Tattoo of a mother - sketches and inscriptions for tattoos, places of application, creative photo ideas

Everyone knows the importance of a mother in their life. Either you are too young or old enough. Even though mothers love all their children, there is always a close and indescribable bond between mother and daughter.

For this reason they will always be there and express their love in the form of art. This is done by applying an exquisite tattoo. You can find a number of mom and daughter tattoos done in an elegant style.

Meaning and meaning of the tattoo

  1. The drawing or inscription of mom protects the wearer from trouble and adversity. Tattoo do grateful and loving their mothers personalities. The image represents the presence of a parent in the life of the owner.
  2. Tattoos are used by people who miss their families and parents. Thanks to the drawing, it is easier for a person to experience separation. The image gives strength and energy, helps to overcome the difficulties of life.
  3. Portrait of Mom. Making such a tattoo brave people who feel an invisible connection with their mother. The person is usually creative and charismatic.
  4. Inscription. Tattoo in the form of an inscription of mom has a great popularity. Making an inscription is a good idea. The drawing looks succinct. The image can be as an independent tattoo, and depicted in a composition with various elements.
  5. Religious message. The tattoo is worn by religious people. There are teachings that refer to the appearance of the mother in the faces of saints.
  6. Sense of guilt. A person with such a tattoo, because of his choice, cannot often visit his father's home and see his relatives. Therefore, the image on the body is made out of guilt. The wearer does not communicate with his own mother, the tattoo helps to bear this pain.
  7. The mother tattoo symbolizes regret for lost time. The reason for applying this image can be a big fight. The drawing suggests that the wearer wants to forget old insults and start communicating with the parent again.
  8. The tattoo demonstrates sincere feelings for only one person, the mother. The drawing can say about the wearer that he has no luck with partners in life. The person often makes mistakes and suffers in love relationships.


There are no restrictions on these tattoos. They are free and applied all over the body. They are also excessively feminine and are applied to the wrists, back, shoulders, ankles, fingers, forearms, hips, legs and toes.

A tattoo on a mother would be the same as a daughter.

Sketch options

The inscription Mother

Very often used in tattoos dedicated to the mother. The wearer has deep feelings for the woman who gave him life. In the same way, the inscription on the body can be performed in honor of the parent who left the life.

The tattoo is depicted with angel wings or a candle. The image can also be interpreted as a love for family and home. The tattoo speaks of a person's deep connection to a place.

Tattoo inscription about family

The drawing suggests that the wearer is grateful to the environment or his or her family. The tattoo is decorated with ribbons, vignettes.

Most often the inscription is depicted in the language of Latin. Also, there may be a variety of components in the tattoo. For example, flowers, a heart or doves.

A feature of tattoos dedicated to the family is the image of paired elements. The image, made in honor of the mother, is more characterized by sentimentality. Here you can add the year of birth, as the date is significant for mom and child.

Tattoo of the heart and mom

The heart symbol is identified with birth. The tattoo signifies deep feelings for the mother.

The image represents the bond between the wearer and the parent. Also, the picture can be made in the form of a heart, in which the word mother is inscribed. For the wearer, the drawing is sacred.

Some believe that the love for mom should be carried in the heart and not depicted on the body. But for the wearer, the tattoo becomes a talisman and provides support in difficult life situations.

Flowers and Mom

For a child, the mother is everything in this world. The person personifies the parent with the beautiful. Therefore, many people want to make a floral framing of the tattoo mother.

Each placed element in the composition has its own meaning. A single rose is a manifestation of fervent love for the mother. The wearer always stands up for the person who gave him life.

Lilies and violets signify tender and reverent feelings for mom. Openwork floral components accentuate a caring attitude toward the parent.

Tattoo of Mom and Dad

The tattoo is made by those people who want to emphasize the importance and significance of the family. Often the image is located in the heart area, on the chest.

The tattoo can be in the form of an inscription, and can consist of paired images. Mostly on the hands are tattoos dedicated to the mother and father.

Family tattoos

The tattoo may have the appearance of a woman holding a child in her hands. For the owner of the figure it will mean an unbreakable spiritual connection.

The sign of infinity is also often used for family tattoos. If there is a cross in the tattoo, the drawing symbolizes great loss and grief. An angel embracing a child means protection from life's hardships.

Choosing a tattoo of this theme, you need to pay attention to the components of the sketch. This is to ensure that the embedded meaning corresponds to the meaning of the image.

You can ask for help in a tattoo salon, where the master will consult for free, explaining all the nuances.

If the choice falls on the image of the portrait of the mother, it is worth carefully selecting a tattoo master, as not all are qualified in portrait tattooing. Stopping at a particular master, you need to see photos of works and videos of the application process.

Photos of tattoos in honor of the birth of a child

The most common styles in which family drawings and inscriptions are performed are minimalism, watercolor and gradient. Portraits are naturally printed in photorealistic form with the use of shadows and shading.

baby tattoo

For the most part, men opt for black and white images, with the inclusion of some color images, while women prefer bright colors.

Tattoo for children

Below you can see pictures of finished works made by craftsmen from all over the world. Perhaps the ideas presented will help you when choosing a future sketch.


This variation is chosen by parents who think that just a name or date is too trivial. A photo on your own body will never get lost in the papers or fly away with a gust of wind.

And the look at the dearest and most important person in life will be a good reminder of parental duty and feelings for your child in any life situation.

Many celebrities choose this way to connect with their child. Comedian Pavel Volya and Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone joined them.


The most popular option of all possible. It is often used by media personalities and Hollywood stars. The names of children can be found on the body of Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp.

Of domestic stars, Ksenia Borodina, the star of the long-running television show, has such a sign. As an addition, it is not uncommon to have flowers, heart signs, or stylish patterns. Less common is a portrait of a child. The child's initials have a sonorous sound and message.

Translation of Latin phrases into Russian

A NULLo diligitur, qui neminem diligit

"No one loves someone who loves no one."

Ab altero expectes, alteri quod feceris

"Expect from another what you yourself have done to another."

Ab aqua silente cave

"There are devils in the still waters."

Abyssus abyssum invocat

"The abyss cries out to the abyss."

Proximi mei, meum fundamentum

"My family is my everything."

Ad primos ictus non corruit ardua quercus

"Moscow was not built at once" (literal translation: "The high oak does not fall with the first blow")

Aetate fruere, mobili cursu fugit

"Take advantage of life, it's so fleeting."

Alter ego

Alma mater.

Amat victoria curam.

"Victory loves care."

Primum non nocere

"Above all, do no harm."

Amantes amentes

Amor caecus

Aquila non captat muscas

"The eagle does not catch flies."

Ars longa, vita brevis.

"Art is eternal, life is short."

Aurea mediocritas.

Aut bene, aut nihil.

"Either good or nothing."

Bellum omnim contra omnes

"War of all against all."

Alea jacta est

"The die is cast," "There is no turning back."

Citius, altius, fortius

"Faster, higher, stronger."

Clavus clavo pellitur

"The wedge is driven out by the wedge."

Contra spem spero

"I hope in spite of hope."

Credo quia absurdum est

"I believe, for it is absurd."

De gustibus non disputandum est

"Tastes are not in dispute."

De mortuis aut bene, aut nihil

"Of the dead, it's either good or nothing."

Debes, ergo potes

"If you must, then you can."

Numera bona tua

"Remember all that is good."

Deus conservant omnia

"God preserves all things."

Dum docemus, discimus

"While we teach, we learn."

Dura lex, sed lex

"The law is harsh, but it is the law."

Educa te ipsum

"Educate yourself."

Errare humanum est.

"Error is inherent in man."

Experientia est optima magistra

"Experience is the best teacher."

Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes

"I have done what I could. Whoever can, let him do better."

Fidem habe

"I have faith."

Festina lente

"The quieter the ride, the farther you ride" (literally: "hurry up slowly").

Ferro ignique

Finis coronat opus.

"The end crowns the deed."

In angustiis amici apparent

"Friends are known when they're in trouble."

In me omnis spes mihi est

"All hope is in yourself."

In vino veritas, in aqua sanitas

"Truth in wine, health in water."

Lux in tenebris.

Mens sana in corpore sano

"A healthy spirit in a healthy body."

Nemo me impune lacessit

"No one will touch me with impunity"

Nihil desperandum

"Never despair."

Noli nocere

Nolite mittere margaritas ante porcos

"Don't cast your pearls before swine."

Non est fumus absque igne

"There is no smoke without fire."

Nota bene

Nusquam est qui ubique est

"He who is everywhere is nowhere."

O tempora, o mores.

"O times, o mores."

Omnia mea mecum porto

"I carry all mine with me"

Omnia vincit amor et nos cedamus amori

"All things triumph over love, and we submit to love."

Vulnera et sapientiam

"From suffering to knowledge."

Omnis homo mendax.

"Every man is a liar."

Pacta sunt servanda

"Contracts must be honored."

Panem et circenses

Pecunia non olet.

"Money doesn't smell."

Peregrinatio est vita

"Life is a journey."

Persona grata

"A man of trust."

Potius sero quam nunquam

"Better late than never."

Pro et contra.

Qui non improbat, approbat

"He who is not with us is against us" (literal translation: "he who does not refute, approves")

Quilibet fortunae suae faber.

"Every man is the smith of his own happiness."

Quot homines, tot sententiae

"As many people as there are opinions."

Scientia potentia est

Tertium non datur

"There is no third."

Tale quale

"As it is."

Vi veri universum vivus vici

"By the power of truth, I, who live, have conquered the universe."


For women

For Men