Mysterious and mysterious Moon in the tattoo - what it means

The moon very early on was designated as a symbol. It has always held a significant place in the cosmogonic mythology of almost all cultures (that is, in the mythology of the creation of the world). The moon in ancient times was associated with important deities, mythologically explained with its participation some natural phenomena.

The moon was a means of differentiating time, primitive rituals were associated with it. The moon is one of the first and one of the most important occult symbols, and people have always been drawn to the mysterious. It is also interesting as a symbol because it has a masculine and feminine side of symbolic meaning.

In tattooing the moon is used quite often, and it is used, as a rule, in close connection with any culture, because what for a European embodies one set of meanings, for a representative of Asian culture can mean almost the opposite. The same applies to those who use pagan mythology and those who use exclusively Christian or other religious mythology.

In the tattoo, there are certain points that reveal to what particular tradition to attribute the tattoo with the moon and what it will mean.

Meaning of the tattoo

As in almost every developed culture people sooner or later guessed that the earth's companion was ideal for calculating days, identifying favorable or unfavorable cycles for sowing and harvesting, about her cyclical influence on the tides, these features of her began to be transferred to other important areas of life.

By the phases they tried to determine a favorable or unfavorable moment for military campaigns, building houses and marriages, by the relationship of the stars to the moon they tried (and still try) to determine the character of a person and his fate.

All of these features are cultural, and all peoples have them: one of the most important functions of the moon is a connection with the sacred. And to this day, it is often the mystical and sacred that it symbolizes. Therefore, a tattoo with the moon in most cases will denote:

  • The mystery of death and rebirth;
  • intuition;
  • Secret esoteric knowledge (associated with Hecate, the goddess of the black moon and magic in the ancient Greeks);
  • foresight;
  • the mysteriousness of the world;
  • Man's desire to know the secrets of the world.

About the talisman

The patroness of the amulet was Mara, the goddess of fertility. She wore amulets to encourage patience, help during childbirth, and improve health. They symbolize the five elements and their unity. The talisman looked like an ornament with certain symbols, there was an ornament.
There is a variant for both women and men. For men, it gives strength of will, endurance, masculinity. The difference is that the two horns are directed upwards. Patterns such as oblique lines, sun, moon, triangles, dots-grains were applied to the lunette.

Amulet enhances softness, tenderness, lightness, tranquility in character. It supports the strength of a woman in strengthening the family, coziness. It protects from envy and negativity. He speeds up conception and ensures a favorable pregnancy. He protects from the envy of others. He reveals creative potential and the gift of providence, if any.

There are different kinds of moonshiners, and their interpretation depends on this. But standardly, it is a talisman that will help you in life and keep you out of trouble. Further details.

The meaning of a tattoo for girls

The moon is, for the most part, a female symbol. The most popular in the world is the symbolism in which the solar, solar beginning is masculine and the lunar beginning is feminine. The feminine lunar beginning, as opposed to the masculine beginning of the logos and rationality, is subjectivity, mystery, subconsciousness and emotion.

Everything that is connected not with external manifestations of human nature, but with the deep, sacred, not always understandable even to a man himself part of it. Jung called it the feminine part of any human consciousness - the anima, the soul.

In fact, the moon refers to everything that is associated with such, not fully explainable in words, notion as the human soul. The moon tattoo can also signify the patronage of a certain feminine deity or the possession of its qualities for a girl.

The moon is associated with the ancient Greek goddess of hunting Artemis (or Roman Diana), who patronizes virgins, Selene - the bright face of the moon, who patronizes seekers of their way, Hecate - a dark face, associated with secret knowledge, magic, power, Hera and Ishtar, who patronize the family home and motherhood.

Charge your talisman with the energy of the moon

Periodically, your moonshot will need to be charged so that it loses its properties. For this purpose, we use a special ritual for tuning the work of the lunette to your subtle vibrations. This ritual is called "charging". Slavic amulets require a special approach, so let's dwell on the matter in detail.

In the first full lunar day of a new moon, prepare to make a charging ritual for the moon. At the first stars, it is possible to start work. If you will be able to make a magical ritual, you must do it in a place where there is no clouds. Find yourself a secluded corner, cheer up and in good spirits (necessarily!) squeeze the amulet in your palms. The first thing you should do is to make a talisman with the right hand and the left hand with the right hand.

Concentrate and think, why you need this talisman, what it has already brought in your life and what it has not yet. Formulate a goal which the moonbeam will help you to achieve. Now imagine that you are surrounded by pure light. It repels all bad things, gets rid of negative thoughts, clears your mind and consciousness. Feel the unity with the souls of your ancestors, with the ancestral energy. Recall the living, wish them health and happiness. Think about the land where you live.

It is very important not to think about illness and your own problems, be able to concentrate on the good. Even if the purpose of the moonshine is to get you out of trouble, think of a good outcome, not the current negativity. Imagine a new happy reality and live in it for a few minutes

Imagine a new happy reality and live in it for a few minutes.

New Meaning of the Dome Tattoo

At the end of the ritual, put the object in a soft light-colored cloth and lock it in a casket. Let the lunette lie for one day, and then carry it with you at all times. Repeat the ritual, don't forget to thank the spirits of your ancestors and your Kin.

The meaning of a tattoo for men

In Sumero-Semitic people and in Japan there is a fairly rare notion of the moon as a male deity and a male symbol. With the Sumerians, the moon god Shin was responsible for a man's fate, for the course of his life.

Therefore, the crescent moon "horns" upwards, is not only a symbol of the female deities Ishtar in Egypt and Hera in Ancient Greece, but also a symbol of Sin, "the holder of fate". Therefore, a tattoo with such a crescent moon on the hand of a man can mean that he holds fate in his hands, controls his life.

Where is the best place to get a tattoo?

An image of the night sky is made on any part of the body. This pattern is considered universal and can look good in any size, which allows it to fit organically on any part of the body.
Most often tattoos with this pattern are worn on the shoulder, neck, back of the head, chest, wrist, behind the ear, leg and back. A drawing on the arm is always the best option.

A large image looks interesting on the forearm or shoulder. On the wrist the tattoo also fits well and harmoniously.

The most successful place on the leg for the application of the image is considered the shin.

The meaning of the tattoo "phases of the moon"

Quite popular is the tattoo depicting all the phases of the moon in a row. In general, each phase of the moon has its own meaning in symbolic language, but all together the phases of the moon mean cyclicity and rebirth, immortality, but also endless change.

The meanings for each individual phase are as follows:

  • Full moon - perfection and completeness;
  • waxing moon - beginning and purity;
  • waning moon - self-restraint and restraint, the end of the old path and the imminent beginning of the new.

In guys.

People from ancient times, even before the advent of astronomy, worshipped the moon. It was thought to bring good luck and patronize important matters. But in our time, even when a man had time to visit the Moon and, it would seem, solved all of its mysteries, the aura of mystery does not leave the satellite of the Earth.
The modern man, applying the crescent moon on his body, puts its own meaning and significance into the tattoo.

According to the idea of the master of the tattoo, the crescent should attract good luck, mean power, even brutality. But this tattoo occurs among the stronger sex infrequently.

The meaning of the tattoo "amulet moon".

Obviously, the tattoo with amulet performs the functions of the amulet itself, but more reliable - such an amulet is much harder to lose, and it is worn, if I may say so, closer to the body.

This is how the Moonflower looks - it is a crescent moon, turned "horns" to the ground, downwards. It was worn exclusively by women, as it was considered a symbol of fertility, connection with the power of the earth. She was worn as a pendant on the neck, used in the patterns of embroidery.

Now the lunette is more of a universal symbol of connection with nature, harmony with it. The "horns" of the crescent moon are not just pointing downwards - they seem to look into the earth, connecting the wearer of the amulet with it.

In general, the moon in the tattoo meanings are many and if desired, everyone will pick a suitable symbol.


Below are pictures of finished works, made in different styles: minimalism, realism, geometry, etc. These beautiful works can be used as an idea for a future tattoo. However, keep in mind that any changes should always be made in the selected sketch to avoid copying it exactly. Each drawing should have its own "zest", carrying special meaning for the owner.


For women

For men