Tattoo on the side - meanings and designs for girls and men

Since ancient times, drawings on the body carried a certain meaning. To date, the fashion for tattoos has reached a new level. Now the drawings adorn not only those who want to convey belonging to something (clan, social movement, occupation), but also those who want to stand out from the crowd. Tattoos on the side came into fashion not so long ago, replacing such popular places as arms, shoulders, ankles and lower back.

Tattoo on the side of a man

Typical male drawings

Initially, the sides were not considered as places for tattoos at all. The exception was when a drawing from the back was so voluminous that it crawled from one or both sides to the ribs or stomach. Later women discovered for themselves and the world such a thing as a tattoo on the side, because it looks spectacular and stylish.

Men most often choose for themselves serious and large-scale drawings that carry a certain meaning. Thus, the most popular are:

  • wild cats (tigers, leopards, panthers);
  • Birds of prey (hawk, eagle);
  • Forest animals (bear, wolf);
  • compositions (sailing boats on the waves, churches);
  • sea creatures (shark, dolphin, whale, killer whale).

Tattoos on the side of the male and female are always at risk of being stretched. In the representatives of the stronger sex it is most often due to the development or weakening of the musculature. Therefore, employees of the salon usually warn that this or that picture can be spoiled in the future.

tattoo on his side

Sketches and drawings of male tattoos on the body and their meaning

Sketch of a tiger tattoo
Sketch of a tiger tattoo

Sketch of a male tattoo with two dragons
Sketch of a male tattoo with two dragons

Sketch of a male tattoo of a Celtic cross with wings
Sketch of a Celtic cross tattoo for a man with wings

Sketch of a tattoo with wings for men
Sketch of a tattoo with wings for men

Sketch of male tattoo in the form of a wolf in the amulet Dreamcatcher
Sketch of male tattoo in the form of a wolf in a dream catcher amulet

Drawing for a male tattoo with a Slavic subject
Sketch for a male tattoo with a Slavic plot

Sketch for a male tattoo in the form of a spider with a spider's web
Sketch for a male tattoo in the form of a spider with a spider web

Sketch for a male tattoo with Japanese martial art
Drawing for a male tattoo with a Japanese martial motif

Typical female tattoo on the side

In women, stretching of the image occurs due to weight loss or gain. It is advisable to do a tattoo on the side of those who have already known the joy of motherhood. Since during pregnancy the abdomen (and with it the sides) increases and then decreases again, there is a risk that the designed image can change beyond recognition or ugly "float".

Women of the weaker sex are always more romantic than men. And tattoos are chosen accordingly (with some exceptions that only confirm the rule). Beautiful tattoos on the side for women are usually:

  • Vertical ornaments that emphasize the waist;
  • Compositions of several elements (for example, several butterflies flying vertically);
  • Various inscriptions in different languages.

Girls should remember that diets and physical activity affect the constitution of the body, which means that the pattern may slightly change over time. It is extremely not recommended to make three-dimensional compositions before losing weight. It is more reasonable to first bring the body to normal, and then already engaged in tattoos.

Beautiful tattoos on the side

A choice of design

Tattoo inscriptions on the arm (men's natal drawings are more restrained than women's) look the most effective if they are complemented by secondary elements.

When developing a sketch, masters recommend that men think through (in the sequence indicated):

  • Background for the tattoo. Universal variant of the background is shading in gray with uniform transitions of shadows and shadows.
  • Framing. Allows you to highlight the body drawing, to attract the attention of others to it.
  • Color. Colored images should be placed on the least movable parts of the upper extremities, as well as areas in minimum contact with external factors - soap, sunlight, household items and so on.

Unisex" tattoos

And, of course, there are universal images that are ideal for both women and men. These can include beautiful phrases. For example, about the love of nature or life, about love or way of life. Most often the choice falls on inscriptions in a foreign language (English, French or Latin). The main thing here is to know exactly how the desired phrase sounds and is spelled, so as not to get into trouble. After all, it is not too difficult to get a tattoo, but it is much more difficult to remove it. It is worth remembering that in the area of the ribs the process is always more painful and unpleasant than where the muscles prevail.

Tattoos on the neck for men

Barcode - Refers to the recent trends in tattoo fashion. Such signs, as we know, are encrypted information, accessible to the reader only through the use of a special scanner. The same is true for a tattoo - it may well indicate that information about its owner is not available to everyone. It is possible to put as numbers important dates.

About one more interpretation should be mentioned separately. Often the bar code is applied as In some cases, barcodes are used as a protest against the consumer society. A man in this way emphasizes that it is necessary to stand out from the biomass of the same type.

Tattoo on the neck of a man in the form of a bar code
The tattoo on the neck of a man in the form of a bar code

Snake - This mark predates the formation of writing. For example, the Egyptians considered the serpent eating its tail to be a representation of the universe. The serpent itself became a symbol of power for a long time. a symbol of power. In general, this reptile was a powerful amulet.This is not surprising, because it often saved from rodents.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that the snake is primarily a feminine symbol, it is suitable for men as well, being the embodiment of wisdom and rebirth.

Tattoo on a man's neck in the form of a snake
Tattoo on the neck of a man in the form of a snake
Candle - one of the oldest images in European culture. And the meaning of the symbol has not changed - It is a light in the darkness, a light that guides man on the path of life. In addition, the candle embodies the frailty of existence...The candle is the embodiment of the frailty of life, because it is so easy to put out.

Tattoo of a snake on a man's neck.
The tattoo of a candle on a man's neck.

The ship - This tattoo has been worn by sailors since time immemorial. However, it served rather the purpose of identifying the body after the shipwreck, so that the funeral was with appropriate honors.

Often, however, the symbol served as a amuletembodied The tattoo is a symbol of a person's desire for change in life, for well-being and self-improvement. The owner of such a tattoo definitely refers to The owner of such a tattoo definitely refers to the dreamy natures.

Tattoo of a ship on a man's neck
The tattoo of the ship on the male neck

Tattoo designations

Before choosing a picture to be applied to the body, it will not be out of place to ask what it means. Thus, few people know that the shark is not a symbol of aggression, as it seems at first glance, but a symbol of cunning, remarkable intelligence and strong character. Tattoo on the side, depicting vertically growing plants, can carry a different meaning. For example, a sakura branch represents intelligence, beauty and grace. A lily is a symbol of kindness, rebelliousness and cordiality. Choosing the right tattoo can not only beautify the body, but also tell a lot about the wearer. Be careful when choosing.

Tattoos on the face of men and their meaning

Polynesian patterns - A good example of such a tattoo is the image of Mike Tyson. By the way, representatives of the Maori tribe even reprimanded the famous boxer, considering his tattoo unscrupulous exploitation of their sacred symbol.

However, now such symbols are not uncommon among fans of decorating their bodies, because they denote The symbol of the human energy, a way of communication with the gods.

Tattoo of Polynesian patterns on Tyson's face
Tattoo in the form of Polynesian patterns on Mike Tyson's face

The cross - had been around long before Christianity even existed. As for the Christian or Catholic cross, it can symbolize faith.

In the past, it was thought that this symbol could protect against injury.. It was also associated with honor and strength - Just think of the Iron Cross of chivalry.

IMPORTANT: The cross had great significance for other cultures as well - for example, in the Orient it embodied the stairway to heaven.

Feather - shamans preferred to use this symbol because they believed that it protect against evil spirits. It was not for nothing that feathers were used to make a dream catcher, which which allows you to rest and protect you from bad thoughts. Feathers were allowed to be worn by respected people who had earned their fame.

Men's cross and feather facial tattoos
Men's face tattoos in the form of a cross and a feather

For men in German

  • Alles, was passiert, ist zu Gutem! - Whatever happens, is for the best!
  • Bewahre mich Got! - God save me!
  • Der Wechsel allein ist das Beständige - Only changes are constant
  • Die beste Beleuchtung des vorstehenden Weges sind manchmal die Brücken, die hinter dich glühen - Sometimes the best illumination of the road ahead is the bridges blazing behind
  • Die Bücher die alle empfehlen sind die Bücher die niemand liest - The books that everyone admires are those that no one reads.
  • Die Freunde nennen sich aufrichtig. Die Feinde sind es - Friends are called friends. Enemies are
  • Die Grenzen der Sprache sind die Grenzen der Welt - The limits of language are the limits of the world
  • Die Zeit heilt nicht, die Zeit ändert - Time heals not, time changes
  • Eine Frau ist ein Sphinx ohne Geheimnis A woman is a sphinx without a riddle.
  • Eine Liebe, ein Schicksal! - One love, one destiny!
  • Es gibt kein "zu spät", es gibt "Ich brauche es nicht mehr" - It's never too late, it's never too late
  • Gib mir Stärke - Give me strength.
  • Glück ist immer mit mir - Luck is always with me
  • Glücklich im Leben
  • Gott mit uns God is with us
  • Habe Mut, dich deines eigenen Verstandes zu bedienen - Have courage to use your own mind
  • Hilf mir Gott! - May God help me!
  • Hoffe dich auf das Beste - Hope for the best
  • Ich gehe zu meinem Traum - Going to my dream
  • Ich sterbe lieber unter meinen Bedingungen, statt mit ihren Regeln zu leben - I would rather die on my own terms than live by their rules.
  • Jedem das Seine - To each his own.
  • Nur Gott sei mein Richter - Only God is my judge.
  • Nur Meine Mutter ist meiner Liebe wert - Only my mother is worthy of my love.
  • Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrtum - Without music life would be stupid.
  • Sei auf das Schlimmste fertig - Be prepared for the worst
  • Sei in sich selbst sicher und gib nicht nach - Be confident and never give up
  • Sei stets du selbst! - Always be yourself!
  • Vertraue nur an sich selbst - Only trust yourself.

Popular Quotes

Quotes are phrases and whole sentences, and their meaning is much deeper and stronger than a short sentence or two. Quotes can be divided into thematic subgroups - about love, family, friendship, freedom, religion, and also motivational phrases.

About love

The most relevant topic for guys of all ages is love. The best inscription ideas in this theme are as follows:

Mea vita et anima es (Latin) - you are my life and soul;

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori (lat.) - all triumphs over love, and we submit to love;


For women

For Men