Tattoo of birds: what do tattoos of birds mean for girls and guys

The article talks about what a tattoo on the body in the form of a bird means. The meaning of each bird is described in detail, there are many photos and sketches with tattoos.

The bird symbol means freedom, free flight in the boundless sky, unrealized dreams and inhuman strength. Nowadays, tattoos with this image are popular. And, you can see many beautiful variations of different birds on the human body. Those who chose this particular tattoo, put its meaning in the image, in addition to the hidden meaning of the image of birds is a symbol of kinship with the elements of air and wind. Tattoos are popular not only among the fair sex, but also among men.

Birds also represent the image of freedom. No one is their command, they can choose their own way. If you decide to do a tattoo in the form of a bird on the body, then first study in detail what this or that kind of this fauna means. Because a lot of things change depending on which species you choose. Further details.

What does the bird tattoo mean: the historical, semantic meaning of the image of a bird, photo

In ancient times, it was believed that the bird is a helper of heroes who stand up for the forces of good or evil. As already mentioned, much depends on the variety of fauna. So crows have always served on the side of evil, and pigeons were a symbol of peace and goodness.

Tattoo on a guy's arm - a dove

Birds could warn people of the dangers that awaited them..

Because of their ability to fly, they could see evil forces ahead of time and warn their masters. Even these beautiful animals in the myths of various countries were the image of the souls of the dead, who seek to get in this way to heaven.

Tattoo on the shoulder - a bird

Back in ancient Egypt, there were entire works of art with images of people with bird heads. This symbolized immortality after the transition from this world to the next. It embodies the spiritual qualities of the human essence. On the walls of the tombs themselves talented masters depicted birds, which are supposedly the guardians of the deceased.

In European countries, America, ravens and vultures were associated with harbingers of terrible diseases. In South and North America birds symbolized the masters of the various elements, they are believed by people to have taken an active part in the creation of the universe.

Tattoo - a raven on his side

IMPORTANT: In Rome, old-timers watched birds singing and predicting the future. Because it was believed that these animals had more knowledge than humans. Many in ancient times worshipped these creatures as a deity. Christians worshipped pigeons. After all, it was this bird that brought the good news that the Savior would soon be born.

Tattoo with different birds, a flock of birds: meaning, examples of tattoos, photos

  • If you decide to do Tattoo in the form of a swallow on the body, then first study its meaning. This picture is now interpreted as devotion to their loved ones and the home in which you live. Such people are loyal to their soulmates and love constancy. Also tattoo with a swallow more often do sailors, because when you can already see these birds, it means their home is near, the ship is approaching the land.

Tattoo on the shoulder - a swallow

  • Large cluster of birds In the form of a tattoo - a beautiful picture. It is a symbol of a turbulent life, continuous movement, striving for knowledge, changes, overcoming all kinds of obstacles and as a result choosing the right path of life. Still such a tattoo is peculiar to creative individuals who value the freedom of thought, creating new ideas.

Flock of birds
A flock of birds

  • A symbol of peace, faith in a good future is a pigeon. Such birds have always caused only good feelings. They are associated with loyalty, freedom, loyalty, hope.

Tattoo on the shoulder - a dove

  • Tattoo in the form of Crane Promises its owner a carefree life full of happy events, yet it is the image of longevity.

Tattoo on a woman's back - crane
Tattoo on the back of a woman - a crane

  • When spring comes into its rights, begins the revival, the nature revives, come the long-awaited warm days. Crimson - This is a symbol of renewal, rebirth. It is an image of change for the better, it means that the owner of the tattoo will be happy after experiencing difficulties of different nature.

Tattoo - robin on the hand

  • Fabulous bird phoenix The phoenix, a tattoo of a magical bird, symbolizes the resurrection of souls, human immortality, helps its owner to cope even with insurmountable difficulties, gives strength, confidence, acts as a strong talisman.

Tattoo of a phoenix on her back and thigh
Tattoo on the back and thigh in the form of a phoenix

  • If you wish to attract good luck, happiness and wealth, then make a tattoo in the form of Firebird. This image as well as the phoenix guarantees longevity to the wearer.

Beautiful tattoo on the shoulder - Firebird

  • Majestic kings of the sky - eagles Have a symbol of greatness, power and might. Who has such tattoos unequivocally aspire to rule. If an eagle with open wings and claws is depicted on the body, then it is better not to offend such a person, he will be able to avenge himself.

Tattoo of an eagle - on the back

  • Birds Seagulls symbolize the sea, they are more suitable for wanderers, travelers who are ready for new emotions, impressions. They are dreamy, they love adventure.

Tattoo on the shoulder of a girl - a seagull

  • Swans - Bright birds, the most faithful, devoted. The swan is an image of sincere feelings, he is faithful, noble, sincere

Swan tattoo

  • Tattoos with an owl and an owl on a human body are associated with great intelligence, wisdom of elders and dexterity. The owls always had magical powers among the various peoples; they brought good luck and helped to overcome even the greatest obstacles. They did not give the heroes of epics to make rash steps.

Owl tattoo
Owl - tattoo

  • Flamingo - This symbol is associated with elegance, romance, tenderness, fragility, femininity.

Flamingo tattoo.

  • Mystical sign -. the raven is a messenger of death, represents loss. But when the owner of the tattoo puts a different meaning, the tattoo brings great power, wisdom.

Tattoo of a raven on the back.

  • Symbols of the sun, beauty, grace - peacocks Give their owners the glory and majesty. They are also associated with longevity, immortality. People who choose these tattoos have many interesting qualities, such as romance, royalty, and versatility.

Tattoo on the arm - a peacock

  • Hummingbird and sparrow - Small birds, they are very free-spirited, they are considered the guardians of the human soul. With them you can find inner beauty, freedom. Whoever decided to score such a tattoo, he seeks new things, wants to know himself. Birds can act as a talisman.

Sparrow tattoo on the shoulder

Owl - a body drawing with deep meaning

A couple of hundred years ago, the owl was a dark image, a sinister force that was associated with magic and the otherworld. Today, however, opinion on this subject has changed. People believe that the image of an owl means solitude, developed intellect and tranquility. We conclude that this tattoo is perfectly suitable for peaceful and wise people who are not in a hurry to make rash decisions. Drawing with an owl can be placed on any part of the body, there are no canons in this regard. But often it is applied to the hands or feet.

Tattoo of a feather of a bird: meaning, examples of tattoos, photos

Especially popular are tattoos in the form of bird feathers in girls. And indeed such drawings look very beautiful on the body. The meaning of the tattoo is almost similar to the symbolism of birds. Feathers in fact easily fly in the wind because of its weightlessness. They are characteristic of natures who love freedom, creativity, creative ideas.

Tattoo in the form of a feather

  • If the feather is tornIf the feather is broken, it is a sign of sadness, loss, parting with a loved one. Men sometimes tattoo this image as well. The symbolism of it does not change. However, for men, this image still represents pain, spiritual strength, and courage.
  • Who prefers to have a tattoo on his body of a peacock featherThat in the first place strives for luxury, wealth. Has qualities such as responsibility, alertness, such people can easily help the beggar. Chinese people attributed rare beauty and luxury to peacock feathers. Christians associated their meaning with renewal (the same image as the symbolism of peacocks). And the peoples of the world revered the bird in tales and spoke of it as a wise creature.

The drawing of the peacock feather on the girl's side

It also means a lot what you think about when you make a tattoo, the mysterious meaning is very important in the process of creating an image. To bring a positive dynamic, you should try to fantasize about the good moments of life. Because, as many have already noticed, when drawing on the body, can change the fate of the owner of the tattoo.

Color scheme

There are about 300 varieties of hummingbirds, which differ in coloring, tail shape, crests. Due to this, the color palette of the image is quite multifaceted. Among the most popular choices are the following: emerald throat, fire topaz, flying amethyst. Birds shimmer in different colors: emerald, deep blue, red, white, yellow, pink.

Photos of the hummingbird tattoo on the neck show that any color solution will be justified. It is possible to create a unique fantasy drawing, the shades of which are limited only by the color preferences of the owner and the master of the tattoo. No less original and fresh look variants of the figure in the form of an outline, made with contour lines, or a full figure with many shades.

Any design option has its disadvantages and advantages. Full-color tattoos look livelier and more original, but require periodic updates of the outline and colors. Black and white images burn out less in the sun and do not require frequent updates of the outline.

Depending on where the image is applied, works done in Dotwork or minimalist style can look interesting. Such tattoos are characterized by brevity and neat outlines.

Bird tattoos - where it is better to apply: the best locations

When you have chosen a certain sketch, it is necessary to think about where to apply the tattoo on the body. After all, the size of the tattoo can be different, the large image is better to stuff on the back, chest, those that are smaller - on the hip, leg. Also it is necessary to consider the sex of the future owner of a tattoo. After all, not always beautiful on a man will look a little birdie on his hip or lower back. Such tattoos are more suitable for girls. In addition, men have more space on the shoulder, there you can apply a beautiful medium-sized tattoo, which in girls will look harmoniously on the hip.

See below examples of original sketches and tattoos On the body that you may wish to score yourself:

Raven on the shoulder Tattoo on the shoulder - Griffon Tattoo - Eagle Owl

Tattoo of a raven
Tattoo of a raven

Owl tattoo: realistic style
Owl tattoo: a realistic style

Hummingbird tattoo in popular styles

Add unusual details, a few elements of art inserts an already realistic picture will help the style of application of thrash-polka. This style is chosen by people who reject reality. For them there are no rules, the hummingbird in this style will express the boldness and complete independence of man. Old, proven techniques such as old-school and traditional have been known for a long time, so this style is time-tested. In such a drawing you will be able to invest deep meaning, and tell others about a certain part of your life or about your general plans and views on life. Often there are graceful, subtle drawings made in the spot technique of detwork.

Bird tattoo: ideas, sketches, templates, stencils, photos

Choosing a tattoo, it is better to listen to your inner voice, subconsciously determine which tattoo you like more.

Sketch of a tattoo with a seagull
Sketch tattoo with a seagull Sketch tattoo swallow in flight Sketch tattoo - phoenix

Sketch of a tattoo - a sparrow Tattoo of a bird Black raven

Among such a variety, of course, it is difficult to decide on a choice. But still you can do it and make some changes in the image to imply its hidden meaning known only to you.


For women

For men