Impressive spider web tattoo: 70+ options, meaning, sketches

Due to the variety of thin and thick lines, the spider web tattoo has an attractive and voluminous appearance that fascinates all those around. The main reason for the popularity of such a tattoo is the absence of the effect of a fully tattooed body, as during its creation the skin is not completely covered, and to create a sketch of the future masterpiece is possible even for a person who has no artistic talents. Most often such an image can be seen on the elbow or shoulder, sometimes they are used to decorate the leg, back or chest.

The historical meaning of the tattoo of the spider's web

Such a tattoo in South American Indians denoted the security and safety of its bearer. Spider web was used not only on the body, but also hung it over the cribs of children, protecting them from evil spirits. The spider was equated with the face of saints, respecting it and worshipping it.

The drawing of the spider's web indicated:

  • The entanglement of human destinies.
  • The guiding threads.
  • The movement of life in a circle, its infinity and fragility.

The spider's web in men: the meaning of the tattoo

It is worth noting that in men such an image can be found much more often than in girls. Such a tattoo can serve as a separate element, for example, a spider web on the elbow. But sometimes it is used as part of the composition, complementing or emphasizing other elements of the picture. The tattoo on the elbow of a man will be in constant motion, symbolizing the brutality and danger of its bearer.

Many men using such a tattoo put its own meaning in it, for example, it is often used to confirm the dedication to the cause, which they love to do. The tattoo, located on the elbow, can denote loyalty to the principle and steadfastness in decision-making. Alternatively, a spider web tattoo on a man's body can denote contentment with his current lifestyle and unwillingness to change it in any way.

Styles of tattoos

Tattoo of a spider web on the elbow can be performed by a professional in several styles:

Tattoo a spider's web on the elbow. Meaning, sketches, photos

Name of techniqueIts characteristics
Black and white techniqueUsed to create a traditional spider web ornament and involves the application of a spider web on a selected area in dense lines.
BlackworkRequires the use of black ink and is considered the most common option for creating a spider web pattern.
New SchoolA popular technique for creating a "spider's web," which involves depicting a pattern with an equal number of voids and areas of skin occupied by the ornament.
Linework .A linear technique consisting in the obligatory observance of strict contours of the pattern.
RealismAssumes the creation of "spider's web" by means of detailing, observing the clear contours of drawing and application of different shades.
MonochromeBlack-and-white image of "spider web", different brightness and expressiveness and requires a clear drawing of all the details of the sketch.

Specialists tattoo salons note that in most cases for the application of naked design "spider web" men and women choose cold shades (silver, blue, gray), which allows to achieve maximum realistic picture.

Tattoo spider web on the elbow. Meaning, sketches, photos

You can create "spider's web" both on the elbow and on any other part of the body:

  • To decorate the back you can use a voluminous "spider web" with numerous small details, broken lines and sharp angles, made in a dark (black) shade and smoothly passing to the shoulders.
  • The cobweb in the neck area not only adds to the image of effectiveness, but also allows you to emphasize its curves.
  • The executed in the area of the chest cobweb allows you to create a light and airy image.
  • Drawn in small areas of the body, the tattoo "spider web" attracts attention and looks as effective as possible, but must be performed filigree, with the obligatory accurate observance of all small details of the figure.

The executed on an elbow or a kneecap a spider web at bending of these parts of a body gets absolutely other from an initial kind, and should be executed as accurately and accurately, with obligatory observance of realism of drawing.

Tattoo of a spider web in women

The female sex uses a similar tattoo much more rarely, according to personal beliefs or fears, as most girls are afraid of spiders, as well as everything that connects with them in one form or another. However, girls using such a tattoo is, often they are trying to express thus their individuality, having a tattoo of spider webs on his elbows.

The spider web tattoo on the girl's body is a confirmation of defiance and freedom of the weaker sex. That is why this tattoo is used girls with a free way of life. To emphasize their independence to the image can be a biker, a woman who is unshakable in his decisions, with a bold, determined and strong-willed character.

How to draw a tattoo of a spider: a sketch

Choose a beautiful sketch for the tattoo "spider" will help beautiful templates:

Tattoo spider: sketch #1

Tattoo spider: sketch #2

Tattoo of a spider: sketch #3

Tattoo of a spider: sketch #4

Tattoo of a spider's web: meaning on the area

The meaning of the tattoo with the image of a spider web is often associated with the prison world, because it was the prisoners who first began to use such tattoo, embodying the number of circles with the allotted term in the zone. In this way, prisoners in many countries count the number of years spent in prison. Each year is symbolized by a circle of spiderwebs, by counting which you can determine how many years of punishment served by a particular inmate.

In recent years, the tattoo with the image of a spider web has received several new meanings. For example, such a tattoo is used by prisoners who received their sentence for the murder of a member of the LGBT community. Also in the former Soviet Union, the web is stuffed on the body of prisoners who were imprisoned for their neo-Nazi or nationalist views.

The meaning of a tattoo in prison

One of the reasons why a tattoo with a spider web on the arm can cause a negative reaction is the prevalence of such symbols in prison. In Russian colonies, this is one of the most significant and respected symbols. Each row of nets represents a year that a convict has been in prison. If there are several nets, they show that the prisoner is a recidivist. But the spider, descending on the thread, expresses the desire to break with the criminal past.

Important: In the past, the drawing of a spider in a spider web was a symbol of the "general of the underworld", the leader who creates a criminal network. Unauthorized infliction of such a tattoo was very dangerous, because the bearer had to answer for the appropriation of regalia not due to the status. Today, however, this meaning is a thing of the past.

The modern criminal interpretation of this tattoo is closer to the ideas brought from the British and American criminal environment. There, spider nets adorning the shoulder, elbow or face indicate the rejection of generally accepted rules by the bearer of the drawing, the desire to resist the pressure of society. Representatives of the punk movement also used this image as a symbol of struggle against the system.
It was from the American prison environment spider nets entered the subculture. They are also worn by modern Nazis, anti-fascists and bikers. Each wearer gives its own meaning to the "Spider Web" tattoo. But, choosing such a picture, think about whether you are ready for the misunderstandings that can generate such an ambiguous symbol.

The meaning of the tattoo of a spider on a spider web

The meaning of such a tattoo depends on the location of the tattoo and the spider relative to the web. If it is positioned at the bottom of the web or the effect that it descends it, then it is a designation of a thief who has ceased to engage in criminal activity. If the spider climbs up the web, it is a tattoo of a pickpocket thief who is not ashamed of his work, while he displays his steadfastness and the fact that he is not broken by the correctional system of the state.

A spider that sprawls on a spider's web is a tattoo that is very popular among drug addicts. They attribute a special meaning to such a tattoo - complete defiance of the system. If the tattoo is located between the fingers - a symbol that denotes an active search for drugs. In Russia tattoos in the form of a spider with a web were used by people belonging to youth subcultures, such as skinheads, Goths or Nazis.

Does the place of application matter

The meaning of the tattoo, the appearance of the tattoo, the possibility of hiding it from strangers, the level of pain during the introduction of the pigment, etc. may depend on the place of application.

On the arms (shoulders, elbows and hands)

On the shoulder, you can score a small tattoo as well as a sleeve, so this is a popular place for images. The elbow is not recommended, as skinheads, nationalists and right-wingers put a web on it. The hand is another neutral zone, but a large image will not fit here, so you have to choose a sketch without additional details. Applying tattoos to the fingers on the hand is not recommended.

On the hands
The hand is a popular place for images.

On a breast

On the pectoral muscles it is customary to stuff large canvases. Most often, preference is given to bright sketches with an abundance of details.

On the chest
On the chest padding large tattoos.

On the knees

The knee is the second most popular place for a spider web tattoo. It is a neutral area, it is easy to hide under clothing, but when walking, the pattern can shift and look unaesthetic. For this reason, tattoos on moving joints are not recommended.

On the knees
Tattoos on the knees can easily be hidden.

Tattoos on the Head

Tattoos are rarely placed on the head, but you can find the image on the neck. In the prison environment, this mark marks those who do not comply with the laws established in the zone.

Tattoo with a spider web is rarely placed on the head.

The meaning of the spider web tattoo on the elbow

As mentioned earlier, girls use such tattoos quite rarely, as they consider them unattractive and disgusting. However, wishing to express their individuality and freedom of life some use the spider web tattoo, located on the elbow, because it is the perfect solution for a strong, determined and courageous girl.

The meaning of the tattoo of a spider web on a woman's elbow:

  • Fortitude of character.
  • Loyalty to principles and steadfastness in decision making.
  • Freedom and free way of life.

Nakolka in the form of a spider web on the elbow of a man denotes:

  • Independence.
  • Protection (the bearer of the tattoo is under the patronage of influential people).
  • Defiance of the system.
  • Danger and desire for adventure.
  • Regret or remorse for past crimes.
  • Loyalty and dedication to his principles, ideas and thoughts.
  • The spider itself is a symbol of wisdom, which inspires respect and fear.

General Recommendations

Earlier among the nationalists and prisoners there was an open aggression towards people who had put on a spider web, but did not know about the hidden meaning of the tattoo. It came to the point of cutting out a section of skin with a blade or mashing the image with a brick. Nowadays such strong aggression is rare, but it is still possible to encounter negativity, so it is recommended to choose the place and style for the tattoo with caution.

Bright tattoos with an abundance of details are preferred. For example, the addition of flowers to a spider web emphasizes the aesthetics of the image. Such tattoos are favorable for girls. From additional details depends on the meaning of the figure. Skull with wings, braided with spider web, indicates the rejection of old habits and the absence of fear of death. This is the sign of the maximalists. The star or spider in the center of the tattoo is a symbol of power.

The owners of pale skin should better abandon the abundance of black pigment in the image. Otherwise, the tattoo can resemble a bruise. It is not recommended to apply to the masters, whose services cost less than the average. In most cases, these are either beginners or specialists who use inexpensive consumables. Cheap pigments more often migrate and become blurry, cause allergies, etc.

Technique of execution of a tattoo with the image of a spider's web

Tattoo of a spider web has a very attractive appearance in the style of realism. Due to the clear detailing of all lines and contours it turns out to create a masterpiece, and with the addition of shades the picture will resemble a real photo. For decoration you can use not only a spider, but also other elements or objects, such as a skull, insects or a rose. If the tattoo will be large in size, it is better to put it on the leg or chest.

Also very beautiful spider web tattoo will look in a monochrome version. At the same time give preference to tattoos in the style of minimalism, displaying an unusual ornament on the body. The optimal place for the tattoo is the elbow, in some cases the neck or the wrist. To choose the image and the place for its application, it is better to turn to professionals who can give sensible advice.

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What is a spider web

The spider web is part of the gland of spiders. When it hardens, it begins to resemble nails in its appearance. It is designed to create cocoons, as well as a screen for cover, to capture food. A number of spiders try to "hide evidence" by eating the web, which they no longer need. Spider webs are, for the most part, trapping nets of spiders. They can be found in a variety of places, including the corners of rooms, on trees. The spider, which has woven the net, is not far away from them in time to catch its prey. The signal for this can serve, for example, the tension of the thread. There are spiders that wrap a web around their prey. Some spiders weave threads, thereby attracting a partner. Female spiders resort to threads containing pheromones. The spider web tattoo can be correlated with the marriage period.


For women

For men