Where to get a tattoo girl: interesting ideas, recommendations and reviews

Surely if you've ever planned to get a tattoo on your body, you've asked yourself: "Where should I get it?". After all, it is not immediately clear where the conventional skull will look better: on the leg, on the back or on the chest. But not all people think carefully about the place of the tattoo, usually only those who have already been to the tattoo-master think so. They know that the wrong place can simply lead to tattoo

will stop liking it. Beginners don't really choose places for tattoos. They look at the beautiful verb sprigs under the right breast of a girl with a good build and think that on their body this tattoo will look just as great. And there's a mistake! We are all different. If it suited one, it is not certain that it will suit the other. However, there are successful places. On them, tattoos suit many. Here we will tell you about those and share many more with you. We want you to make an educated choice and never be disappointed with a tattoo. Let's begin.

How do I choose a place for a tattoo?

A place for a tattoo is a serious choice. So before you decide, find a "pain map" and look at the areas of the body that are more painful for a person. However, if you don't care about discomfort - congratulations! All places are open to you. For example, for girls, the most painful places are the area under the breasts, knees, neck, elbows. For men, the unpleasant places are the head, neck, spine, elbows, groin area, feet, knees, hands, inner thighs, and breasts. However, the sensations are different for both sexes here, I guess, as with everything else. Men are more susceptible to pinpoint pain. Girls tolerate it much more easily. Take a good look at the pain chart below. It will help you if you have a bad reaction to long periods of pain, or if you would simply like to experience less uncomfortable pain.

Tips: Tattoo Places
Below we'll look at all the common places and start with your hands.


Probably the best place for a tattoo. The tattoo will look several times more spectacular and powerful. Here are the main advantages for those who want to tattoo on the arm: + Hands are a symmetrical part of our body, so we can put more than one drawing on it, and it will still look very cool and effective. + Some tattoos on the arm, like on the shoulder, can be hidden under a blouse, T-shirt, turtleneck. Will be needed in case you will be scolded by your parents or if you work in a serious profession. Although both are becoming obsolete. + Drawing will not blur and will not lose its shape when you gain weight, as the skin on the arms is not too stretched, compared to the thigh. + Any kind of tattoo will look beautiful on your hands. However, the tattoo on the hand has disadvantages: - The tattoo deforms greatly over time in the elbows, phalanges and palms. - Hands, especially in the summer, are mostly open, so are highly exposed to the sun. You'll need to frequently dab the tattoo with sunscreen. - Elbows and hands are the sickest places for tattoos in both men and women.


Tips: Tattooing Places
Very often people come with requests to get tattoos on the legs. Mostly, however, men. Their favorite place is the calves. But what dictates this desire? Consider together the advantages of a tattoo on the leg: + Tattoo on the leg is easy to hide, even in summer, especially if you have the weather does not rise above +25 degrees. + Tattoo on the legs looks very aesthetic, especially if it's some kind of delicate drawing like a rose, a tree, an animal, and so on. + The tattoo on your calves, shins, thighs will not cause pain. You will feel a slight tingling sensation. There are a few warnings that anyone who wants to get a tattoo on their feet should be aware of: If you do not want to feel severe, perhaps unbearable pain for some, do not get a tattoo on your feet, knees, or inner thighs! If you are in frequent contact with the sun, it is better to periodically dab the tattoo with sunscreen to keep it looking the same! If you have a tattoo on your foot or ankle - be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly update it. This is the only way to keep it in good condition! If you have made a tattoo, then suddenly lost or have gained weight, it is possible deformation of the image and because of the appeared stretch marks and other skin imperfections.! If you are a man and do not like to shave your legs, then we advise to prepare for the fact that your tattoo for the hair cover is unlikely to be clearly visible. So you probably have to shave your legs more often than never. :D


Tips: Tattoo Places
Few people do tattoos on the stomach, let's not guess what's involved. Mostly girls do such drawings, because if properly placed, it will even be very elegant and cute. Tattoo on the stomach is almost always beautiful. It all depends on the body on which the picture is applied. Let's break down the unpleasant aspects of a tattoo on the abdominal part of the body. - The tattoo will 100% blur while carrying a fetus or gaining weight. - If you are an ardent fan of sports and tight clothing, you will have to give it all up for the recovery period. - The abdomen is very sensitive. Here it is necessary to be careful and to be ready for sharp pains. Drawing on the abdomen is suitable for those who have already had children and recovered after childbirth.


Breasts are often chosen by both men and women. And there are a number of reasons: + The place is hidden from prying eyes and will be exposed only when you want it. + Honestly, a tattoo on the chest or under the chest looks well very beautiful) + Suitable for any gender and age. But there is never a pluses without minuses. Therefore, already by tradition, to consecrate the disadvantages: - Because of the aging of such a tattoo can shrink, lose its primary form, because it ceases to be beautiful. - Girls will have to give up the bra at the time of healing of the tattoo. For some it can cause serious discomfort and problems. - It is not allowed to do sports for some time. - Sleeping on the chest is also forbidden for obvious reasons.


Tips: Tips: Tattoo Places
It seems that the neck turns out very beautiful tattoos. Especially aesthetically pleasing are sketches that seem to wrap around the neck either completely or halfway (but that's to our taste). I guess that's all the pros of such a tattoo. The minuses are weighty: - There is practically no way to hide the tattoo, only by wearing a turtleneck. But in the summer, this method will not work. - You are unlikely to get into government agencies and serious jobs. So you will most likely have to choose "self-employment". But do not be afraid, you will not disappear, given the trendy online professions and freelancing, which can be trained by anyone. - Well, and the most unpleasant: the application of the tattoo on the neck is very painful.


Tips: Tips: Tattoo Places
A common option for guys, and sometimes for girls. This has its own explanation. So what are the pros of such a tattoo? + On the back, based on its size, it is possible to perform large sketches. This is a good plus not only for you, but also for the master - you will not have to look hard at the drawing during the application. All will be visible, as on a palm. + Drawing is hidden from prying eyes and it will be visible only on the beach. + Fortunately, the tattoo on the back does not deform in any way, even over time. The disadvantages are also there: - The care of the tattoo on the back will need help, and constant for the time of healing. - The application is very painful in the shoulder blades and spine area. Otherwise, there are more pros anyway. So, if you have someone who will help, and you are not afraid of pain, feel free to do a cool big (or maybe not) tattoo on the back.

Head and face.

Tips: Tips: Tattoo Places
Do you like to be the center of attention? If so, this is the tattoo for you. For the rest of us, it's a moot point. There are sort of advantages, but they are more like subjective: + You will always attract the attention of people around you. + Drawings on the head and face go well with other tattoos. For example, on the neck. With the pros everything. Now for the cons, of which there are many: - Prepare for the fact that the face and head - the most painful areas. - Because of the stereotypical thinking of society, few people will take you seriously. - With employment will be a big problem for the very reason that is described above. - If you get a tattoo on your head, you'll have to shave constantly to make the drawing visible. Before you get a tattoo on your face or head, ask yourself the logical question: "Do I need it?"

The most inconspicuous places to get a tattoo

Tips: Tattoo Places
If you came here, you probably want to get a tattoo. Some of you do not particularly want to show it to the people around for a variety of reasons: parents scold, at work will not understand, maybe for them it is something intimate. We know, many people want to hide the tattoo, and so below are the invisible places for tattoos that will help you choose the right location: ✔ lower part of your neck; ✔ back (very easy to hide under normal clothes); ✔ hips; ✔ breasts; ✔ abdomen; ✔ intimate area. Warning:It is very, very painful to get tattoos in the groin area. Also, during the recovery you will have to give up tight underwear (this will be a problem for girls).

Places for small tattoos

Tips: Tattooing Places
Not everyone though huge tattoos across the back, arm, or scoring both calves. There are fans of small and aesthetic tattoos. But here's the question: where to apply them to look beautiful, minimalistic, and most importantly - harmoniously? And here is the answer: - On the collarbones; - Under the chest; - On the wrists; - Behind the ear; - On the fingers; - On the forearm; In general, small tattoos can be applied anywhere, just based on their minimalism. But these places will be the most advantageous.

The choice of the pattern

Responsibly approach the choice of the sketch. The main thing here is not to rush. Do not take a quick decision. Even if you chose a sketch, wait another week or two. It is important that your desire was not impulsive.

girl with a tattoo
You can use ready-made options from the Internet. There are tens of thousands of sketches. There are hundreds of sites and communities in social networks, where you can see ready-made options
. Or you can go to a master and have him make a unique sketch just for you.. It's up to you. Of course, the development of the sketch (with all the subsequent edits) will increase the cost of the work. But to save money on a tattoo is not reasonable. It is necessary to do a tattoo from and to how you want.
The choice of the sketch directly depends on anatomical features of a body, its bends, hollows, convexities.. Also depends on the size. There is a big difference in a small image on the shoulder, or a large drawing on the whole chest/back/arm/leg.

It is not necessary to apply a specific pattern. There are variations of ornamentation. There are many styles of ornamentation: tribal, Borneo, Celtic, Polynesian, and others. Check out all the available materials on the subject in advance.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo for a girl?

Tips: Tattoo Places
In this selection, we will consider not only the attractiveness and aesthetics of the place, but also its painfulness. Few people want to hurt the beautiful sex, so we will not give unpleasant advice either. Women's tattoos, as a rule, should emphasize the sexy and piquant places of her body, making her herself more attractive to herself and others. Here are the best places for tattoos for girls: - lower back. Here girls give preference to inscriptions, unsophisticated drawings and butterflies. - buttocks. Usually women get small tattoos on their buttocks, apparently so as not to distract attention :). - thighs. Probably the most piquant places of any girl. A good tattoo will only accentuate their gracefulness. - The abdomen and the breasts.. Here it is important to choose something not bulky. - arms. — neck. A tattoo on the back of the neck looks nice and beautiful. It can be a flower, an inscription or symbols.

Meaning of the phrase

Each quote has a certain meaning. Do not ignore the meaning of even the most, at first glance even the most uncomplicated phrase can have a very deep meaning that can affect a person.

Of course, girls in most cases choose heartfelt phrases, quotes about love, loyalty, the beauty of life and the world. Some translate the quotes into a foreign language, in this case, it is worth taking care about the quality of translation, so as not to distort the meaning of the phrase.

Where best to score a tattoo man?

Tips: Tips: Tattoo Places
Guys go for tattoos anywhere. But we're only talking about the best spots here, right? Here they are: - Chest. Voluminous drawings on the chest will make you look more brutal. More often than not, you can see wings. - calves. It's the least painful place. Here you can put anything: a minimalist tattoo or a large tattoo. On the calves of men most often can be seen skulls, roses, animals. neck. Images with deep meaning and inscriptions around the neck will look beautiful here. - back. On the back you can often see large patterns and even the entire length of the spine. Whether or not it's beautiful for you is up to you to decide. ;)arms. Guys often come in asking for a sleeve. It takes a long time, as one session is not enough. However, the result amazes many.

Making a decision

It is important to consider everything. The question is not even about money, the place of application or the choice of the master. First, answer yourself the question clearly - "do you need it?". There will be no way back. They say a tattoo can be lasered off. But a trace of it will still remain. So that image will stay with you for life.

Are you ready to see it every day? How will your loved ones feel about it? Talk to them. Don't make it a surprise.. Even if they are against it, at least they will have time to think about the situation. Your decision (if it is firm) they won't change it.. But in order to come to terms with too much effort, time. Do not deprive them of this opportunity. Make your wish known in advance. For example: "I'm going to give myself a birthday present for winter. Everyone will know.


For women

For men