In any case, even if it has no real power to influence circumstances, it is very much worth the confidence a person feels when he realizes that he has already made some contribution to his own cause, has in a certain way insured himself, having put an end to all empty doubts and self-doubts. It is all the more a coincidence that the sign has been important in Christian circles, as well as in the East, since antiquity.

The origin of the gesture of crossed fingers goes back to antiquity and originates in the religion of Christianity. This position of the fingers primarily symbolizes the cross on which Jesus was crucified.

It is believed that such a gesture is able to drive away evil spirits and protect people from the influence of demonic forces. However, the meaning of such a tattoo is more multifaceted and depends on some details.


For women

For men