How to make a tattoo at home with a needle, pen and henna: master classes

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Henna Painting

Tattoos - a popular way to decorate your own body and stand out. But not everyone will dare to do a real tattoo for life. In this case, you can try to do a temporary tattoo at home for a month or a few days. Learn 7 ways you can do it.

Accentuate your personality

Many young people strive to get an original and unique tattoo. Unfortunately, not everyone understands that a tattoo is not a temporary drawing, and the dye is deepened into the skin. Consequently, such a graphic image will accompany you all your life. But if you still want to express your individuality and uniqueness, you can make a temporary tattoo.

How to get a temporary tattoo at home?

Of course, that the application of long-term tattoos is better to trust a proven experienced and qualified masters. But the temporary decoration is easy to do and on your own. As you have already understood, today we will talk about how you can do a tattoo at home.

Before we look at the instructions on how to apply images to the skin, let's find out what types of temporary tattoos even exist in nature. These include:

  • Mehendi - images applied by henna;
  • airbrush drawings;
  • biotatoo;
  • translations;
  • shimmering drawings;
  • crystal images.

If you have always dreamed of becoming the owner of a subtle and symbolic tattoo, but are not yet ready to put such a mark on your body for life, try to apply a temporary drawing. As practice shows, this kind of tattoo is washed away after 10-14 days.

The answer to the question of how to do a temporary tattoo at home, lies directly in the chosen form of the image applied to the skin. The easiest way to independently work with a translating material, rhinestones, pens, pencils, permanent markers. If you have even the slightest drawing skills, you can do airbrush drawings. Otherwise, leave it to a professional.

Before we will explore the basic ways of applying temporary tattoos, let's make a set of rules:

  • Be sure to disinfect the skin and hands, especially if you work with a needle;
  • First apply the outline of the design to your skin, and then work with the ink;
  • To make the tattoo last longer, it is necessary to cover it with talcum powder;
  • Observe all precautions when working with a homemade tattoo machine;
  • If you want to admire the tattoo longer than two weeks do not treat its surface with soap or other detergents and washcloths during the first two days.

Craving for attention

- Bright, flashy, large tattoos may be in personalities of the hysteroid type, - says psychiatrist and head of the department of intensive psychiatric care Artem Giliev.

The main feature of this type is egocentrism, a thirst for constant attention to one's person.

- For example, a person has a bright flower all over his back or a tiger on his face," says Artyom Gilyov. - Also such a tattoo may indicate that a person has bipolar disorder. He did it during a period of aggravation, and then he came out of it and was shocked at himself.

As reported by Life, bipolar disorder affects 2-4% of the world's population. In the life of a patient, periods of mania (a sense of grandeur, the flow of ideas, rapid speech, decreased need for sleep) alternate with periods of depression.

Let's arrange a tattoo parlor at home

Often in various forums, and in philistine conversations you can hear that people are interested in how to make a tattoo machine at home. This is mainly interested in the representatives of the stronger half of mankind. Certainly, that from improvised materials to construct such a device possible, but note - to use it for the application of tattoos to other people do not need. If you dared to work with such a tool, you should only expose yourself to danger. All the same, permanent images on the skin should be applied in specialized salons.

Before you learn how to make a tattoo machine at home, I would like to draw attention to the necessary consumables. First of all you will need a motor. The basis of the machine will perform an ordinary pen, and the piston for the supply of paint substance will be guitar string. The needle must be connected to the string and rotate. This is necessary for the introduction of a dye in the thickness of the skin. The homemade tattoo machine looks like this.

How to make a temporary tattoo at home?

Tattoo with ink and needle

In its historical past, the tattoo carried a hidden meaning and was rarely done for nothing. Old-school tattoo artists used ink, ballpoint pen paste, burnt plastic, coal dust and even a ghastly mixture of urine, sugar and soot as inks. They used sewing needles, sharpened paper clips, and circular needles as tools. Thin guitar strings were considered a certain aesthetics and a sign of a high standard.

However, it has been several decades since tattooing has evolved from a method of identification within the hierarchy of declasse elements into a popular form of body art and avant-garde art. Is it possible to get a tattoo with pen ink and a sewing needle now? Of course you can. Quit reading this and go do it. But what are you risking? Amateur tattoos are very likely to backfire in the future with negative consequences, such as:

  • Image deformation - the smile of a cheerful clown will become a grimace, flowers will wither, and beautiful faces in portraits will turn into... not faces;
  • High risk of allergies - the composition of ordinary ink and ink does not imply their introduction under the skin of the body, so such a move can lead to the most adverse effects, up to the death of skin areas;
  • negative consequences for health - it is after applying amateur tattoos with a sewing needle that severe infections often begin and blood-borne diseases are contracted;
  • Amateur tattoos, performed by primitive technique can sometimes be beautiful and even highly artistic, but it is a big rarity - more often the "master" gets uneven thickness of lines, uneven coloring and "floating" surface.

Do black ink tattoos have any advantages? At the moment there are none. Let the ink is used even in the work with the machine, but to buy ink for the tattoo machine is a very strange move, because it is possible practically for the same money to buy high-quality tattoo paints, designed specially for being in the surface layers of human skin without consequences.

The cost, which may be cited as an advantage of plain ink, is actually not much lower than that of good paints. And to make an amateur tattoo can not be cheaper than a professional in the tattoo salons, where the perfected technique is put on stream, and for the machines are experienced professionals in their field.

Doing tattooing in the style of Stick 'n' pokes

If you have decided to apply a tattoo with a needle yourself, it is not necessary to use a special device. You only need to arm yourself with a thread, a needle, a dye and patience. Now you will learn how to make a tattoo at home with a needle. Only be sure to follow all the rules of disinfection.

The necessary materials:

  • razor;
  • disinfectant;
  • pencil or permanent marker;
  • cotton pads;
  • pigment;
  • needle;
  • saucer;
  • cotton thread;
  • candle;
  • lighter.

Step by step description of the process:

  1. We begin with the preparation of the skin. Be sure to remove hairs with a razor.

    Stick n pokes tattoo

  2. Treat the surface of the skin with a disinfectant.
  3. Next, draw with a permanent marker or a pencil. Be sure to draw the contour lines clearly.

    Stick n pokes tattoo

  4. Then carefully sterilize the tip of the needle. For this purpose, we bring it to the flame of a candle and hold it up to the maximum incandescence.

    Stick n pokes tattoo in style

  5. Withdrawing about 0.3 mm from the tip of the needle, start winding the cotton thread, forming a ball.
  6. In a saucer or a shallow bowl, pour the dye of the desired shade.
  7. Then we dip the needle to the level of the thread in the paint and begin to apply the tattoo by dotted movements along the contour lines.
  8. This technique of applying images implies shallow piercing of the skin.

    Stick n pokes tattoo in style Stick n pokes

  9. We continue to apply the tattoo, eliminating the excessive amount of paint with a cotton disc or cloth cuttings.

    Stick n pokes tattoo in style Stick n pokes

  10. At the end of the work all used materials and equipment must be disposed of.

    Stick n pokes tattoo in style Stick n pokes

  11. At the end of the place of tattoo application abundantly rinse with slightly warm water.

    Stick n pokes tattoo in style Stick n pokes

Harms of tattoos

Permanent tattoo inks are absorbed into the blood for years, thereby poisoning the body. Intoxication is not significant, so the general condition of the body may not manifest itself in any way.

Only frequent colds may appear as a symptom of general decrease of immunity because of the tattoo, especially if it covers a large area of the skin.

Natural dyes and tattoos can give allergic reactions. Therefore, before applying, you should do a test of the paint on the flexor surface of the elbow.

Wait for 2 hours, preferably a day, and evaluate the result. If there is no redness, swelling, itching, then you can use the paint.

Decorating the body with a temporary tattoo

Suppose that you want to decorate your body with an exquisite tattoo for a while. Many girls and young men prefer to put images on the exposed parts of the body for the beach season. Why not use a pen or permanent marker? Now you will learn how to make a tattoo at home with a pen. For this purpose, it is better to choose a writing object with a gel filler, and the contour should be drawn with a thickened rod.

Necessary materials:

  • pens with gel filler;
  • Permanent marker with a matching color;
  • hairspray;
  • talcum powder;
  • translator.

Step-by-step description of the process:

  1. We begin by treating and disinfecting the skin.
  2. Then, using the translator, we draw the image with a pen with a thin rod.

    How to get a temporary tattoo

  3. The contour lines are traced with a marker, and inside the tattoo we paint with a pen of the desired color.
  4. The finished image is sprinkled with talcum powder.

    How to do a temporary tattoo

  5. Eliminate the remnants of talcum powder with a cloth cut and top apply a fixing varnish.

    How to do a temporary tattoo

  6. Here is the original tattoo will appear on your body.

    How to do a temporary tattoo

The symbolism of tattoos as a sign of deviant behavior

When comprehensively assessing the mental status of the person being examined, it seems necessary (useful) to pay attention to the presence of tattoos on the body. Further, if possible, it is necessary to recognize the symbolism of the tattoo found. In the course of the examination, specific tattoos can be discovered which have diagnostic value (in persons addicted to drugs and alcohol, with passive homosexual behavior, prone to sexual aggression and so on).

A tattoo (a permanent exogenous pigmentation) is understood as a deliberate artificial violation of the integrity of the skin with the help of stabbing and cutting instruments with subsequent injection of dyeing substances into the wound surface in order to obtain a permanent, indelible image, regardless of whether the pattern consists of an image of some ornament, object or words, letters, numbers, dots.

The following groups of tattoos are distinguished:

  • demonstrative-protesting content;
  • aggressive-threatening content;
  • religious content;
  • Decorative and decorative content;
  • sexual deviations and perversions;
  • detention center status;
  • hedonistic orientation.

A tattooed symbol, drawing, etc. - is a tangible, sensually perceived sign, conventionally referring to the designated object, image, phenomenon to be perceived directly by those for whom it is intended. A tattoo serves for nonverbal (wordless) transmission of an individual's thoughts, social attitudes and value orientations.

Autotattooing (self-tattooing) is rare. As a rule, primitive tattoos are mostly found on the left side of the body (if the person is right-handed), higher-quality ones made by someone on the right. Usually tattooing is presented to others who know how to do it and who are paid for it.

Currently, all available tattoos can be divided into the following types:

  1. An attempt at primitive self-affirmation of the individual and his value orientations;
  2. Related to a certain occupation or event, individually significant for the subject (service in the army, the navy, the place of birth, love, etc. );
  3. Related to a criminal past or a desire to emulate a given group.

These types can intertwine with each other to some extent characterizing the stages of personality development.

Examples of primitive self-affirmation are noted even in the pre-adolescent period. Inscription of initials, either one's own or of the person to whom the subject feels affection or sympathy, more often initials or the name of the girl he or she likes. Also common is an image on the fingers of one's own year of birth, with a characteristic question instead of the last digit. Less common are digital images that characterize not only a particular time, but are also a cryptogram of the name and surname - "96" (Alexander Ivanov).

Tattoos associated with significant events in the subject's life reflect characteristic attributes inherent in a given profession or locality, as a rule, there is a signature underneath the graphic image (a parachute symbolizes "Airborne Forces", mountains - "Caucasus", an anchor - "Odessa").

Speaking of specific artificial dermatography in drug addicts, in general it is necessary to say that almost all drug addicts and substance abusers have behavioral disorders. This is facilitated by difficult intrafamilial relationships, lack of parental care and the formation of interests in the child, which leads to a violation of the correct physical and mental development.

Severe consequences of this in the form of asocial behavior are inevitable: avoidance of studies, unwillingness to work, fighting, petty theft, running away from home, vagrancy, as well as cases of delinquency. Drug and substance addiction develops first and foremost in people with an unstable psyche, with the phenomena of psychopathy, and in infantile personalities. Social and psychological factors play an important role: the influence of companies, curiosity, personal indiscipline, an unfavorable family environment, and personal experiences. Addicts actively look for like-minded people, unite in groups, forming the whole system of relations, contacts ties.

Hence, the symbolism of tattoos and their location can be quite convincing evidence in favor of long-term drug addiction, identification of a tattoo bearer with a particular antisocial group, talk about the choice of the preferred drug, place and method of administration, experienced (desired) sensations. In addition, these plots are a kind of identification mark (criminal jargon - "to show a portachka"), allowing contacts for the purchase of drugs.

As a rule, the image has 2 elements (axial and additional), for example: a poppy - options: a poppy with a snake, a gnome, barbed wire, a tear; a syringe - options: a syringe with cards, a bottle, female figures, barbed wire, a butterfly.

Common symbols of drug use include an image of a skull pierced by a dagger or syringe, as well as a skull with a snake crawling out of its eye socket, the signature L. O. N. (love the drug society), etc.

A variety of images of a flower or a box of poppies with the use of opiates (poppy straw, "koknar"). The following subjects are not uncommon: a poppy flower wrapped in a snake; a poppy with a stem represented by an injection needle; a poppy flower wrapped in barbed wire, a poppy head with a drop of juice flowing out. This also includes images of a dwarf or an old woman holding flowers or poppy heads, 9. 9. 9. - The most pure chemical opiate.

The image of an elderly person can be interpreted as an image of a person who grows opium poppies for sale.

Persons who use hashish (hashish) have a different symbolism: an image of a crescent in combination with three four-pointed stars ("zones", multi-figure compositions on "oriental" themes: a man smoking a hookah surrounded by dancers; a gin flying out of a jug. These same subjects also have images of spiders sitting on spider webs; on the fingers of the hands are rings with "stones" in the form of spiders and black crosses. The image of spiders sitting on a spider's web speaks of the depth of addiction to the drug ("got stuck", "got tangled").

Similar tattoos can be found of thieves "pluckers" mean fidgetiness, dexterity, dodginess. The image of a spider, the body of which is represented by a skull, means murder for selfish purposes ("he combs everything under himself"). The image of a spider on the palm is quite rare and means that its bearer uses hashish cigarettes (the spider moves its paws and collects the crumbs of "married" tobacco when hammering a cigarette). Rare tattoos include those found in addicts abroad 13 - the number of marijuana, the statue of liberty, holding a syringe instead of a torch.

Drug abuse is reflected in the image of a "ring", the "stone" of which is represented by a light circle divided into three sectors, or a crescent with the letter "H" - "noxirone pill". The common use of drugs is a ring with a stone in the form of a white cross. A possible explanation: 1) the white color is most often associated with medicine; 2) the most frequent color of tableted drugs.

The preferred method of administering a narcotic drug is usually associated with the image of a syringe, which can be combined with female figures, barbed wire, with butterfly wings (narcotic analgesics - promedol, omnopon, fentanyl, morphine, cocktail "Jeff" and ephedrine). This also includes images of injection needles pointed into a vein, images of a circle with an arrow ("shaft", "well" - criminal slang) at the top of the flexor surface of the forearm, several points along the course of a vein to inject a drug mixture without putting on a tourniquet (trace).

Reflecting the desired state in drug intoxication are themes associated with the image of a syringe with butterfly wings (lightness, euphoria), a gin leaving a jug (Spirit, escaping into the wild).

The most common tattoos are applied to the hand, forearm, chest, thigh, less often to the neck, palm, and interdigital spaces. Tattoos applied in the area of the elbow flexors can be represented not only by a drawing, but also by inscriptions, and often have a functional purpose - to hide traces of injection.

Alcoholic tattoos are somewhat less common. Most often the core component of the drawing is a bottle in combination with other accessories of "free life" and the inscription "That's what ruins us". It is also possible to meet the image of a devil sitting on a moon sickle with a bottle or shot glass and the inscription "And we won't be lost on the moon either", even more rarely there is the signature "esperal" and the year of implantation.

There is a large number of inscriptions made in the form of cryptograms. Some reflect a concept in the traditional sense, while others have a "meaningless" set of letters. It is possible to divide the abbreviation into 2 large groups:

  1. Semantic symbolism (flora and fauna, religious, nicknames, status, spatial and geographical, negative, mixed);
  2. Simple iconic (alphabetic, iconic, numeric).

As a rule, the subject gives an explanation that the name of an animal (leopard, lion, elephant, cat, etc. ) is made out of a desire to resemble it and possess certain qualities (leopard - speed, reaction; lion - strength; elephant - power; cat - cunning, etc. ).

When the examinee is caught in a lie, he tells another "legend" about "unhappy love" (elephant - Heart Loves One Forever) and his tattoo is made in memory of it. If, however, the doctor or examiner insists on a sincere answer, the examinee can tell the true meaning of the tattoos.

For example:


a. love, even if she cheats (falsely ); b. legends e. crush, exterminate (true ).


a) The Legends will avenge the native children (pl. ); b) I love very frisky girls (false ) c) The Legends will give the donkeys work (pl. ) d) Love the father of native children (false )


a) I will avenge everything on the cops (True) b) Here lies the father (False)

4. ACE

(a) The prison teaches the law (pl. ) b) the prison is already familiar (false )

(Abbreviations used: true, false. - false; in persons with homosexual behavior abbreviations may occur - H/S (made either fraudulently or in mockery))

Studies of juvenile delinquents show that the bulk of them were a group of epileptoid and epileptoid unstable personalities.

It is individuals with this type of personality who are most susceptible to antisocial behavior. If the former due to rigidity and stenicity of attitudes, strained relationship with the surrounding social environment, the latter, by virtue of imitation antisocial deeds, as well as lack of internal control and self-discipline.

The predominance of these personality types in the criminal world is associated with both personality traits and character traits formed in the conditions of imprisonment.

Shift in value orientations, constant internal readiness to protect physical and moral "I" leads to aggressive and antisocial forms of behavior, which is a compensatory mechanism supporting this pathological homeostasis. In other words, there is an artificial epilepticization of the personality. Being in freedom, these people extrapolate stereotypes of behavior and interpersonal relationships formed in prison, which inevitably leads to asocial actions.

The third group, comprising potential offenders, are conformist individuals. Finding themselves in an asocial environment, they willingly follow the installation to be like everyone else. "Artificial epileptoidization" in the form of amalgam covers the structure of the personality and the longer the contact with the criminal world, the greater the probability of its deformation, the more pronounced is the "camp patina".

There are features of quantitative qualitative characteristics of tattoos in different psychological types.

1) Epileptoid accentuants and psychopaths. (excitable circle). These adolescents have elaborate drawings with a predominance of threatening meanings (a tiger in an aggressive pose, a skull with crossed bones, etc. ), more often on the hands and forearms, less often on the hips and feet. On the chest and back there are often tattoos with multi-figure compositions, of large size. There are many tattoos of decorative and decorative nature (mermaids, naked girls, female faces, ornaments).

2) Persons with accentuation (psychopathy) of the excitable-unstable circle. Have tattoos of a demonstrative-protest character ("fascist swastika", zone sign, certain abbreviations). Very often the tattoo may not correspond to the status in the zone and the criminal article, and is of a self-affirming nature. This was due to the prevailing desire of the teenager to look "cooler" and more asocial than other inmates. Hedonistic tattoos (desire for pleasure, risk, sometimes at any cost, etc.) were also common. The most common were images of maps, women's faces, bottles, etc. ).

3) Individuals with a conformist personality type. They tattoo most often in imitation of criminal elements. They have a generally accepted symbolism of "the zone sign" (five dots on a domino) and primitive attributes of the "freedom" notion (a torch with barbed wire, the Statue of Liberty, "Spartacus").

4) Individuals with intellectual deficiencies or immaturity. Often have blatantly obscene inscriptions; primitive abbreviated tattoos of proper names, made, as a rule, out of imitation; less often there are images and words on the eyelids "don't wake up", on the penis ("bum for the ladies"). Such tattoos are associated with poor integration of the personality, complete disregard for moral and ethical norms of social behavior, weakened inhibitory processes in the brain, regressive synthronicity in the form of sexual permissiveness.

5) Schizophrenic patients may have tattoos of abstract content, often just a meaningless set of letters and symbols whose meaning they cannot clearly explain.

6) Unstable-labile personalities more often have names of those to whom they are attached or a "brothers" tattoo - on the thumb of one adolescent the first half of the word, in another - the second; demonstrative attachment to the parental home, memory of a deceased parent, names of those for whom they felt sympathy or affection.

The appearance of a tattoo on a teenager's body, especially if it concerns a graphic or alphabetic image on a closed part of the body, in our opinion, is one of the first symptoms of the transition from deviant to delinquent behaviors. If a tattoo has criminal content, we can assume that an adolescent (adult) who was previously incarcerated in a place of detention and brought the "spirit of blatnoy romance" into the group has appeared in the teenage environment.

Accordingly, the group itself becomes asocial (disregarding the social conventional norms of behavior), asocial (denying the moral and ethical principles of society). At first glance, simple imitation has a rather serious psychological background: first, it is a transformation and perversion of a person's value orientations toward a parasitic or hedonistic lifestyle; second, it is an attempt to assert oneself through asocial actions or including oneself in an antisocial group; third, it is a demonstration of teenage protest reaction against social norms of behavior.

In this way, the adolescent is trying to create an image of a person whose behavior would correspond to the tattoo.

Mehendi - oriental jewelry

Many members of the weaker sex look with admiration at the beautiful ethnic patterns, applied to various parts of the body in oriental women. Create such an image, called in the practice of mendi or mehendi, you can create yourself. To do this, you should know how to make a henna tattoo at home.

In order for such a tattoo to last longer, you need to properly dilute the dye. Henna will give your skin a reddish or brownish hue. If you want the drawing to be darker, add a little basma. Also note that it is better to dilute henna with freshly squeezed lemon juice, not water.

Materials needed:

  • henna powder;
  • granulated sugar
  • fresh lemon juice - ¼ tbsp;
  • syringe or cone-shaped bag;
  • stencil blank.

Step by step description of the process:

  1. When creating mehendi, it is the preparation of the dye that takes most of the time.
  2. So, let's prepare all the necessary materials.


  3. In a separate bowl, sift 1 tbsp of henna and dilute it with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  4. The consistency of the mixture should resemble a puree.
  5. We pack the coloring substance in a plastic bag and leave it in a warm place for 12 hours.
  6. Then add granulated sugar and, if desired, 1 tsp. of any essential oil extract.
  7. Gradually add more freshly squeezed lemon juice. The finished coloring agent should resemble toothpaste in its texture.
  8. Now draw a stencil. You can also use a ready-made translator.


  9. We transfer the stencil on the selected area of the skin and fix it with masking tape so that the paint does not flow.
  10. Pour the paint into a cone-shaped bag or a syringe and apply it into the holes of the stencil.
  11. Carefully remove the stencil from your hand.
  12. The drying time of mehendi takes from 2 to 6 hours.
  13. Periodically the drawing can be moistened with a mixture of lemon juice and essential oil extract.
  14. At first, the mehendi will have a bright hue, but will darken as it dries.


Permanent tattoos

The peoples of different countries used a variety of natural mineral compounds that could easily be found in the territory where they lived.

Soot, ochre, coal, gunpowder mixtures, and henna were used. That is all natural and that is a big plus.

For a permanent tattoo using professional chemical paints of industrial production.

Debugging the tattoo machine

One production of tattoo machine with his hands not enough - its mechanisms should be adjusted so that the device worked without failure. Practice shows that there are some regularities that should be kept in mind. If you eliminate the small inconsistencies, you will facilitate your work.

String out - is one of the biggest problems. The string can bump into the spout of the handle (or whatever you used instead) and pop out of the fixture. Adjust it so that when the string on the platter is at its rearmost position, its sharpened end only comes out of the body by about 0.5 mm.

Adjusting operation

The height at which the motor is seated The height at which the motor is seated is also important. Here you can use a piece of tubing from an ordinary ball rod, which will bend the string closer to the roller. It looks like a nipple system, but it will greatly reduce the number of sprays due to the weak attachment of the string.

Also, when you first dip the spout into the paint, all the air may not come out. This can cause a foamy droplet on the spout - it would seem that there is a stock of paint, but there is nothing left on the skin. The solution: blot the hole on the spout with a rag (where an air bubble was formed) and dip it in the paint again.

This tattoo machine is 3D printed
This tattoo machine is 3D-printed

Tips for those who have decided to get a tattoo by themselves

Some smart tips from those who have already been down this road:

  • For the first time, choose a place for the drawing in such a place that the artisanally made tattoo in case of failure could be covered up.
  • Don't get hung up on fancy designs.
  • Before getting a tattoo on your arm, practice on artificial skin.
  • Use black paint (cheap colored ones often cause allergic reactions).
  • Google how our skin works.
  • Carefully study all contraindications to tattoos.
  • Never use used needles (tips).
  • Do not take alcohol "for courage", it will provoke bleeding.
  • In no case to wrap up a bandage with a tattoo right after the procedure. It will stick, the pattern will be disfigured.
  • For first aid, prepare a hemostatic cloth soaked in a 1% aqueous solution of feracryl with a styptic effect.
  • If there is no certainty that everything will work out, it is better to limit yourself to a transfer tattoo.

You should not get a tattoo for the sake of self-assertion in front of your friends ("how weak are you?"). It is better to stay away from manipulative people. If you want to have a quality tattoo, you should go to a salon, find out the price and adjust your budget to set aside money for the desired pattern.

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How to process a string of homemade tattoo machine?

It is unlikely that you can find an intelligible description on the Internet of how to process a guitar string. But this step is one of the most important ones! If it is not done correctly, the string will not strike as well, it will hurt more, and it will spoil the clarity of the fine lines. That is why we will tell you about the processing of the string as much as possible in detail.

The string needs to be pre-treated
The string must be pre-treated

So, take the string and roughly mark how long you need. For example, one end of the string take the pliers, and the other slightly pull the hand. Where the string will have a sharp tip (try to choose a place close to the pliers to save consumables), bring a lighter and heat (this will require another hand, so you can't do without an assistant). The string should be taut. The string will first become red-hot in the heated area, and then will thin and burst.

Initially, all strings are elastic, so they do not hold a straight shape. To "talk" it down, heat it up once. After measuring the required length, bend the string with pliers. Bend the end that will be attached to the motor with an "L" (do not overdo with the length, otherwise it will cling when the machine works).

The end of the string is attached to the motor
The end of the string is attached to the motor

In the severe prison (or army) tattoo-machines, the string is sharpened on everything, that is at hand: at first, on "nullivku", then on a matchbox, and in the end - on glass (if something is absent, it can be crossed out from the list, but it will take more time to work). A much better option is a knife sharpening stone (when sharpening, the tip of the needle should be pressed with your finger). In this case, the shape can be any - cone-shaped, like a sewing needle, or flat, like a "spatula", beating in one plane a thin line, and perpendicularly - a wider one.

Another important point! The tip of the needle should be slightly bent so that it springs and hits the same point. If the tip is not bent, but left straight, then when it comes out of the machine, it will start hitting where it goes, and therefore even lines will be much more difficult to carry out.

Tattoo machine made by hand
Tattoo-machine made by the hands
After preparing the string, we recommend washing it with soap and water. Why not alcohol? The matter is that soap dissolves various biological substances, and Alcohol "burns" them to the metal surface.. Although it is better to combine both methods. If you can't have several strings at once, then torch the tip with a lighter. But note that the properties of the metal due to this deteriorate over time, it becomes quite brittle.


For women

For men