How is a tongue split done? What are the consequences? Reviews of the procedure

Tongue splitting (or cutting) is one of the most original ways of body modification in the last fifteen years. Back in 2002, the "snake tongue" was aggressively perceived by society, almost a decade and a half later the situation has fundamentally changed, and now more and more salons offer , as the demand for it is growing.

Tongue cutting has a thousand-year history and goes back to the Mayan civilization. The high priests were obliged to make themselves a split tongue (sometimes it was divided into 3-4 parts), which was a kind of stigma.

A few hundred years later, the ritual of splitting the language was adopted by the "Yoga" doctrine. The ancient acolytes of this doctrine believed that a bifurcated and elongated tongue would help them perform special exercises that brought its possessor closer to awareness of being and beyond life. Many Indian deities had just such a tongue. In the Christian religion, only Satan's servants were thought to have a split tongue.

Nowadays the split is chosen by an increasing number of different subcultures, from dark goths and emo to punks, metalheads, and freaks. The purpose of the split, like many other body adornments (piercings, tunnels, tattoos) is self-expression of personality. But since an earring in the ear and a tattoo on the arm is no longer a surprise to anyone, and it is difficult to stand out from the crowd in this way, brave young people decide to undergo such an operation.


Surprisingly enough, this operation is not something new. It has a history of many thousands of years, which began literally since the emergence of human civilization. Take yoga, for example. In this teaching, there are ancient practices where the tongue was cut and pulled out in order to then use it in specially designed breathing exercises that allowed a person to cross the line between life and death. Thus the followers of yoga could get closer to the so-called Original Source of all things. By the way, if you look at the images of various ancient Indian deities, you can notice that many of them have bifurcated tongues.

Tongue Split


If you have decided on the zyk cutting procedure, you should also be aware of all the possible consequences:

  1. Once your tongue is cut with a scalpel, the tongue cannot return to its original state unless you resort to a special operation. But it is also worth noting here that it will be more painful and more expensive.
  2. A bifurcated tongue will affect your diction. You will begin to lisp when speaking, and you are more likely to spit.
  3. The first time after the incision, not only will it hurt to talk, but it will also hurt to eat. After a few months, the pain will go away.
  4. If the craftsman does a poor job, or if you decide to cut your tongue yourself (by no means!), it can fester, so the split can only be done in a medical facility (a good BM studio must have the appropriate license).

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It should be warned right away that tongue splitting or cutting is a process that requires only professional performance in a specialized salon, where an experienced master will conduct it with maximum accuracy and without any side effects. The fact is that through this part of the human body pass two major arteries, damage to which can lead to unpredictable consequences. That is why in no case you should do a tongue split on your own.

The operation itself is carried out as follows: the desired part of the body is cut from the tip and approximately to the middle. But first the customer and the master agree on the depth of the tongue cut, after which the entire oral cavity is disinfected and an even line is drawn. Since this operation is usually performed under local anesthesia, the professional first makes an anesthetic injection and only then cuts with the scalpel at the intended location. Sometimes the operation requires cutting the frenulum under the tongue. This is usually the end of the procedure. But recently, more and more often the incision site has been stitched up. This way, the wound heals faster and looks more aesthetically pleasing after healing. Tongue splitting looks really very original. Thus, after the incision is healed, the person is left with a split tongue, like a snake.

How Tongue Splitting is Done

How to choose a specialist for splitting?

Usually this type of service is provided by specialized salons, which conduct other cosmetic and minimally invasive operations - piercing, tattooing. Well-established large salons with a good reputation are the best choice. Before you start the procedure, check how sterile the instruments are. You have every right to do this, do not be afraid to offend the master. Respectable offices should not have any problems with this, and the specialist will be happy to tell you and even demonstrate the tools and equipment for sterilizing instruments. If you have the slightest doubt about the reliability of the master, it is better to refuse his services.

Painful sensations

As mentioned earlier, the tongue split is performed under local anesthesia, so you will not feel anything during this procedure. Painful sensations will come only after 1.5-2 hours, when the effect of the medication is over. Most likely, they will be accompanied by swelling with possible bleeding. To relieve such unpleasant symptoms, you need to brew immortelle, nettle and yarrow (1 tbsp. herb per glass of boiling water), then strain and cool the liquid.

It is best to prepare the decoction in advance, because after every hour you will need to take two sips, while alternating infusions - take the liquid in your mouth, wiggle your tongue and swallow. It should be noted that the above herbs have wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties, so it is recommended to use them both externally and internally for at least a week.

It is necessary to know that the healing process in each person is different. Therefore, there is also a special solution that prevents inflammation and infection, and also contributes to the fastest tightening of wounds.

Tongue Split photo

Risks and contraindications

Regardless of whether your tongue is cut by a surgeon or a master in a salon, deciding on the procedure, you should be aware of the possible risks. They are as follows:

  1. Allergies or personal intolerance to anesthesia. Immediately before the split, the patient is given a local anesthetic. The master is obliged to provide his client with papers on possible secondary risks.
  2. Blood loss. Due to the fact that there are a huge number of blood vessels in the box, a lot of blood can be lost if you lose control of the procedure. If you do the tongue incision in a medical facility, this possibility is minimized.
  3. Nerve or tonsil incision. This is only possible if the tongue is deeply bifurcated. If this happens, emergency hospitalization will be required.

As for contraindications, such a procedure is not recommended for people under 18 years of age, with a low pain threshold and poor blood clotting. Individual contraindications should be consulted with a specialist.

Proper care

With any body modification, including such as a tongue split, the consequences can be very different. Therefore, you should think carefully before you decide to undergo such a procedure. Also, you should be prepared that the tongue split will require special attention for a few weeks after the surgery, because its incised halves can become fused. To prevent this from happening, some people insert retainers. But this method is not suitable for everyone, as it can cause both additional pain and bleeding. The easiest way is to separate the halves with carefully washed hands every hour for 3-4 days. Over time, you will be able to do this with a simple muscle effort. In addition, you will also have to wake up several times during the night in order to move your tongue.

Tongue splitting consequences

Postoperative period

The postoperative period is not characterized by too many restrictions or deprivations. The main thing is to avoid infection. To do this, it is necessary to wash the stitches thanks to chlorhexidine. To avoid tongue adhesion, you will have to wear a tampon with a special medicine. It is forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke and eat a lot.

If you do everything exactly as recommended by the specialist, then in a week you can begin to return to normal life.

Temporary inconveniences

First of all, they lie in the fact that the first few days will be painful to eat. Most people don't eat anything at all in the first 24 hours after surgery. Later, liquid foods such as meat or vegetable broth, drinkable yoghurt, etc. may be eaten. However, the most important aspect is oral hygiene, which must be performed after each meal, even with liquid food.

Temporary inconveniences also include the effect of a cut tongue on diction. Until it heals, some sounds will be lispy, which is quite natural. In order to restore normal speech, you will have to do various articulation exercises to learn how to manage your new tongue model well again, just like before. Over time, your diction will surely regain its former clarity.

Tongue Split reviews

Possible Consequences

The procedure should be performed under medical conditions, in complete sanitation, by an experienced, qualified specialist. The doctor should give you beforehand a sheet of paper with all the possible consequences and risks. The same master should familiarize you with all the contraindications for the session and give you further recommendations about the care.

It is extremely important to go to a proven specialist in whom you are absolutely confident. When cutting the tongue, there is a high risk of blood loss because the organ of taste is filled with a mass of blood vessels. Without experience and the necessary tools, it is easy to lose control of the situation, in which case the client must be hospitalized immediately.

In addition, there is the possibility of damaging the tonsils, but this risk occurs only with a deep incision. The procedure is performed very carefully, so as not to touch the nerves of the tongue, not to damage the tonsils and the oral cavity. Infection and scarring are possible, but they happen very rarely.

Tongue splitting: reviews

In various modern subcultures, to which punk, body, emo and others belong, to have a split tongue is considered as if an indicator of "coolness", distinguishing a person from the mass of ordinary people. Split tongue (photo) is popular among young people under 25 years of age. Sometimes people who do not belong to any of the newfangled trends decide to underline their unusual individuality in the intimate sphere.

The feedback on the split tongue operation varies greatly. For some, the wounds heal faster; for others, they are extremely slow and painful. In addition, the attitude towards a person with such an unusual part of the body in society is ambiguous. As numerous surveys show, in most people the split is aversion or outright disgust. But as we all know, there are different tastes and colors...

Before deciding to make such a modification, you should know that in the event that a person wants to return his "whole" language, it may be almost impossible. Medically, such an operation will be too long and painful, in addition, the previous length, mobility and agility will not be fully restored, so there may be quite serious problems with speech.

Stopping the fusion

In order to prevent the dissection from splicing, it is necessary to keep the separation open. For this purpose, a hemostatic sponge, which should be inserted into the dissection, is well suited. Carry out this manipulation should be constant, because in the oral cavity healing takes place very quickly. In addition to the first period of healing, when the fusion is regular, it is also observed during the year, but it is not so significant.

Many experts argue that the pre-healed tongue piercing acts as an anchor, which does not allow the halves to grow back together. The fact is that around the piercing there is a hard tissue that does not grow back on its own. This tissue will not allow the splint to grow back either.

Our team of doctors

Oral Surgeon, Implantologist

Bocharov Maxim Viktorovich

Period of work: 11 years

Dental Surgeon, Implantologist

Dmitry Anatolyevich Chernov

Seniority: 29 years

Orthopedist, Neuromuscular Dentist

Stepanov Andrey Vasilyevich

Seniority: 22 years

Endodontist, Therapist

Skalet Yana Aleksandrovna

Seniority: 22 years

Orthopedist Dentist

Tsoy Sergey Konstantinovich

Seniority: 19 years

Endodontist, Therapist, Orthopedist

Anastasiya Varvyanskaya

Seniority: 6 years

Orthodontist Dentist

Enikeeva Anna Stanislavovna

Seniority: 3 years

To decide or not to decide

If a person is in doubt about whether or not to make an incision, then it's best to postpone it.. Uncertainty will only prevent one from surviving the days of recovery that follow. But it is clear that if a person finally decides to have a tongue split, no disadvantages or possible consequences of the surgery will stop him or her. In that case it is necessary to look for a competent professionalpreferably with a medical degree, in order to avoid unnecessary damage. You can not put your life in danger for the sake of a fashionable trend. It is necessary to read the reviews on the Internet or acquaintances to be sure of the result. After surgery, the most important thing is to monitor your health and disinfect your oral cavity. Then you will be able to enjoy the result.

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