Tattoo on the foot - where to place, how to care for, types, beautiful photos

The beautiful half of humanity has always sought beauty and self-improvement. Tattoo on the feet (feet) for girls - a great opportunity to get an original decoration, to express their individuality, and at the same time do not look provocative. However before going to the tattoo salon you should consider some peculiarities of the image and rules of care so as not to regret your decision afterwards.

The inscription on the foot girl

Where to place a tattoo on the foot

Tattoo can be placed in any part of the foot, there are no strict restrictions.

Location: On the top of the ankle. It is considered one of the best options, because the tattoo keeps brightness for a long time, and well holds the outline. An interesting option would be a paired tattoo (picture is divided into two parts and on each foot depicts one of these elements, and when put together we get a full image or one part is depicted on your leg, and another on the leg of the partner and also when combined we get a full image).

On the sole. For such a tattoo will not take every master. Because there are very often worn and trampled skin, the tattoo quickly loses its appearance, the skin is quickly replaced with a new one. And many are afraid of being tickled, it is possible to damage not only themselves, but also the master.

A very common variant of placement is the side of the foot. In this place, any variant will look aesthetically pleasing and harmonious.

A lot of examples can be found on the Internet. You can ask your master tattooist to develop an individual sketch, taking into account all your requirements.

Place of application

A girl who decided to decorate her legs with a tattoo should decide not only with the pattern, but also the place where it will be located.

The ideal area for the application of erotic images will be the thigh. Such tattoos look great against the background of lace lingerie and, if necessary, can be hidden under clothing. The figure on the thigh may be self-contained or as part of a composition with the tattoo on the lower abdomen.

Applying a tattoo on the lower leg is quite painful, because there is little soft tissue. Performing a tattoo on the calf is less painful. Gentle can be called a variant where the pattern runs from the ankle up the calf or wraps around the lower leg.

The tattoo, applied on the lower or lateral part of the foot, looks very piquant. However, here the drawing is constantly in close contact with the shoes and quickly wipes off. Therefore, this tattoo option will suit you only if you are ready to renew it often.

The process of performing a tattoo on the instep of the foot will also give you a lot of unpleasant feelings, because here there are no soft tissues. In addition, in the warm season, you may have difficulties with the choice of shoes, as in some models, the picture may be partially hidden.

On the ankle can be applied a miniature drawing, as there is no free space for the application of a large tattoo. A good option is a pattern that flows smoothly from the base of the foot.

Tattoo in the area of the foot is better to do in the warm season, when you can wear the most open shoes, which will not traumatize the healing wound.

What you have to deal with

The foot has a small surface, so it is difficult to fit a large drawing on it. But it is possible very beautiful execution when the tattoo grows from the foot to the shin, then goes higher and higher and reaches the knee, this option can continue up to the hip. Beautiful looks on the female body smooth lines, which emphasize the beauty of her figure.

Doing a tattoo in this place it is necessary to remember that it will attract attention and you will certainly catch curious glances at your legs, so you should take care of their grooming and beauty.

Painful feelings. The skin on this place is very thin, it has almost no fat layer, which makes the nerve endings more accessible. Therefore, the painful sensations may be present, but for the sake of beauty, you can suffer a little.

Care for the tattoo on the foot

Tattooing in this area masters advise to do in the summer period because for some time wearing shoes will deliver discomfort. After the procedure for a couple of days it is recommended to wear open shoes, sandals, flip-flops and cotton socks. Wear comfortable shoes to which the foot is already used to and will not give you more discomfort.

It is better to exclude heels during this period. And if there is a need to wear closed shoes is to take care of his feet and wear two pairs of socks.

Those who live in hot areas, where the sun really is steaming, for the correction will have to go more often, because under the sun the tattoo can fade quickly.

Inscriptions for girls nalatyne (translation)

  • Abiens, abi! - Go away, go away!
  • Ad futarum memoriam - In long memory
  • Agnus Dei - Lamb of God
  • alis volat propriis - Flying on its own wings
  • Amor patriae - Love for the Motherland
  • Arrectis auribus - Ears on my head
  • Ars amandi - The art of love
  • Ars sacra - Sacred art
  • Aut Caesar, aut nihil
  • Aut cum scuto, aut in scuto
  • Carpe diem, live in the present.
  • Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero Enjoy the moment, never trust the future.
  • Carthago delenda est - Carthage must be destroyed
  • Cogito ergo sum - I think, therefore I exist
  • Cognosce te ipsum! - Know thyself!
  • Concentia mille testes. - Conscience is a thousand witnesses.
  • Contra spem spero - Without hope.
  • Dicere non audeamus - Have the courage to say no.
  • Dictum factum, said is done.
  • Dum spiri, spero. - As long as I breathe, I hope!
  • Dum spiro, amo atque credo - As long as I breathe, I love and believe.
  • Ejusdem farinae - Of one dough.
  • Faber est suae quisque fortunae - Everyone is the smith of his own destiny.
  • Factum est factam - What is done is done (a fact is a fact).
  • Feminae naturam regere desperare est otium - When you think of humbling a woman's temper, say goodbye to peace!
  • Gloria victoribus-Honor to the victors.
  • Gustus legibus non subiacet - Taste is not subject to laws.
  • Hic sunt dracones. There are dragons here.
  • Hic sunt leones - There are lions here.
  • Homo homini lupus est - Man is a wolf to man.
  • Homo hominis amicus est - Man is a friend to man.
  • Homo liber - A free man.
  • Imago animi vultus est - The face is the mirror of the soul.
  • Imperare sibi maximum imperium est - Authority over oneself is the highest authority.
  • In Daemon Deus! - In Daemon God!
  • In dubio abstine - In doubt abstain.
  • In hac spe vivo - This hope I live by.
  • Injuria solvit amorem. - Love teaches offense.
  • Injuriam facilius facias guam feras - It is easy to offend, harder to endure.
  • Inter arma silent Musae - When guns talk, muses are silent
  • Irreparabilium iprepara rabilium felix oblivio rerum - Happy is he who cannot regret the impossible
  • Juravi lingua, mentem injuratam gero - I swore by tongue, but not by thought.
  • Lassata viris necdum satiata recessit- Gone, weary of men, but still unsatisfied
  • Magna res est amor-Great deed is love.
  • Malo mori quam foedari - Better death than dishonor.
  • Meliora spero - Hope for the best
  • Nomen est omen - A name is a sign.
  • Non progredi est regredi - Not to go forward is to go backward.
  • Non quae libri vita docet - Life teaches you things you don't read about in books.
  • nosce te ipsum - Know thyself
  • Nunc et semper te valde amabo - Now and always very much I love you
  • Odi et amo - Hate and love
  • Qui estis - Be what you are.
  • Qui sine peccato est - Who is without sin.
  • Quod licet Jovi, non licet bovi - What is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to bull.
  • Scio me multa nescere. - I know that I do not know much. (Socrates)
  • Si vis amari, ama - If you want to be loved, love.
  • Sine amore, nihil est vita - Life is meaningless without love.
  • Summum bonum - The highest bliss
  • Te amo est verum - I love you is the truth
  • Tecum vivere amem, tecum obeam libens - I want to live and die with you.
  • Ubi bene, ibi patria - Where it's good, there's home
  • Ubi concordia, ibi victoria - Where there is concord, there is victory.
  • Ubi mel, ibi apes - Where there's honey, there's bees.
  • Vale et me ama - Farewell and love me.
  • Veni, vidi, vici - I came, I saw, I conquered.
  • Viam supervadet vadens - The road is for those who walk.
  • Vita brevis ars longa - Life is short, art lasts.
  • Vivere est agere - To live is to act.
  • Vivere est cogitare. To live is to think!

Interesting facts about the tattoo on the foot

If you've made up your mind, get ready:

  • Yes, it will hurt, but not as much as you think.
  • Not all tattoo artists enjoy getting tiny tattoos.
  • Decide who you're getting a tattoo for. For yourself or for those around you.
  • Choose a good placement of the picture.
  • Avoid scorching rays.
  • Wear cling film.
  • You will need to change your shoes for the first time.
  • You will be able to overcome the fear of wounds.
  • Over time, the tattoo will lose color. Correction is necessary.
  • In no case do not touch it until it has completely healed.
  • You will not become the same person.
  • Most likely you will want another and another, and then another.

Certainly doing a tattoo on the foot will have to deal with painful sensations. But those who already did, they say it was worth it.

Black and white images

Work done in black pigment is considered the basis of the classical tradition, because the earliest totem emblems of the ancients were dark. Modern black and white tattoos are characterized by a coded message, the deep meaning of which hides the symbol printed in a certain style (tribal, dotwork, blackwork). The main advantages of monochrome tattoos are the richness of the image and its durability compared to color drawings.

Tattoo on the foot for girls. Sketches, photos

The black and white duo combines two opposites - the magic of blackness with the light of the divine spirit. Sketches in this kind of coloring are stopped by individuals who want to stand out from the crowd, to declare themselves. Blackness bright coloring sets off the whiteness of the maiden's skin, it is clearly visible even on the foot.

For romantic girls is characterized by the choice of tattoos with chains or bracelets, which in an unusual way frame the ankle. Such a plot in black and white is often complemented by a feather, a cross, beads. Inscriptions, regardless of their content, are performed in black, so as not to distract attention from the essence of the phrase by its variegated color. Unusually look inscriptions in white ink, but on the foot they are faintly visible.


For women

For men