32+ [Photo] Small Tattoos for Men (AND WHAT THEY MEANT)

If you're not a fan of big tattoos and are trying to get something delicate, you'll love this article! Here we'll talk about the different types, colors, and prints that might work for guys who don't like the tattoo process (which can be quite painful when dealing with large tattoos). Find something in this article that fits your personality as well as your fragile body and preferences.

Why do you need small tattoos?

Small tattoos are for men who don't like the process of getting a tattoo and the needle itself. You will like a smaller tattoo if:

  • You have sensitive skin.
  • You are a minimalist
  • You prefer tattoos Smaller tattoos because they are easier to get.
  • They are more affordable as well as economical.
  • You don't like the process
  • You want something discreet.

How painful are small tattoos?

It's not really about the size of your tattoo, but more about its placement. Smaller tattoos take much less time, that's for sure. You can walk out of the store in 1-2 hours, and that's great news! However, if you end up placing your tattoo in an uncomfortable place, you will feel pain, regardless of its size! Try to avoid it:

  • Your ribs.
  • Your head, face or neck
  • Your collar bones
  • Ankle
  • Knee
  • Elbow
  • Armpit

Statutory requirements Russia

By law, it is forbidden in the Russian Federation to make financial transactions with persons under the age of 18. To take money, to negotiate with teenagers tattoo-masters have no right. All questions are resolved with their legal representatives (parents or guardians).

Tattoos can be tattooed with parental permission from the age of 14. Younger children can get temporary tattoos (stickers or henna drawings).

Statutory requirements Russia

Collaboration of a tattooist with a minor citizen of Russia can threaten the master with punishment.

Why is there an age restriction?

Adolescence is characterized by emotional instability, mood swings, impulsivity, increased vulnerability. During this period, adult children strive to defend their point of view and rights, commit rash actions. A once-tattooed tattoo may soon lead to negative associations, panic attacks, and social problems: a person's outlook changes drastically over the years.

Tattoos can negatively affect psychological health.

Another reason is active physiological changes. The formation of the body ends by the age of 18, and there is no point in getting a tattoo earlier. Drawings will be subjected to changes, deformed (stretched, distorted). The optimum age for body art is 18-30 years old.

It is forbidden to do tattoos to children.

Children are not allowed to get tattoos.

Teenagers who do tattoos without parental permission, expect quarrels and unpleasant conversations at home. And masters of tattoo parlors can be punished.

Parents of minors can sue tattoo master.

Parents of minors can file a lawsuit against the tattoo master.

Since when can I get a tattoo?

Many people dream of getting a tattoo, especially in adolescence. Someone wants to stand out from the crowd or express their bright personality, someone - to emphasize their style or image and show belonging to a particular subculture. For many it is a way to express social protest, rebellion, which is peculiar to young people and especially teenagers.

How old are you allowed to get a tattoo?

Can I get a tattoo before I'm 18? There are heated debates surrounding this question. Without going into the details of the question, most professional tattoo artists will answer firmly: no. But why, and with what age it is possible to go to a salon and stuff a tattoo?

Ideally, it is necessary to do a tattoo no earlier than 21 years. Exactly in this age the body stops an active phase of growth. It establishes a stable immunity, it becomes resistant to infections and allergens.

Before this age, the human body is still unstable. He continues to grow and form, there are complex internal biological processes. The tattoo for such a body will be the strongest shaking, as a result of which various complications may arise: from an allergy to the paint to the deformation of the figure.

How old do I get a tattoo?

This is a physiological aspect. But there is also a psychological aspect. This point is sure to provoke protest and indignation among young people. But it is true: a person under 18 or even 21 years of age is not yet internally ready to make such a decision. And hormones are to blame. A person at the age of 15 can already be smart, organized, responsible and erudite, but you can't fight hormonal processes, it's physiology.

A surge of hormonal activity in adolescence leads to excessive emotionality, short temper, and as a consequence, to rash decisions. So you want to get a tattoo, and it seems that if you don't do it, the world will collapse. It won't! But if you do, in a couple of years you'll have to regret it. So until the age of 21 years should not do it. Well, or at least not until you're 18, because the ban won't be legal anymore.

Interesting ideas for white tattoos

Better than other images looks openwork pattern, which creates an intricate beautiful relief on the body. Drawings of birds, butterflies, flowers look good. You also can't go wrong if you choose as a theme for a white tattoo the name of a loved one, an aphorism, a statement of an Eastern philosopher. Very beautiful look paired white tattoos on the hands of a man and a woman.

Description of the technique

White tattoos are a novelty in the field of tattooing. With the appearance of the first samples of white tattoos, the public instantly became interested in this technique, cardinally different from the familiar to all variants.

The drawings, filled with barely visible UV-ink, show up in bright light. All details are perfectly visible, but at the same time the tattoo looks very neat, without a shadow of vulgarity, easy and transparent.

Let's list the advantages of white tattoos:

  1. White design does not look dirty. A neat white tattoo is not associated with the criminal world.
  2. Ideal for young girls.
  3. Over time, a white tattoo will discolor without interference. If the tattoo is no longer necessary, it will not have to be removed.

The disadvantages of the white tattoo include the following:

  1. A more time-consuming application process.
  2. In the eyes of some, a white tattoo looks like a scar.
  3. A fresh tattoo takes longer to heal.
  4. Allergic reactions occur more often.
  5. White tattoos are almost invisible on whitish skin.

Advantages of small tattoos

Small male tattoos vary in style of application and meaning. The small area that the picture occupies makes it popular.

The advantages of such pictures:

  • Will suit any man;
  • Are not expensive;
  • The application takes a little time;
  • quickly heal;
  • they can be easily broken;
  • easy to apply anywhere;
  • can be concealed under clothing if necessary;
  • can be made in different styles.

Small male tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos
Small male tattoos look very succinct
Variations of miniature tattoos vary in their variety. You can put anything on your body, from a simple cross or anchor to a complex picture with deep meaning. In addition, small pictures retain their color longer and need to be applied less often.

Can I get a tattoo before I'm 18?

If a young person or girl of 15 years you see a tattoo, do not be jealous. The fact is that in Russia it is legally forbidden to do tattoos before the age of 18. What does this mean? That he (or she) made a tattoo illegally, and therefore - at a bad master. And most likely, in a year or two this drawing will look simply disgusting.

The tattoo salons and the masters working legally render services to the population that is they conclude the agreement with their clients about rendering cosmetic services. Concluding a contract with a minor is impossible from a legal point of view.

How Old Can a Tattoo Be?

Tattoo can be done only in sanitary conditions of the office, with the use of special disposable instruments, antiseptics, disinfection.

Young people under the age of 18 cannot buy their own plane tickets or get a job, go to college, or cross the border. For the same reason they cannot get a tattoo either. Because it is a serious decision for which an adult must take full responsibility.

Moreover, the parents of a child who came home with a "drawing" have the right to sue the master for such an action. This is as illegal as selling alcohol or tobacco products to minors.

How old do I get a tattoo?

Well, if you get a tattoo from a "disrespectful" master, i.e. illegally, then it's a different story. Unfortunately, such "masters" who have bought a machine and are beating the "beauty" right at home, can be met often. And the results of their work can sometimes be found on young bodies. These are unsanitary and working conditions that are completely unacceptable.

In addition, such a "master" is unlikely to be good at his job. Most likely, instead of the coveted "tattoo" they will make something that doesn't make any sense, and in a year or two the drawing will spread under the skin, lose color and change shape. This is a huge risk, and no joy, because instead of a beautiful drawing the client will receive a total disappointment.

A white tattoo for a guy

Developing a sketch for a white tattoo, men usually give preference to large-scale images, covering a significant area. Although small neat signs, words and drawings also look very good on a guy's body.

  1. Complex patterns. Even a simple geometric figure drawn with white lines looks great.
  2. You can choose as the basis of the plot a powerful trace of some strong animal - a bear, a wolf, a lion. White trace on a tanned body - a real masterpiece of tattooing.
  3. In a completely new way in the white color are perceived the traditional attributes of the male tattoos - compass, star with rays, skull, hieroglyphs, runes.

White tattoo is like a ghost, a light reflection of the true essence of things, barely visible in our world. White lines on the light skin are filled with special meaning, associated with white clouds, the first snow, a light transparent curtain.

When looking at the white tattoo there is a feeling of sterility and purity. White tattoos are suitable for anyone, regardless of gender and year of birth, which is probably their main advantage.

Tattoos for teens? All you need to know

The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not regulate tattooing in any way, does not define this type of activity as a certain profession, does not include tattooing activity in the list of licensed medical services. According to article 26 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a minor at the age of 14 to 18 can independently without the consent of parents, adoptive parents, or custodians dispose of his wages, stipend and other income, and make minor household transactions. Moreover, Article 44 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees freedom of creativity

. So in Russia, if a teenager decides to get a tattoo, his parents may
not be able to stop him
In Russia, if a teenager decides to get a tattoo, his parents cannot stop him, while the master tattooist, who will dare to do the order, is not threatened (unless his health is harmed). Although in serious salons, most likely the teenager will be refused, it is necessary to understand that if he wants he can find a place where he can get it done.

But most states of America have laws that do not allow minors to get tattoos without the presence or written consent of the parents. Some states go further, completely banning tattoos until the age of 18 or even 21.

So, we can't fight this (especially since piercings are often equated with tattoos as well). Let us then clarify Safety issues


Complications and problems

The good news is that the complication rate from tattooing is low. The only concern is the possibility of infection.

Potential causes for infection include contaminated tattoo ink and/or needles and poor skin disinfection work, which can lead to bacterial contamination. It is rare, potential infections include Staphylococcus aureus (i.e., staphylococcal infection) or Streptococcus pyogenes (streptococci).

Infections can only appear after some time (from 4 to 22 days after tattooing). Signs of infection are pustules along the tattoo lines.

Unclean tattooing can also transmit viral infections from pathogens through the blood, they can include Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or even HIV. However, such problems do not arise in specialized centers; unless a teenager has decided to get a tattoo quietly somewhere in the basement, there is no need to worry about that. That's why it's best to be aware of

if your teenager decides to get a tattoo
by any means necessary, against all odds.
: at least you can send him to a good salon to prevent problems.

Henna tattoos

Henna tattoos are a good substitute for traditional tattoos. The plus is that henna tattoos are not permanent

, it's a way for a teenager
tattoo without being tied to it for life. In fact, it is a type of traditional body art that dates back to the Bronze Age in the Middle East.

Red henna can only cause problems due to hypersensitivity to the pigment, which is extremely rare. Black henna, on the other hand, can be a cause for concern. Black henna does not exist in nature, a chemical substance is added to it, the tattoo looks more like an ordinary tattoo.

During a henna tattoo there is no puncture of the skin

Therefore, there is no risk of infection with pathogens. There is, however, a small risk of allergic reaction and allergic contact dermatitis, and the reaction can be severe.

In any case, if you can't change your teen's mind to give it up completely, henna is the best choice because it's at least not for life.



If your child is comfortable with this option. you're in luck.

. No risk and no problems.

Offer this option: collect a supply of transferable tattoos at home (you can choose and buy them together, the choice today is huge, for boys and girls), which the child can change as he likes.

Yes, it's not a permanent picture, it's not "real," but some teenager might be attracted to the idea of changing the pictures at any time to their liking.

. In addition, they are in color, and many of them are very beautiful.

The consequences of the choice

Not surprisingly, teenagers don't always think about the lifelong consequences

of their choices. Have a serious discussion with your child about society's acceptance of tattoos. Remember that many adults believe that their tattoos or piercings
harm their chances of getting a job.
. And it really does. It's hard to imagine many respectable professions with tattoos. It's just
a lot of opportunities in the future.
. Moreover, the chosen drawing also matters: some symbols have meanings that can cause serious problems.

A teenager cannot understand that one day he will not only become an adult, but also old .

. It is difficult to explain, but... try. Find pictures of old people who look ridiculous with tattoos, make the child think. Show them that it
Isn't always pretty.

If the tattoo is done...

Make sure your teen takes proper care of the tattooed area to reduce the risk of infection. Some general guidelines:

  • Keep the bandage on for 24 hours, then wash the area with soap and warm water
  • Regularly apply antibiotic ointments, skin cream or oil (vitamin E)
  • avoid petroleum jelly, rubbing alcohol or peroxide
  • For some time (at least 2 weeks, inquire in the parlor where the tattoo was applied) skip bathing, staying in the sun, refuse whirlpool baths and just long baths

With signs of infection see your doctor right away.

Pros and cons

It's not an easy decision to let your teenager make choices that will have a lifelong impact. Although a tattoo can be removed, this process is expensive and painful, and sometimes it is not particularly effective. That's why you need to carefully weigh the "pros"


The potential disadvantages of a permanent tattoo are many, but what are the pros? Find out what motivates the teenager. Could it be a desire to just keep up with friends?

The worst that can happen is that the child will go to an underground tattoo parlor with questionable quality work, or try to draw with the help of friends and homemade equipment.

It is done only voluntarily

Getting a tattoo is a human right. Forced tattooing is expressly forbidden

Art. 100 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, dated August 12, 1949. (ratified by the USSR in 1954). This is the realization of the human right to personal inviolability, enshrined in Article 22 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In the case of forced tattooing, the actions of the perpetrator, depending on the conditions and consequences, can be qualified under various articles of the Criminal Code.

On what places men more often apply small tattoos

Tattoo small male can be on various parts of the body. They are worn in prominent places or do so, to consider the picture could a limited circle of people. Choosing a picture, it is necessary to remember that each part of a body has its own meaning and a tattoo on it can tell to initiates more information than a man wants that.

Men prefer to get a tattoo on:

  • shoulder;
  • forearm;
  • wrist;
  • The palm and hands;
  • fingers;
  • neck;
  • chest;
  • side;
  • thigh;
  • back;
  • scapula;
  • leg.

Most often, miniature pictures can be found on the wrist, neck, chest or leg.

Esotericists note that the side of the body on which a person wears a tattoo also matters. For example, the right half is responsible for how a man feels about life and himself at the present time. The pictures on the right indicate a man's hobbies, beliefs, and aspirations.

The left half of the body is responsible for the emotional plane of a man's life. The picture here indicates things that are dear to the tattoo wearer. Usually, the left side depicts anything related to love, pain, loss, or hurt. This side is associated with emotions, as this is where the heart is located.

On the front, tattoos are given to those who want to establish themselves in society and show what they are worth. On this side of the body, pictures indicate the social status of the wearer and how he wants to be perceived by others. Also, a tattoo here can challenge the world or individuals.

Small male tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

Drawings on the back refer to the past. Such tattoos indicate the experiences of past years and even lives. Specialists note that the back "carries" memories. In addition, pictures on the back, lower back, buttocks, neck or legs have a protective function.


Small male tattoos applied to the shoulders denote the burdens that a man carries. Usually depicted on this part of the body are girls, animals, ornaments or inhabitants of fantasy worlds. This symbolism is also applied to the shoulders in the form of mystical symbols, runic writings or hieroglyphs. Popular among the stronger sex pictures with the signs of the zodiac.

There is a top tattoo that men wear on their shoulders, they include:

  1. Wolf.
  2. Dragon.
  3. Bear.
  4. Tiger.
  5. Scorpion.
  6. Lion.

Small tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

Each of these images has its own meaning and gives its owner a certain energy and qualities. If the expression of the animal's muzzle does not express aggression, then the possessor of the picture is a calm person and will not engage in battle first.


The forearm is responsible for the strength of the person and for what he/she seeks in life. The pictures here may contain different meanings and a message to others. On this part of the body are drawings of those who are a warrior by nature and ready to fight with all who threaten the freedom of his and her loved ones.

Small tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

Tattoos on the forearms in most cases are applied in dark ink and are rarely colored. Experts note that the picture on this part of the body emphasizes the masculinity of its owner. There may be as mythical pictures from books as well as different kinds of cold steel arms or inscriptions.


The wrist is a tattoo of an overbearing personality. A man with a picture in this place knows the value and confidence in their own abilities. In esoteric circles, they believe that the wrist is the image of those who know how to start and complement what has already been done.

Small tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

On this part of the body one can find a bar code, the sun or cardiogram lines. Also inscriptions or names of children and beloved women are placed here.

On the palm, on the hand and fingers

The hands have long had a sacred meaning with different peoples. It is believed that the right hand gives and the left hand receives. Also, this part of the body is associated with the outside world and contacts in it.

On the palms of the hands tattoos are rare and make them usually men with a secretive nature. On the hands of the image is applied more often and experts say that this place is well suited for a miniature picture, but the image will not last long, as it will quickly wear out. This is due to the fact that the hands are most exposed to external influences.

Small tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

Each finger on the hand also has its own meaning. For example, the little finger is responsible for self-awareness and confidence, and the ring finger - for harmony and appearance. The middle finger represents human ambition and ego, and the index finger represents strength, pressure and perseverance.

The thumb on both hands is responsible for a person's flexibility in different situations. In this case, the fingers on the right hand indicate what a man is in life, and on the left hand - what he wants to appear to be and what he lacks. The fingers usually bear the letters of the name, solar symbols, or runes. There are also crosses, dream catchers, and lines that, like a ring, completely encircle the finger.


Small male tattoos are also done on the neck. A picture or inscription in this place indicates that its owner is used to combine reason and emotion in his actions. Some peoples still believe that the neck is the place where thoughts are combined with feelings.

On this part of the body one can find a drawing of an ornament, an inscription, a star or a miniature head of an animal. In addition, large volumetric tattoos end or begin on the neck.

The chest

The chest is a favorite place for men to apply a body image. From an esoteric point of view, this part of the body is associated with the personal self of the man. Pictures in this area relate to inner feelings, family values, relationships with others and heartstrings.

Small tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

Men prefer to put small portraits of loved ones, images with hidden meanings or protective symbols on the chest. Ancient warriors believed that a tattoo on this part of the body would protect them in battle and ward off a deadly blow from the enemy.


Esotericists believe that the sides hide a person's deep experiences. In this place, you can usually find an inscription or images in a geometric style. At the same time, pictures are rarely made here, as this zone is highly sensitive.

Small tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

Masters recommend to make images on the side, unfolded in profile and looking in the same direction as the medium. It is not necessary to make symmetric tattoos here, as they will look disharmoniously.


It is recommended to draw tattoos on the thigh, the energy of which will nourish the person. This part of the body is believed to be responsible for moving forward. Men rarely get small tattoos on their thighs, and most often they depict a cross, an owl or an inscription.

Small male tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

On the thighs, experts recommend applying elongated pictures. A round or square tattoo will visually increase this area.


One of the favorite parts of the body where men wear pictures is the back. Here the themes and colors can be very diverse. In addition, masters like to work with this part of the body, as it is large and relatively flat.

In esotericism the back is responsible for the past. Drawings in this part of the body indicate what a person lacks in order to feel support and confidence in life. There is also its own meaning in each part of the back. For example, anger "hides" between the shoulder blades, and the lower back is responsible for the connection of sexual desires and material needs.

Small male tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

On the back men usually wear images of real and mythical animals, mystical symbols, hieroglyphs, fantastic pictures or compositions with weapons, snakes and inscriptions. This part of the body is convenient because the tattoo on it can be hidden under clothing if necessary.


The shoulder blades are responsible for a person's aspirations and ambitions. Some experts note that with a picture in this area, you can balance the energy and even improve physical and emotional health.

Of the miniature tattoos men wear on the scapula:

  • animals;
  • quotes from books;
  • fantasy compositions;
  • insects;
  • hieroglyphs;
  • birds;
  • wings.

Small tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

The picture in this part of the body can also be easily concealed under clothing.


Esotericists believe that the feet are responsible for a person's desire to move forward.

A closer look reveals that:

  1. The knees represent flexibility, self-esteem and pride.
  2. The lower part of the legs is what one leaves behind as one strives for the future.
  3. The ankles maintain balance.

Small tattoos for guys. Sketches, photos

The toes also have their own meaning. Men prefer to put graphic images, animals, plants or folk motifs on this part of the body. Such a picture emphasizes the masculinity and tenacity of its owner. For the feet masters recommend choosing elongated pictures, and it is better to refuse round or wide, as they will visually increase this part of the body.


For women

For men