Symbols of love and happiness: what are the most popular today

We live in an endless race: in a hurry to climb up the career ladder, to earn as much money as possible and to become respectable weight in society. The whirlpool of events spinning at such a speed that often we do not notice that instead of a hot summer outside the window for a long time already late fall. We fuss, we get nervous, we worry... And there is only one thing that brings us peace and tranquility. It's family.

Family is a special, magical atmosphere of mutual understanding and comfort. Only in the circle of relatives we are always warm and comfortable. This is a refuge from any problems and difficulties, not without reason there is a popular saying that reads: "My home is my fortress.

The scarlet rose will tell about love

What flowers do young men in love give the object of adoration? That's right - roses. And certainly a juicy, scarlet color. After all, this shade of red symbolizes passion and passionate feelings. So why is the rose the symbol of passion all over the world?

It is very likely that the scarlet rose was chosen to represent a declaration of sincere feelings thanks to the love story of Adonis and Venus from ancient mythology. According to the legend, Adonis was so handsome that the goddess of love - Venus herself - fell in love with him with no memory. The young man reciprocated her love, but their happiness, alas, was short-lived... While hunting Adonis was attacked by an enraged wild boar and inflicted mortal wounds with razor-sharp fangs.

Other Popular Ways to Attract Love

The amulet for lovers is not the only way to solve relationship problems. There are other, less popular, but still popularly known ways. Here are some of them.


Tattoo for lovers

You've probably thought about paired tattoos for lovers. Like a name exchange, where the guy puts the girl's name on and the girl gets a tattoo with his name on it. Yes, this kind of practice is quite common. But many people think that such a tattoo exchange is a display of lack of imagination. And some are afraid to do it, because with your chosen one can always split up, but the tattoo will remain for life.

If you are also not thrilled with such an idea, think about a tattoo of another type. A symbolic image of a man and a woman, two joined hearts, a tattoo in the form of rings, doves or cats curled up in a heart - the choice is yours. The main thing that the image was paired

Runes .

Among unusual love talismans are called and runes. We used to think of them as a way to predict the future, but the ancient icons are able to act as amulets. Runes can help to fight disease, make money and, of course, to attract love.

Which runes to take:

  • Gebo - symbol of the union of male and female energy;
  • Laguz - embodies purity, tenderness, helps to develop femininity;
  • ootal - will be useful in critical situations (in quarrels, divorce) - will help return everything back to normal;
  • Inguz - this runu should be used by men, as it symbolizes the male sexuality, as if a magnet attracting women.

The main thing here is that the image applied correctly. Errors in the drawing can lead to very serious consequences, and your talisman will become a source of trouble. So, it is better to buy runes in .

There are no restrictions on the use of runes. Carry a rune plaques or draw the runes on a piece of paper. What matters is not the method, but your belief in the power of a talisman to attract love.

Marilyn Carro's Amulet

Marilyn Carro`s amulet

Another popular amulet that attracts love is a talisman from Marilyn Carro, an Estonian witch and participant in the popular television show "Battle of the Psychics. It looks like a silver triskelion pendant decorated with Celtic interlacing and inlaid with red rubies.

Witch admirers usually do not even realize that the basis for the accessory was a symbol known in many ancient cultures, including the Celts. The triskelion itself has nothing to do with affairs of love, but rubies give it the power to affect them.

An Engagement Ring as a Symbol of the Union of Two Hearts

Accompanied by soft music and hundreds of candles, the bride and groom put on wedding rings to the applause of the guests... This beautiful tradition has been around for centuries, in the days of the pagan gods. The custom of wearing a wedding ring on the ring finger of the right hand is explained by the fact that the blood artery from this finger goes straight to the heart. And they love with all their hearts.

Why is the ring a symbol of love and eternal union between two spouses? Because it, just like pure, sincere love, has no end, no edge, just like the universe itself.

These are the symbols of happiness and love. Love each other, warm each other with the warmth of your heart. Remember that if you are loved and loved, and if you have a house where you are always welcome, then you are an incredibly rich and infinitely happy person. Appreciate and keep it in your heart - and joy will never leave your home.

The amorous symbols of different countries

In addition to the above cupids, hearts, flowers and cooing doves, there is also the national symbolism of love. Let us speak about it in detail.

  • Egypt. During the reign of the pharaohs, the Egyptian symbols of love were red roses, as well as precious minerals: rock crystal, turquoise and emeralds.
  • Inhabitants of ancient Rome As an attribute of high feelings considered the diamond and sapphire stones. These gems are still the embodiment of deep feelings to this day. That is why they are used as talismans to harmonize their couples.
  • The Japanese and Chinese also have their own symbol of love - butterflies. In this case, the image of a butterfly shows that the young person has recently fallen in love and has not yet had time to seduce her lover with all its charms. The relationship is just developing. In depicting a pair of winged witches, it is possible to talk about mutual love. They act as a family amulet.
  • In addition to butterflies, love is also associated with the mandarin tree. It is believed that the sunny fruit will make the relationship more passionate. Traditionally, a pair of mandarin ducks is given to newlyweds as a gift of tenderness.
  • The French revere the royal lily in the field of love. There is a special custom whereby the groom presents his bride with one lily each day.
  • The Scots The Luckenbut brooch is their own love symbol. The bride's wedding dress is always decorated with it.
  • For the people of Great Britain. the turtle-dove represents loyalty and devotion to his mate until death.
  • Russia. In the Russian Federation family values and feelings are embodied by seemingly unremarkable flowers - daisies. Although they are simple in appearance, but filled with deep symbolism. So, the white hue indicates purity, purity, and the yellow center reflects the hearth. The petals are symbols of all relatives gathered together.

In conclusion, watch the video:


Astarte - "Goddess," sometimes depicted as a cow, as a fertile being. Capable of resurrecting with her love, sensual warmth, granting vitality. May be a healer.

Another of her images is a naked horsewoman, with a bow and arrow. The Semitic goddess of love was at the same time famous as the goddess of battles. This image of her symbolizes selfish love, which is capable of sowing enmity between people. And also to reconcile them by mediating in conflict situations, maintaining law and peace. In the image of the goddess are the forces of belligerence and, at the same time, peacefulness.

Asirat - The mother of gods and men, daughter and wife of the Western Semitic god Ilu, transformed in our days into a single and simultaneously multiple god of the Kabala Elohim. A phallic cult is associated with Asirat.

Kudshu - Syrian goddess of fertility, one of the personifications of Astarte. She is depicted standing on a lion, with a flower in one hand and a snake in the other. She is also identified with the divine cow Hathor.

Nuances of self-made talisman

It is believed that self-made talismans have stronger magical properties. In the past, amulets were made of:

  1. Fangs.
  2. Claws.
  3. Horns.
  4. Stones with a hole in them.
  5. Wood.
  6. Bones.
  7. Feathers.
  8. Dried fruits.

Nowadays talismans are made of such materials:

  • Metals;
  • glass;
  • precious stones.

Color is also important: for example, talismans for love are made in red, protective - in black, healing - in green or light shades. To create your own amulet, it is necessary to choose a day, a place, think over a sketch, incantations and choose materials in advance.

We have chosen for vasinthe interesting articles:

The strongest stavs of runes to attract unconditional love


The meaning of the amulet Valkyrie - an ancient symbol of warriors


Heart Crystals

It is possible to strengthen the magical properties of the talisman, decorating it with such symbols:

  1. Signs of the planets.
  2. Runes.
  3. Separate words or letters.
  4. Signs of the Zodiac.

Do not place on the talisman all at once.

Process of making a talisman:

  1. Prepare all necessary materials and spells.
  2. Calm down and call the forces that will help to create a talisman.
  3. Start making the talisman and don't be distracted.
  4. When the amulet is ready, thank the powers that helped in creation.
  5. Charge the amulet with spells.
  6. After completion, it is necessary to clear the workplace and close the magical space. This can be a special gesture or a sign.

During the creation of the amulet, it is necessary to seclude oneself in the chosen place, to tune in emotionally and not to be distracted. The talisman, attuned to the person, will help only him.


Shochiketzal - "flower feather," the divine wife of the Aztec thunderer Tlaloc, her function, of course, is love. She patronizes women, all domestic affairs and flowers. Her influence extends not only to family unions, but to all lovers, she could even help promiscuous women and male lovers.

The greatest influence of Shochiketzal extends to people engaged in creativity - sculpture, art and weaving.

Whitaka - The goddess of the Chibcha-Maize Indians is associated with the feminine power of fertility. The Chibcha-Maski goddess was also the goddess of sensual pleasures, who taught people to enjoy life.

On topic Gods and rituals

Tags: deities

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Deities of love - as archetypes of the planet Venus

It is logical that most of the deities that give the energy of love and beauty are of feminine nature. In the astrological system, these qualities are associated with the planet Venus, which is deified as the beautiful morning star.

What unites all Venusian images from different world mythologies:

  • Birth comes most often from the waters, from the God of Heaven;
  • is famous for its beauty, capacity for pleasure, the power of love and sexuality;
  • combines the functions of creation and fertility;
  • may be the main female deity in the pantheon;
  • Patron of lovers, family life and well-being, and the arts;
  • The image of the goddess of love has evolved over the centuries: from hetaera and mistress to faithful wife and guardian of marriage.

There is a connection of the image of the goddesses of love with the star, dawn, the zoomorphic image of the cow is popular. Other animals associated with the goddesses of love - a dove, a cat.

Colors - natural, green, pink, the color of dawn.

Talisman for love and marriage with own hands

And where can we go without the traditional column for those who are used to make everything with their own hands? Purchased talismans do not appeal to you? They seem too expensive or not very skillfully made? Bravely take matters into your own hands and make your own talisman.

The easiest way to ask the universe to fulfill your dreams and love fantasies is to write a wish scroll.

How to make an amulet of love with your own hands:

  • Prepare a sack of love. We have already told about herbs and spices. Now let's add that in addition to an aromatic cushion-sachet, it can be a pouch with stones. Fill it with minerals responsible for love, and your life will be transformed.
  • Make a wish scroll. Perhaps, the simplest way to ask the Universe to fulfill your dreams. Take a sheet of paper and clearly describe there all expected changes on the love front. Right down to the place where you will meet the man of your dreams and the color of his eyes. Reviews on the Internet confirm that everything can come true down to the smallest detail!
  • Make a keychain. A small toy in the form of a heart can also bring good luck in amorous affairs. Decorate the talisman with ancient Slavic symbols or embroider your wishes on it. In case of the latter, it is better not to carry the amulet with keys or on a bag, so that no one jinxed it.

Amulet, made at home, may not work. The reason for this is not lack of talent, but faith in its power. After all, when talisman is made by a person who does it professionally, he is confident in his abilities. Therefore, and you would do well to believe in yourself.

Use these skills wisely and don't forget to share them with your loved ones, so they too can be happy!


Isis - "throne", in Egypt represented the morning star, Venus. Eternally young goddess, whose image changes over time, is renewed and appears new in each civilization.

This ancient goddess is a matriarchal queen, she achieves her goals by law, guile and cunning. At the same time, she often shows caution and wisdom in gaining the well-being of life. After that, she may rest on her laurels, performing the feminine function of passive energy preservation.

There is a bird image of Isis - a swallow, which creates wind with the flapping of its wings. She is very skillful and efficient, defeating other gods.

More often than not, her image represented:

  • a woman with wings;
  • a cow;
  • a woman (on a throne) with a crescent of cow's horns (sometimes a creature with a female body and a cow's head) feeding her child, the infant Horus.

Isis, the loving wife of Osiris, with all the passion of her character, showing marital fidelity and motherly love, demonstrated wonders of fortitude in achieving her own goals of resurrecting her husband and raising her son.


For women

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