The ten-legged crustacean with a shortened abdomen is one of the favorite sea delicacies of our time. The population is not
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Tattoo is not just an art or a way of self-expression, it is a way of life and image
A snake and an eagle on his shoulder
In South Korea, the art of tattooing, like acupuncture, belongs to the category of medical procedures, so
Water lily and lotus tattoos are not the same thing at all. People who are distant
The wolf tattoo has a multifaceted, deep and contradictory meaning. In ancient times, the source of food was
Tattoo of wolves on the chest It is possible long and interesting to tell about the origin of the wolf tattoo. Where?
It is difficult to accurately establish the time when man began to decorate his body with various drawings. And
Since December 27, Russia will start a retrospective of anime of the most famous Japanese animator. In honor of the
Tattoo with the image of a killer whale is a symbol of wanderers. Orca is a symbol of abundance, prosperity, creativity, profit
Just a few decades ago in our country tattoos were done mostly by the military, by people who had been


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