Thieves' cross: a symbol, tattoo images

Tattoo a cross on his back

Tattoo a cross on his back

Tattoo a cross on his back Do people not only in honor of an important event that changed the fate of a person or his attitude towards life. For example, a naked drawing of a cross on the back can be worn by someone who survived a car accident, miraculously escaped a bad accident or was able to get rid of a serious illness. If this meaning is implied, something else related to the problem solved may be depicted next to the symbol.

The meaning of the cross tattoo on the back

The Goths perceive the cross differently and give it a meaning associated mostly with negative phenomena. They see it as a personification of the frailty of the world, ephemerality, death, sorrow and suffering. In this vein, the cross can be seen as a heavy burden on one's life. Rockers, metalists and other representatives of similar subcultures may consider a tattoo with a cross on the back a manifestation of courage or boldness, readiness for unexpected turns of fate, fearlessness before death. Some rappers wear such body art for pathos, promoting their stance on the subject.

Plot tattoo with a cross on the back

Many consider this symbol the embodiment of a miracle, salvation, help from above, hope, faith, forgiveness. It is believed that the tattoo with a cross on the back puts a strong imprint on the person and can dramatically change his life, so the development of the sketch should be approached with great responsibility and to think carefully about what the object will mean.

Tattoo of a cross on the back

The cross has a lot of varieties and is a unique object of art, culture, religion and particular currents. The most interesting variants in terms of design are the following: ankh (ancient Egyptian), crinovidnyi, nakupolnyi with a crescent, monogrammnyi, sun-shaped. Tattoo, carrying religious meaning, it is better to do, provided that you have accurately determined with the faith. Some consider such images as averters, to help in various situations.

Men's tattoo with a cross on his back

Most often, the tattoo of the cross is applied not only to the back, but other options are also possible. Often there is a tattoo of the cross on the arm. Sometimes such a tattoo is related to the profession of the person (for example, doctors may opt for a red cross, choosing a body drawing).

Tattoo of the cross and the inscription on the back

Tattoo with a cross and Jesus on the back

There are also specific tattoos with crosses in the form of swastikas, indicating that the owner of the image supports fascist values.

About the religious meaning of the symbol

Surely many of us have heard the phrase "bear your cross". If you recall biblical history, the cross is the instrument of torture that the Son of God carried to Golgotha. After he overcame the difficult and painful journey, he accepted death for the sins of mankind. For people, the expression "to bear his cross" is filled with an ethical and highly moral meaning - in grief, in overcoming the suffering and pain that make existence meaningless, to always remember the feat of Christ. The symbol has also become part of the criminal subculture. About the meaning of the thief's cross below.

cross on his back

The meaning of the cross tattoo

In all cultures, the cross is considered a protective symbol. The image includes meanings of rebirth, the stability of the world, and the spiritual path.

Depending on the offset of the central bar favors the air or earth elements.

The tattoo cross is divided by direction:

  • European (Catholic);
  • Orthodox;
  • Iranian;
  • Egyptian;
  • Celtic tattoo with an inscription denotes a window into another world, an area of transition.

In the Egyptian style images are eternal life. For Christianity, it is redemption, divine protection, purification.

On the hands or shins it is a warrior of the spirit going to the goal. At the age of 25 to 36 years the image of the cross is stuffed as an image of knowledge of his life position. These drawing of the strong in spirit, leading the way.

The depicted Jesus tattoo on the leg denotes atonement for past sins. This image carries the meaning of repentance, renunciation of the past path. In many ways, the picture bears a sacred and religious character. Most often it is made in the prison style.

A cross on a girl's arm indicates that she has suffered mental anguish. It can be a religious upheaval, or parting with a loved one.

Most female tattoos have the following meanings:

  • chastity,
  • patience,
  • overcoming adversity,
  • the power of faith.

The Latin cross with a high vertical bar denotes passion. This is a movement of natural forces, leading to the birth of a new life.

For young girls tattoo on the neck of a cross signifies modesty, hope to find a partner for life. Romantic natures strive for it.

The designation of the tattoo cross in the language of the zone denotes:

  • follow us;
  • thief in the law;
  • strong will;
  • just retribution;
  • for all will be recompensed.

The variety of image types changes the meaning of the symbol. The inverted sign denotes renunciation of dogma, rejection of the common path. The Latin cross tattoo embodies a symbol of the West, the rebirth of life.

The Orthodox cross tattoo is more common among prisoners. It denotes grief for the departed loved ones who did not wait for the return of the person.

Solar swastikas can refer to Slavic and Aryan drawings.

This is the embodiment of the heavenly fire, light and wheel of rebirth. For artists of ultra movements it means belonging to the historical legacy of the Nazis.

The iron cross symbolizes unbending determination.

St. George and Gothic crosses are signs of high religiosity. Crucifixion on the hand symbolizes forgiveness of self and others. For many, the Celtic tattoo symbol on the arm signifies a connection with their ancestors.

Much laid down in the meaning of the picture Catholicism, the Catholic symbol means serving the Lord. The same meaning carries the Christian Orthodox cross tattoo on the arm, back or chest.

Recently, it has become popular to depict a temporary tattoo of the Maltese cross.

The main areas on the body for drawing:

The symbol itself may be supplemented with images of chains, roses, crucifix in hand. It can be decorated with a crown, a diamond or a string of pearls. The most popular are considered a simple black filling and a Celtic ligature.

The meaning of the tattoo depending on the place on the body

The location of the symbol on the back shows the concentration of the owner on his goals. The drawing is applied to the entire surface or at the base of the neck. This is how the wearer emphasizes the power of the mind over the other aspects of the personality.

Consider what the tattoo on the body means:

  • on the hand - passion, will, movement towards a goal;
  • On the finger - belonging to ideas, delivering a message;
  • On the neck - remorse, memory, redemption;
  • on the wrist - rejection of the past;
  • on the forearm - strength of spirit, attraction to the Lord;
  • On the chest tattoo - protection of the heart, a warrior of the spirit;
  • On the foot - the true path, direct paths to the goal.

Combining these interpretations with the desired meaning can achieve interesting combinations. Consult a master when making a sketch.

It is a mistake to think that the cross carries only religious significance. In modern times, there are countless variations of tattoos with a cross. They are especially popular among men. The interpretation of the tattoo depends on the place of application, size and type of the sacred symbol.

Contents of this article:

History and varieties of the symbol

Since ancient times, crosses have been used in religious ceremonies of most peoples of the world. The intersection of lines meant the union of opposites: day and night, life and death, female and male. The cross was a symbol of protection, the struggle for justice, the way of life.

Long before Christianity, different cultures associated the cross with its symbolic meaning:

  • In Africa, it served as a protective amulet, a sign of unification of human destiny with the laws and energies of the universe.
  • In Chinese tradition, the vertical line of the cross indicated the way to the higher worlds.
  • The famous Celtic cross was associated with the rebirth of the soul, the cycle of rebirths, and the unity of all things in the world.
  • The four lines of the cross symbolized the four elements, the cardinal points and the lunar cycle.

A bit of history

Contrary to the stereotype that the cross is a necessary religious attribute, experts say that this is not quite true. The cross appeared long before Christianity was established. It was used by pagans during their rituals. During excavations the image of the cross was found on the African continent, Asia, Central and South America. The cross itself was located in a circle and symbolized the unity of opposites, the cyclical nature, namely the change of sunsets and sunrises, the change of seasons in the year.

Meaning of the Latin cross in the male tattoos

Tattoo of the Latin cross

Despite the fact that tattoos with the image of the cross are very popular among men, not everyone knows their meaning.

The Latin cross is the most common because it is associated with the Christian faith. Its peculiarity is an elongated vertical line. He symbolizes the inevitability of difficulties in life, the predestination of fate, a reminder of the transience of life.

Depicted Latin cross on the body, may indicate religiosity, conscience in front of friends, not being able to commit treason. The meaning is also interpreted according to the location of the nail.

  • Located on the chest, it speaks of the centrality of faith in a person's life.
  • On the fingers - a symbol of mourning for a suddenly departed from the life of a close friend or relative.
  • Any place on the hand is a hallmark of willpower, the ability to overcome all the difficulties of life. For such a man, his own honor is more precious than his life.
  • A small or large cross across the back, distinguishes the one who has renounced the rules and norms of society, following his own unique path.

An inverted cross changes its meaning. It is associated with magical rituals, contact with the dark forces. The inverted vertical line symbolizes Satan, in this form it appears to be located above the Holy Trinity.

Tattoo an inverted cross.

This sign likes to put on his body satanists, followers of magical rituals, occultists. It is better not to risk with such a tattoo, it will open the gates to the dark forces, demonic energies.

What does this tattoo give a man?

Symbolism in body art and tattoos dates back to the days of ancient Egypt. Exactly there for the first time began to draw on a body in the form of tattoos wings, pharaohs did it mainly, emphasizing the special position. There, it was believed that the tattoo was a symbol of loftiness, divine power and authority.

In ancient Greece there was also an interesting myth related to wings. The famous inventor Daedalus was once on the island of Crete, where he had to serve a foreign king all his life, missing his native Athens. Wishing to return there with his son Icarus, now grown up, he constructed wings out of bird feathers.

They succeeded in flying, but Icarus liked the sun so much that he got too close to it, the wings were blown apart and Icarus fell into the sea. The mythical winged creatures can also include the god Hermes of Ancient Greece and Mercury of Ancient Rome. And in Slavic culture, anthropomorphic creatures with large wings of feathers are commonly regarded as messengers of God.

What will the Celtic cross tattoo tell you?

Celtic motifs are a popular ornament on the male body. Strict lines and massive weaves effectively emphasize the muscles, immediately attract attention.

The Celtic cross is associated with the unification of the spiritual and material world, male and female, the forces of light and darkness. The symbolism of the Celtic cross is also associated with the unification of the spiritual and material world, the masculine and feminine, and the forces of light and darkness. Traditionally, it is customary to apply black ink.

Often such a tattoo is complemented by various elements:

  • Roses and other flowers;
  • barbed wire;;
  • angel wings;;
  • Celtic ornament;
  • fire, diamond, crown, heart.

The interpretation of the symbol also depends on the location:

  • On the chest it is depicted to protect the owner of the tattoo from his own vices and sins.
  • On the back a sign gives protection against negative influences from the outside (physical and energetic).
  • At the neck and shoulder blade contributes to the development of intuition, comprehension of the mysteries and riddles of the universe.
  • On the left hand, tattoos are usually drawn by psychics and magicians, it will increase their own energy, connect the bearer with the natural elements.
  • The right arm or shoulder is chosen for the application of the tattoo, if a man seeks to discover his life purpose, ponders about the eternal.

In addition, the sign indicates male sexual power, the desire for harmony between platonic love and physical attraction.

The sacred meaning of the Ankh tattoo, the Gothic iron cross

The Egyptian hieroglyph of men is applied on the right side of the body. He demonstrates the wisdom of the owner, his interest in the afterlife, mystical knowledge and rituals. It can often be found on the body of the goths, as they are passionate about the cult of life and death.

At the neck of such a tattoo applied to the discovery of psychic abilities, intuition, the gift of foresight. The powerful energy of the symbol can only cope with a man with a stable psyche, strong in spirit.

The Ankh mark on the back connects the wearer to a past life that has long since passed. It is believed that the mark located in this place will help to see certain dreams. The bearer of the tattoo will often have to dream about places he or she has been in before, probably even from past lives.

The symbol carries a negative meaning, associated with the manifestation of aggression, anger. It is depicted carved in stone, surrounded by snakes and spikes. The Iron Cross is often found on the bodies of followers of Nazism, as for a long time was the highest award in Germany.

Combined with the wire, the sign symbolizes pain, unhappiness, and harm to others.

Tattoo of a cross of nails, a cross entwined with snakes

Cross tattoo with snakes

Such a drawing on the body indicates a commitment to Christian morality, experienced pain, both physical and mental. Depicted without a drop of blood, the cross of nails is intended to protect the wearer from bad wishes, aggression from others.

Depending on the location, the tattoo takes on different meanings:

  • Applied on the chest tattoo speaks of victory over the enemy, the strong will of the owner, gaining power after experiencing life's hardships.
  • On the fingers, a cross with nails is usually depicted along with the date of death of the deceased person, as a symbol of memory and grief for him.
  • Embroidered on the back with drops of blood, it indicates the ordeal of life, which befell the owner of the tattoo. He put up with them and is ready to steadfastly endure all the fated difficulties in the future.

Often such a picture is combined with other Christian symbols to draw attention to the Old Testament of Christ, not to forget his suffering, to remain committed to the faith.

The cross, piercing the snake, symbolizes victory over lies, hypocrisy, courage in the fight against injustice, the forces of evil. Snake in the crown, obvivshaya cross will speak of the beginning and end of an important case. In the zone, snakes are often depicted by thieves in the law.

Clutched tightly to the cross the snake could indicate intransigence to religion, the denial of religious principles, and even revenge against the clergy. In addition, this sign may symbolize the internal struggle with evil, the conflict of the two opposites: light and darkness.

Symbolism of the image

Quite simple in geometric sense of the figure consisting of crossed lines, has a sacred meaning in various cultures and religions. Many irreconcilable religious and spiritual practices around the world consider the cross their attribute.

The meaning of the cross varies greatly depending on the culture of the people. Most often it represented the cosmic unification of opposites, pointing to the four sides of the world, the four elements and the four seasons. At their intersection, all life in the universe is born.

New Panda Tattoo

Even the ancient Egyptians had a prototype of the cross, the so-called "key of life", the ankh, representing the power of the gods and eternal life. The Babylonian cross belonged to the supreme god of heaven, and in Assyria it was an attribute of the sun god.

Tattoo of the cross on the shoulder in Celtic style

The Celts used the sign to indicate the cyclicality and unity of all the forces of nature, and in Africa it bestows the patronage of the gods and power.

Ancient Indians depicted the cross as an attribute of Krishna, and the Chibcha civilization - over the cradles of infants, so that the symbol protects them from dark spirits. The Chinese called the symbol a stairway to heaven. The Tengrians even tattooed the cross on their faces as a sign of obedience to the supreme deity Tengri.

The Christian cross, of course, did not appear without influence from pagan traditions. Originally, the cross was an instrument of torture. But after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, its symbolism was inextricably linked with martyrdom, guilt, death, but at the time with rebirth, resurrection and eternal life.

Cross on the side of a girl's body

Cross tattoo with wings

The meaning of the tattoo will depend on whose wings it depicts. Demonic are considered to be the wings of a bat, black and broken, as a sign of sinfulness. They are often portrayed on his body representatives of subcultures, fond of black magic.

Cross tattoo with wings

Another interpretation of the cross with the wings of an angel. In conjunction with the rosary, it will indicate a strong religiosity of the owner of the nail. About this as evidenced by the praying hands, located near the main picture.

In combination with a heart this tattoo will remind of love, fidelity to the beloved. Located on the chest, it says that the beloved girl a man always carries in his heart.

A cross placed on the back surrounded by wings speaks of hardship, deprivation, despite which the wearer dreams of liberation, gaining freedom. This motif is often seen with prisoners.

A cross on the hand with wings, combined with a plaque in the middle of the picture, symbolizes sadness, longing for the abandoned loved one. The plaque may contain a date, an event that greatly saddens the owner of the tattoo. Nevertheless, he wants to remember this day forever.

If the cross depicts the wings of a dragon, it indicates an unruly character, a rebellion against established principles, a strong will. Covering their scales means protection from enemies, an impenetrable inner core of the tattoo owner.

Tattoo a tear under the eye: whether to do it?

In the catalogs of tattoos you can meet the image of a tear-drop (or several tears). In the softened "civil" interpretation, the meaning of these tears means sadness about the time that has passed, regret for some mistakes in life, perhaps, memory and grief for deceased loved ones...

But the true meaning of this tattoo can unpleasantly surprise you: the origin of the tattoo drop has prison. Moreover, widespread such tear tattoos are not among our own, but among American prisoners. The meaning of the tattoo a tear under the eye: if the tear is drawn in a single line, without shading inside, then the owner of the tattoo - the killer! And if there are several "tears" - each of them means a victim, i.e. the murder of several people.

In Australia a drop under the eye is forcedly "stuffed" in prisons to those who is accused of rape or has made it already behind bars...

Anchor under the eye

The second (and also prison) meaning: the prisoner has a loved one who has died and for whom he is grieving. In this case, the tear is completely painted black. The point is that the bearer of the tattoo does not cry (does not show his sadness, regret, etc.), but only wears for show fake tears, hiding the true heavy feelings.


For women

For Men